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萝莉 幻塔 南志标. 2017. 中国农区草业与食品安全酌量[M]. 北京:科学出书社

发布日期:2024-10-06 03:37    点击次数:53

萝莉 幻塔 南志标. 2017. 中国农区草业与食品安全酌量[M]. 北京:科学出书社


1)Ai D., Chu C., Ellwood M.D.F., Hou R., Wang G.*Migration and niche partitioning simultaneously increase species richness and rarity, Ecological Modelling, 2013, 258:33-39 (IF=2.055,生物区三区) 2.326

2)Ai D., Desjardins-Proulx P., Chu C., Wang G.*Immigration, local dispersal limitation, and the repeatability of community composition under neutral and niche dynamics, PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(9): e46164 ((IF=3.730,生物区二区) 3.730

3)Ai D., Gravel D., Chu C., Wang G.*Spatial structures of the environment and of dispersal impact species distribution in competitive metacommunity, PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(7): e68927 (IF=,生物区三区) 3.534

4)Bao A.K., Wang Y.W., Xi J.J., Liu C., Zhang J.L., Wang S.M.* Co-overexpression of xerophyteZygophyllum xanthoxylumZxNHX and ZxVP1-1 enhances salt and drought tolerance in transgenicLotus corniculatusby increasing cations accumulation. Functional Plant Biology, 2014, 41: 203-214. 3.145

5)Bao, G.S., Saikkonen, K., Wang, H.S., Zhou, L.Y., Chen, S.H., Li, C.J., Nan, Z.B.* Does endophyte symbiosis resist allelopathic effect of invasive plant in degraded grassland. Fungal Ecology, 2015, 17:114-125. (IF=2.929,生物三区)

6)Bao, G.S., Suetsugu, K., Wang, H.S., Yao, X., Liu, L., Ou, J., Li, C.J.* Effects of the hemiparasitic plantPedicularis kansuensison plant community structure in a degraded grassland. Ecological Research, 2015, 30:507-515. (IF2014=1.296,环境科学与生态学四区)

7)BING-BING LIU, BIN TIAN, HUI MA, ZHI-QIANG LU, QIANG QIU, KANG-SHAN MAO*Development and Characterization of EST-SSR Markers in Ostryopsis (Betulaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences,2014,2 ( 2 ): 1300062(IF=0.667,生物四区)

8)Bingbing Liu, Lars Opgenoorth, Georg Miehe, Dongyuan Zhang, Dongshi Wan, Changming Zhao, Dongrui Jia, Jianquan Liu*Molecular bases for parallel evolution of translucent bracts in an alpine “glasshouse” plant Rheum alexandrae (Polygonaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution,2013,51: 134-141(IF=1.488,生物四区)1.648

9)Bu Qing Yao,Jing Cao*, Chang Ming Zhao, Zed Rengel.Influence of ammonium and nitrate supply on growth, nitrate reductase activity and N-use efficiency in a natural hybrid pine and its parents. Journal of Plant Ecology. 2011, 4(4): 275-282. (IF=2.646,生物四区)

10)Buqing Yao, Jianming Deng, Jianquan Liu*Variations between Diploids and Tetraploids of Allium przewalskianum, an Important Vegetable and/or Condiment in the Himalayas. Chemistry & Biodiversity,2011,8: 686-691(IF=1.515,生物四区)1.804

11)Cai-Hua Zhang, Tao Ma, Wen-Chun Luo, Jian-Mei Xu, Jian-Quan Liu, Dong-Shi Wan*Identification of 4CL genes in desert poplars and their changes in expression in response to salt stress. Genes, 2015, 6, 901-917(IF=1.3,生物四区)1.151

12)Cao J, N. M. Holden†, Lu X.T.,Du G.Z*.The effect of grazing management on plant species richness on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Grass and Forage Science, 2012, 66:333–336.(IF=1.922,农林科学2区) 1.567

13)Cao J.J., Xiong Y.C.,Sun J.,Xiong W.F.,Du G.Z*. Differential Benefits of Multiand Single-Household Grassland Management Patterns in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau of China. Hum Ecol,2011, 39:217–227.(IF=1.096,环境4区)

14)Cao Jing*,Li Xianting,kong Xiaole,Rengel Zed,Dong Liping. Using alfalfa (Medicago sativa) to ameliorate salt-affected soils in Yingda irrigation district in Northwest China. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2012,32(2):68-73.

15)Carly Stevens*,Eric Lind, Yann Hautier, William Harpole, Elizabeth Borer, Sarah Hobbie, Eric Seabloom, Laura Ladwig, Jonathan Bakker,Chengjin Chu, Scott Collins, Kendi Davies, Jennifer Firn, Helmut Hillebrand, Kimberly La Pierre, Andrew MacDougall, Brett Melbourne, Rebecca McCulley, John Morgan, John Orrock, Suzanne Prober, Anita Risch, Martin Schuetz & Peter Wragg. Anthropogenic nitrogen deposition predicts local grassland primary production worldwide.Ecology,2015,96: 1459-1465. (IF4.656,环境科学与生态学二区,top期刊)

16)Chen LT, Flynn DFB, Zhang XW, Gao XL, Lin L, Luo J, Zhao CM*Divergent patterns of foliar δ13C and δ15N in Quercus aquifolioides with an altitudinal transect on the Tibetan Plateau: an integrated study based on multiple key. Journal of Plant Ecology,2015,8 (3): 303-312(IF=2.646,生物四区)

17)Chen Siyu, Liang Tiangang*, Xie Hongjie, Feng Qisheng, Huang Xiaodong, Yu Hui. Interrelation among climate factors, snow cover, grassland vegetation, and lake in the Nam Co basin of the Tibetan Plateau, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2014, 8(1):084694.(IF=1.18,地舆四区)1.183

18)Chen, J., Li, Y., Yang, L.Q., Li, Y.Z., Nan, Z.B.,* Gao, K.* Biological activities of flavonoids from pathogenic-infectedAstragalus adsurgens. Food Chemistry, 2012, 131:546-551. (IF2011=3.655,工程手艺二区) 3.334

19)Chen, L., Li, X.Z., Li, C.J., Swoboda, G.A., Young, C.A., Sugawara, K., Leuchtmann, A., Schardl, C.L.* Two distinctEpichloëspecies symbiotic withAchnatherum inebrians, drunken horse grass. Mycologia. 2015, 107: 863-873. (IF2014=2.471,生物二区)

20)Chen, X.J. Yan, T. Development of enteric methane emission factors for Holstein-Friesian and Norwegian first lactation cows. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A — Animal Science, 2015,65(3-4): 127-131.

21)Cui Xia, Guo Zhenggang, Liang Tiangang*, Shen Yuying, Liu Xingyuan, Liu Yong. Classification management for grassland using MODIS data: a case study in the Gannan region. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2012, 33(10): 3156-3175.(IF=1.652,地舆三区,被引7次)1.138

22)Cui, X., Guo, Z.G.*, Liang, T.G., Shen, Y.Y., Liu, X.Y., Liu, Y. Classification management for grassland using MODIS data: a case study in the Gannan region, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2012,33:3156-3175.(IF2014=1.652,工程手艺三区) 1.138

23)Deng Jie, Huang Xiaodong*, Feng Qisheng, Ma Xiaofang, Liang Tiangang. Toward improved daily cloud-free fractional snow cover mapping with multi-source remote sensing data in China. Remote Sensing, 2015, 7, 6986-7006.(IF=3.18,地舆二区)

24)Deng, J.M., Zuo, W.Y., Wang, Z.Q., Fan,Z.X., Wang, G.X., Ran, J.Z., Zhao,C.M., Liu, J.Q., Niklas, K.J., Hammond,S.T. and Brown,J.H. 2012. Insights into plant size-density relationships from models and agricultural crops. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 109: 8600-8605.(IF=9.674,生物一区)

25)Deng,J.M., Ran,J.Z., Wang,Z.Q., Fan,Z.X., Wang, G.X., Ji,M.F., Liu, J., Wang,Y., Liu, J.Q. and Brown,J.H. 2012. Models and tests of optimal density and maximal yield for crop plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA.109: 15823–15828.(IF=9.674,生物一区)

26)Di H.Y., Duan Z., Luo K., Zhang D.Y., Wu F., Zhang J.Y.*, Liu W.X., Wang Y.R.Interspecific phylogenic relationships within genusMelilotusbased on nuclear and chloroplast DNA,PLoS ONE, 2015,10(7): e0132596.(IF=3.234,生物三区)

27)Ding L.M.*, Chen J.Q., Long R.J., Gibb M.J., Wang L., Sang C., Mi J.D., Zhou J.W., Liu P.P., Shang Z.H., Guo X.S., Qiu Q., Marquardt S. Blood hormonal and metabolite levels in grazing yak steers undergoing compensatory growth. Animal Feed science and Technology, 2015, 209:30-39. (IF=1.997,农林科学二区)

28)Ding L.M., Lascano G.J., Heinrichs A.J.* Effect of precision feeding high- and low-quality forage with different rumen protein degradability levels on nutrient utilization by dairy heifers. Journal of Animal Science, 2015, 93:3066-3075.(IF=2.108,农林科学二区)

29)Ding L.M., Wang Y.P., Brosh A., Chen J.Q., Gibb M.J., Shang Z.H., Guo X.S., Mi J.D., Zhou J.W., Wang H.C., Qiu Q., Long RJ*. Seasonal heat production and energy balance of grazing yaks on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2015, 198:83-93. (IF=1.997,农林科学二区)

30)Ding L.M., Wang Y.P., Kreuzer M., Guo X.S., Mi J.D., Gou Y.J., Shang Z.H., Zhang Y., Zhou J.W., Wang H.C., Long R.J.* Seasonal variations in the fatty acid profile of milk from yaks grazing on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Journal of Dairy Research, 2013, 80(4):410-417. (IF=1.598,农林科学三区) 1.394

31)Ding. WR, RJ. Long, and X.S. Guo*. 2013. Effects of plant enzyme inactivation and sterilization on lipolysis and proteolysis in alfalfa silage. Journal of Dairy Science 96 (4), 2536-2543 (IF2012=2.566;SCI一区). 2.550

32)Dong-Rui Jia, Richard J. Abbott, Teng-Liang Liu, Kang-Shan Mao, Igor V.Bartish, Jian-Quan Liu*Out of the QinghaiTibet Plateau: evidence for the origin and dispersal of Eurasian temperate plants from a phylogeographic study of Hippopha rhamnoides. New Phytologist, 2012,194:1123-1133(IF=7.672,生物二区)6.736

33)Dongrui Jia, Tengliang Liu, Liuyang Wang, Dangwei Zhou, Jianquan Liu*Evolutionary history of an alpine shrub Hippophae tibetana (Elaeagnaceae): allopatric divergence and regional expansion. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society,2011,102: 37-50(IF=2.264,生物三区)2.193

34)Dongshi Wan, Sun YS, Zhang X, Bai XT, Wang J, Wang AL, Richard M Multiple ITS copies reveal extensive hybridization within Rheum (Polygonaceae), a genus that has undergone rapid radiation. PLoS ONE,2014,DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0089769(IF=3.234,生物三区)

35)Du G.F., Cai Q.L., Zhao L., Wei H.X., Wang J., Wang X.Y., Guo G.S., Pu Q.S.* In-channel tuning of hydrophilicity and surface charge of cyclic olefin copolymer microchips by UV-induced graft polymerization and its application in lab-on-a-chip devices. Chemical Engineering Journal,2012, (195-196): 132–139. (IF= 4.058,工程手艺二区) 3.473

36)Du Y.L., Wang Z.Y., Fan J.W., Turner N.C., Wang T., Li F.M*. β-Aminobutyric acid increases abscisic acid accumulation and desiccation tolerance and decreases water use but fails to improve grain yield in two spring wheat cultivars under soil drying. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2012, 63(13): 4849-4860. (IF=5.526,生物二区) 5.242

37)Du Y-L, Wang ZY, Fan JW, Turner NC, He J, Wang T. and Li F-M*. Exogenous abscisic acid reduces water loss and improves antioxidant defense, desiccation tolerance and transpiration efficiency in two spring wheat cultivars subjected to a soil water deficit. Functional Plant Biology, 2013, 40(5) 494-506. (IF=3.145,生物三区) 2.569

38)Duan H.R., Ma Q., Zhang J.L., Hu J., Bao A.K., Wei L., Wang Q., Luan S., Wang S.M.* The inward-rectifying K+channel SsAKT1 is a candidate involved in K+uptake in the halophyteSuaeda salsaunder saline condition. Plant and Soil, 2015, 395(1): 173-187. 2.952

39)Duan Z., Zhang D.Y., Zhang J.Q., Di H.Y., Wu F., Hu X.W., Meng X.C., Luo K., Zhang J.Y.*, Wang Y.R. Co-transformingbarandCsALDHgenes enhanced resistance to herbicide and drought and salt stress in transgenic alfalfa (Medicago sativaL.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6: 1115. (IF=3.948,生物三区) 4.004

40)Duan, T.Y., Facellie, E., Smith, S., Smith, F., Nan, Z.B.* Differential effects of soil disturbance and plant residue retention on function of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis are not reflected in colonization of roots or hyphal development in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2011, 43:571-578. (IF2011=3.504,泥土科学一区)

41)Elizabeth T. Borer*,Eric W. Seabloom, Daniel S. Gruner, W. Stanley Harpole, Helmut Hillebrand, Eric M. Lind,Peter B. Adler,Juan Alberti, T. Michael Anderson, Jonathan D. Bakker,Lori Biederman,Dana Blumenthal,Cynthia S. Brown,Lars A. Brudvig,Yvonne M. Buckley,Marc Cadotte,Chengjin Chu, Elsa E. Cleland, Michael J. Crawley, Pedro Daleo, Ellen I. Damschen, Kendi F. Davies, Nicole M. DeCrappeo, Guozhen Du, Jennifer Firn, Yann Hautier, Robert W. Heckman, Andy Hector, Janneke HilleRisLambers, Oscar Iribarne, Julia A. Klein, Johannes M. H. Knops, Kimberly J. La Pierre, Andrew D. B. Leakey, Wei Li, Andrew S. MacDougall, Rebecca L. McCulley, Brett A. Melbourne, Charles E. Mitchell, Joslin L. Moore, Brent Mortensen, Lydia R. O'Halloran, John L. Orrock, Jesús Pascual, Suzanne M. Prober, David A. Pyke, Anita C. Risch, Martin Schuetz, Melinda D. Smith, Carly J. Stevens, Lauren L. Sullivan, Ryan J. Williams, Peter D. Wragg, Justin P. Wright & Louie H. Yang. Herbivores and nutrient control grassland plant diversity via light limitation.Nature,2014,508: 517-520.(IF=41.456,概括一区,top期刊)

42)Eric W. Seabloom*, Elizabeth T. Borer, Yvonne Buckley, Elsa E. Cleland, Kendi Davies, Jennifer Firn, W. Stanley Harpole, Yann Hautier, Eric Lind, Andrew MacDougall, John L. Orrock, Suzanne M. Prober, Peter Adler, Juan Alberti, T. Michael Anderson, Jonathan D. Bakker, Lori A. Biederman, Dana Blumenthal, Cynthia S. Brown, Lars A. Brudvig, Maria Caldeira,Chengjin Chu, Michael J. Crawley, Pedro Daleo, Ellen I. Damschen, Carla M. D'Antonio, Nicole M. DeCrappeo, Chris R. Dickman, Guozhen Du, Philip A. Fay, Paul Frater, Daniel S. Gruner, Nicole Hagenah, Andrew Hector, Aveliina Helm, Helmut Hillebrand, Kirsten S. Hofmockel, Hope C. Humphries, Oscar Iribarne, Virginia L. Jin, Adam Kay, Kevin P. Kirkman, Julia A. Klein, Johannes M. H. Knops, Kimberly J. La Pierre, Laura M. Ladwig, John G. Lambrinos, Andrew D. B. Leakey, Qi Li, Wei Li, Rebecca McCulley, Brett Melbourne, Charles E. Mitchell, Joslin L. Moore, John Morgan, Brent Mortensen, Lydia R. O'Halloran, Meelis Pärtel, Jesús Pascual, David A. Pyke, Anita C. Risch, Roberto Salguero-Gómez, Mahesh Sankaran, Martin Schuetz, Anna Simonsen, Melinda Smith, Carly Stevens, Lauren Sullivan, Glenda M. Wardle, Elizabeth M. Wolkovich, Peter D. Wragg, Justin Wright & Louie Yang. Predicting invasion in grassland ecosystems: is exotic dominance the real embarrassment of richness?Global Change Biology,2013, 19: 3677-3687. (IF=8.044,环境科学与生态学一区,top期刊)8.224

43)Facelli, E.,* Duan T.Y., Smith S.E. Opening the black box: outcomes of interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and non-host genotypes of Medicago depend on fungal identity, interplay between P uptake pathways and external P supply. Plant, Cell and Environment, 2014, 37(6):1382-1392. (IF2013=5.906,植物科学二区) 6.96

44)Fan J.W., Du Y.L., Turner N.C., Li F.M.*, He J. Germination characteristics and seedling emergence of switchgrass with different agricultural practices under arid Conditions in China. Crop Science, 2012, 52(5): 2341-2350. ( IF=1.575,农林科学三区) 1.513

45)Fan J.W., Du Y.L., Turner N.C., Wang B.R., Fang Y., Xi Y., Guo X.R., Li F.M*. Changes in root morphology and physiology to limited phosphorus and moisture in a locally- selected cultivar and an introduced cultivar of Medicago sativa L. growing in alkaline soil. Plant and Soil, 2015, 392(1): 215-226. ( IF=2.952,农林科学一区)

46)Fan, Y.B., Wang, C.G., Nan, Z.B. Comparative evaluation of crop water use efficiency, economicanalysis and net household profit simulation in arid Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management. 2014, 146:335-345. (农林2区,IF2013=2.333)

47)Fang K. Du, Xiao Li Peng, Jian Quan Liu*, Martin Lascoux, Feng Sheng Hu, Rémy J. Petit. Direction and extent of organelle DNA introgression between two spruce species in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. New Phytologist,2011,192(4):1024-33(IF=7.672,生物二区)6.645

48)Fang X.W. *, Turner N.C., Palta J.A., Yu M.X., Gao T.P., Li F.M. The distribution of four Caragana species is related to their differential responses to drought stress. Plant Ecology, 2014, 215: 133-142. ( IF=1.463,环境科学与生态学四区)

49)Fang X.W.*, Turner N.C., Li F.M., Li W.J., Guo X.S.Caragana korshinskiiseedlings maintain positive photosynthesis during short-term, severe drought stress. Photosynthetica, 2011, 49(4): 603-609. (IF= 1.409,生物四区)1.000

50)Fang X.W.*, Turner N.C., Li F.M., Siddique K.H.M. An early transient water deficit reduces flower number and pod production but increases seed size in chickpea (Cicer arietinumL). Crop and Pasture Science, 2011, 62(6): 481-487. ( IF=1.483,农林科学三区) 1.418

51)Fang X.W.*, Turner N.C., Xu D.H., Jin Y., He J., Li F.M. Limits to the height growth ofCaragana korshinskiiresprouts. Tree Physiology, 2013, 33(3): 275-284. ( IF=3.655,农林科学一区) 3.405

52)Fang Y., Liu L., Xu B.C., Li F.M*. The relationship between competitive ability and yield stability in an old and a modern winter wheat cultivar. Plant and Soil, 2011, 347(1-2): 7-23. ( IF=2.952,农林科学一区) 2.733

53)Fang, X. W., Turner, N. C., Li, F. M., Li, W. J., Guo, X. S. 2011. Caragana korshinskii seedlings maintain positive photosynthesis during short-term, severe drought stress. Photosynthetica, 49(4), 603-609. 1.000

54)Fei Ma,Ting Ting Xu,Ming Fei Ji,Chang Ming Zhao *Differential drought tolerance in tree populations from contrasting elevations. AoB PLANTS,6: plu069; doi:10.1093/aobpla/plu069(IF=2.273,生物四区)

55)Feng Qisheng, Liang Tiangang*, Huang Xiaodong, Lin Huilong, Xie Hongjie, Ren Jizhou. Characteristics of global potential natural vegetation distribution from 1911 to 2000 based on comprehensive sequential classification system approach. Grassland Science, 2013, 59(2): 87-99.(IF=0.558,农学四区,被引4次)0.554

56)Fu W.,Turner J.C., Zhao J.Q., Du G.Z*. Ecological footprint (EF): An expanded role in calculating resource productivity (RP) using China and the G20 member countries as examples.Ecological Indicators, 2014,48 (2014) :464–471.(IF=3.444,环境2区)

57)Gao HJ, Yang HY, Bai JP, Lou Y, Zhang Jun-Lian, Wang D*, Zhang JL, Niu SQ, Chen YL (2015) Ultrastructural and physiological responses of potato (Solanum tuberosumL.) plantlets to gradient saline stress. Frontiers in Plant Science 5: 787 3.948

58)Gao, P., Duan, T.Y.,* Na,n Z.B., O’Connor, P.J.First Report ofSeptoria apocyniCausing Spot Blight on the Species ofApocynum venetumandPoacynum pictumin China. Plant Disease,2014.98(10):1429. (农林2区,IF2013=2.742.) 3.02

59)Guan X.K., Zhang X.H., Turner N.C., Xu B.C., Li F.M*. Two perennial legumes (Astragalus adsurgensPall andLespedeza davuricaS) adapted to semiarid environments are not as productive as lucerne (Medicago sativaL), but use less water. Grass and Forage Science, 2013, 68(3): 469-478. ( IF=1.922,农林科学二区) 1.932

60)Guan Y., Song C., Gan Y.T., Li F.M*. Increased maize yield using slow release attapulgite-coated fertilizers. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2014, 34(3): 657-665. ( IF=3.992,农林科学一区)

61)Guangpeng Ren, Richard Abbott, Yongfeng Zhou, Lirui Zhang, Yanling Peng, Jianquan Liu*Genetic divergence, range expansion and possible homoploid hybrid speciation among pine species in Northeast China. Heredity,2012,108: 552-562(IF=3.805,生物二区)4.11

62)Guo D., Li X.D., Li X.D., Wang J., Fu H.* Conventional tillage increases soil microbial biomass and activity in the Loess Plateau, China. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B-Soil and Plant Science, 2013, 63(6): 489-496.(IF=0.705,农林科学四区)

63)Guo H., Weiner J., Mazer S.J., Zhao Z.G., Du G.Z,* Li B. Reproductive allometry in Pedicularis species changes with elevation. Journal of Ecology,2012, 100:452–458.(IF=5.521,环境1区) 5.431

64)Guo Q, Wang P, Ma Q, Zhang JL, Bao AK, Wang SM (2012) Selective transport capacity for K+over Na+is linked to the expression levels ofPtSOS1in halophytePuccinellia tenuiflora. Functional Plant Biology 39: 1047-1057 2.471

65)Guo X.S., Ding L.M., Long R.J.*, Qi B., Shang Z.H., Wang Y.P., Cheng X.Y. Changes of chemical composition to high altitude results in Kobresia littledalei growing in alpine meadows with high feeding values for herbivores. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2012, 173(3):186-193. (IF=1.997,农林科学二区) 1.608

66)Guo X.S., Long R.J.*, Kreuzer M., Ding L.M., Shang Z.H., Zhang Y., Yang Y., Cui G.X. Importance of functional ingredients in yak milk-derived food on health of Tibetan nomads living under high-altitude stress: a review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2014, 54(3):292-302. (IF=5.176,农林科学一区)

67)Guo X.S., Zhang Y., Zhou J.W., Long R.J.*, Xin G.S., Qi B,. Ding L.M., Wang H.C. Nitrogen metabolism and recycling in yaks (Bos grunniens) offered a forage–concentrate diet differing in N concentration. Animal Production Science, 2012, 52(5):287-296. (IF=1.286,农林科学三区) 1.218

68)Guo Y-P, Guo Q-H, Wang J, Yan Y, Wang G-N, Lu Z-Q , Wu Y-X*. Interspecific differentiation and gene flow between two desert poplars inferred from six vacuolar Na+/H+ exchanger loci. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 2013,51: 652-663.(IF=1.488,生物四区)1.648

69)Guo, Z.G., Zhou, X.R., Hou, Y. Effect of available burrow densities of plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) on soil physicochemical property of the bare land and vegetation land in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2012,32:104-110

70)Guo, Z.G.,*Li, X.F., Liu, X.Y., Zhou, X.R. Response of alpine meadow communities to burrow density changes of plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2012, 32: 44-49.

71)Gurmani AR, Bano A, Khan SU, Din J, Zhang JL* (2011) Alleviation of salt stress by seed treatment with abscisic acid (ABA), 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) and chlormequat chloride (CCC) optimizes ion and organic matter accumulation and increases yield of rice (Oryza sativaL.). Australian Journal of Crop Science 5(10):1278-1285

72)Haiyan Kong, Jairo A. Palta, Kadambot H. M. Siddique, Katia Stefanova, You-Cai Xiong* and Neil C. Turner*. Terminal drought reduces photosynthesis, seed set, seed growth, and seed yield of grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) at the same soil water content. , 2015, 201: 241-252. ( IF=2.444,农林科学二区)

73)Han H.G.,Li X.D., Niu D.C., Hall S.J., Guo D., Wan C.G., Learned J.K., FuH.* Conventional tillage improves the storage of soil organic carbon in heavy fractions in the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Arid Land, 2015, 7(5): 636–643.(IF=0.931,生物四区)

74)Han Q.Q., Lü X.P., Bai J.P., Qiao Y., Paré P.W., Wang S.M., Zhang J.L.*, Wu Y.N., Pang X.P., Xu W.B., Wang Z.L. Beneficial soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis (GB03) augments salt tolerance of white clover. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2014, 5: 525. 3.948

75)He, S.B., Liu, G.L., Yang, H.M*. Water use efficiency by alfalfa: Mechanisms involving anti-oxidation and osmotic adjustment under drought. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2012, 59(3): 348-355.(IF=0.946,生物学四区)0.617

76)Hu B., Han C.L., Jia Y., Zhao Z.H., Li F.M*.Visualization of the three-dimensional water-flow paths in calcareous soil using iodide water tracer. Geoderma, 2013, 200:85-89. ( IF=2.772,农林科学二区) 2.509

77)Hu B., Jia Y., Zhao Z.H., Li F.M*, Siddique K.H.M. Soil P availability, inorganic P fractions and yield effect in a calcareous soil with plastic-film-mulched spring wheat. Field Crops Research, 2012, 137:221-229. ( IF=2.976,农林科学一区) 2.474

78)Hu J., Wu J.H., Ma M.J., Nielsen U. N., Wang J., Du G.Z*.Nematode communities response to long-term grazing disturbance on Tibetan plateau. European Journal of Soil Biology,2015, 69-24.(IF=1.719,环境4区)

79)Hu X.W.*, Fan Y., Baskin C.C., Baskin J.M., Wang Y.R.*Comparison of the effects of temperature and water potential on seed germination of Fabaceae species from desert and subalpine grassland.American Journal of Botany, 2015, 102:649-660.(IF=2.603,生物三区)

80)HuX.W.*, Li T.S., Wang J., Wang Y.R., Baskin C.C., Baskin J.M., Li T. Seed dormancy in four Tibetan PlateauViciaspecies and characterization of physiological changes in response of seeds to environmental factor. Seed Science Research, 2013, 23:133-140.(IF=1.700,生物四区)1.845

81)Hu X.W., Huang X.H., Wang Y.R.*Hormonal and temperature regulation of seed dormancy and germination inLeymus chinensis.Plant Growth Regulation, 2012, 67:199-207.(IF=1.672,生物四区)1.670

82)Hu X.W.,*Wu Y.P., Ding X.Y., Zhang R., Wang Y.R.*, Baskin J.M., Baskin C.C. Seed dormancy, seedling establishment and dynamics of the soil seed bank ofStipa bungeana(Poaceae) on the Loess Plateau of northwestern China. Plos One, 2014, 9:e112579-e112579.(IF=3.234,生物三区)

83)Hu X.W.,*Zhou Z.Q., Li T., Wu Y.P., Wang Y.R. Environmental factors controlling seed germination and seedling recruitment ofStipa bungeanaon the Loess Plateau of northwestern China.Ecological Research, 2013, 28:801-809.(IF=1.296,环境科学与生态学四区)1.513

84)Hu, Q., Ma, T., Wang, K., Xu, T., Liu, J., and Qiu, Q.* (2012) The Yak genome database: an integrative database for studying yak biology and high-altitude adaption. BMC Genomics 13: 600.(IF=3.986,生物二区)4.397

85)Huang X.D., Tan H.Y., Long R.J.*, Liang J.B., Wright A.D. Comparison of methanogen diversity of yak (Bos grunniens) and cattle (Bos taurus) from the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, China. BMC microbiology, 2012, 12:237. (IF=2.729,生物三区) 3.104

86)Huang Xiaodong*, Xie Hongjie, Zhang Guoqing, Liang Tiangang. A novel solution for outlier removal of ICESat altimetry data: a case study in the Yili watershed, China. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2013, 7(2):217-226.(IF=0.88,地舆四区,被引4次)

87)Hui Zhang, Benjamin Gilbert, Wenbin Wang, Junjie Liu,Shurong Zhou*.Grazer exclusion alters plant spatial organization at multiple scales, increasing diversity. Ecology and Evolution,2013, 3: 3604-3612.(IF=2.320,生物四区)1.658

88)Hui Zhang, Benjamin Gilbert, Xinxin Zhang,Shurong Zhou*. Community assembly along a successional gradient in sub-alpine meadows of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Oikos ,2013,122: 952-960.(IF=3.444,环境科学与生态学二区)3.559

89)Hui Zhang, Robert John, Zechen Peng, Jianli Yuan, Chengjin Chu, Guozhen Du,Shurong Zhou*. The relationship between species richness and evenness in plant communities along a successional gradient: a study from sub-alpine meadows of the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, China. PLoS ONE,2012, 7(11): e49024. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049024.((IF=3.730,生物区三区) 3.730

90)Huilong Lin*.,and Zhang,Y. J. Evaluation of six methods to predict grassland net primary productivity along an altitudinal gradient in the Alxa Rangeland,Western Inner Mongolia,China[J]. Grassland Science, 2013,59,100–110. 0.554

91)Huilong Lin*,Jun Zhao,Tiangang Liang,Jan Bogaert,Zhenqing Li.A Classification indices-based model for net primary productivity(NPP)and potential productivity of vegetation in China[J]. International Journal of Biomathematics,2012,5(3):1-23.(SCI生物四区IF=0.938)

92)Huilong Lin*,Qisheng Feng,Tiangang Liang,Jizhou Ren. Modelling Global-scale Potential Grassland Changes in Spatio-temporal Patterns to Global Climate Change [J]. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology,2013,20(1)83 - 96.(生物四区IF=1.609)

93)Huilong Lin*,Xuelu Wang,Yingjun Zhang,Tiangang Liang,Qisheng Feng,Jizhou Ren. Spatiotemporal dynamics on the distribution,extent and NPP of potential grassland in response to climate changes in China[J]. The Rangeland Journal,2013,35(4):409-425.生物四区IF=0.554

94)Hui-Ying Shang,Zhong-Hu Li,Miao Dong,Robert P. Adams,Georg Miehe,Lars Opgenoorth,Kang-Shan *MaoEvolutionary origin and demographic history of an ancient conifer (Juniperus microsperma) in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Scientific Reports,2015,DOI:10.1038/srep10216(IF=5.578,生物二区)

95)J Wang,T Ka¨llman,J Liu*,Q Guo,Y Wu,K Lin,and M Lascoux. Speciation of two desert poplar species triggered by Pleistocene climatic oscillations.Heredity, 2014, 112:156–164(IF=3.805,生物二区)

96)Jennifer Firn*, Joslin L. Moore, Andrew S. MacDougall, Elizabeth T. Borer, Eric W. Seabloom, Janneke HilleRisLambers, W. Stanley Harpole, Elsa E. Cleland, Cynthia S. Brown, Johannes M. H. Knops, Suzanne M. Prober, David A. Pyke, Kelly A. Farrell, John D. Bakker, Lydia R. O’Halloran, Peter B. Adler, Scott L. Collins, Carla M. D’Antonio, Michael J. Crawley, Elizabeth M. Wolkovich, Kimberly J. La Pierre, Brett A. Melbourne, Yann Hautier, John W. Morgan, Andrew D. B. Leakey, Adam Kay, Rebecca McCulley, Kendi F. Davies, Carly J. Stevens,Chengjin Chu, Karen D. Holl, Julia A. Klein, Philip A. Fay, Nicole Hagenah, Kevin P. Kirkman &Yvonne M. Buckley. Abundance of introduced species at home predicts abundance away in herbaceous communities.Ecology Letters,2011, 14: 274-281.(IF=10.689,环境科学与生态学一区,top期刊)17.557

97)Ji, M.F., Zhang, X.W., Wang, Z.Q., Zhang, Q., Deng, J.M*Intra–versus interpopulation variation of cone and seed morphological traits of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. in northern China: impact of climate-related. Polish journal of ecology,2011,59: 381-389.(IF=0.567,生物四区)0.506

98)Jia P,* Bayaerta T.,Li X.Q.,and Du Z.G*. Relationships between Flowering Phenology and Functional Traits in Eastern Tibet Alpine Meadow. Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research, 2011, 43(4):585-592.( IF=1.515,地学3区) 1.316

99)Jiabin Zou, Yongshuai Sun, Long Li, Gaini Wang, Wei Yue, Zhiqiang Lu, Qian Wang, Jianquan Liu* Population genetic evidence for speciation pattern and gene flow betweenPicea wilsonii,P. morrisonicolaandP. neoveitchii. Annals of Botany, 2013, 112: 1829–1844(IF=3.654,生物三区)3.295

100)Jiajia Liu,Shurong Zhou*.Asymmetry in species regional dispersal ability and the neutral theory. PLoS ONE ,2011,6(8): e24128. doi:10.1371.(IF=3.534,生物区三区) 3.534

101)Jian Shengqi, Zhao Chuanyan*, Fang Shumin, Yu Kai. Characteristics of Caragana korshinskii and Hippophae rhamnoides stemflow and its significance in soil moisture enhancement in Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Arid Land, 2014, 6(1): 105-116. (IF=0.931,环境四区)

102)Jian Shengqi, Zhao Chuanyan*, Fang Shumin, Yu Kai. Evaluation of water use of Caragana korshinskii and Hippophae rhamnoides in the Chinese Loess Plateau,canadian joural of forest research, 2014, 44: 1-11。(IF=1.683,农林三区)

103)Jian Shengqi, Zhao Chuanyan*, Fang Shumin, Yu Kai. Soil water content and water balance simulation ofCaragana korshinskiiKom. in the semiarid Chinese Loess Plateau. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 2014, 62(2): 89-96. (IF=1.486,环境四区)

104)Jian Shengqi, Zhao Chuanyan*, Fang Shumin, Yu Kai. The distribution of fine root length density for six artificial afforestation tree species in Loess Plateau of Northwest China. Forest Systems, 2014, 24(1): 1-15. (IF=0.796,农林四区)

105)Jian Shengqi, Zhao Chuanyan*, Zhao Yang. BASED ON REMOTE SENSING PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY ESTIMATING LEAVES STOMATAL DENSITY OF POPULUS EUPHRATICA, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 547-550, Vancouver,, 2011.7.24-2011.7.29.

106)Jian Zhang,Dechun Jiang,Bingbing Liu,Wenchun Luo,Jing Lu,Tao Ma,DongshiWan* Transcriptome dynamics of a desert poplar (Populus pruinosa). Plant Cell Rep,DOI 10.1007/s00299-014-1638-z(IF=3.071,生物三区)

107)Jian Zhang, Penghui Xie, Martin Lascoux, Thomas R. Meagher, Jianquan Liu* Rapidly evolving genes and stress adaptation of two desert poplars, Populus euphratica and P. pruinosa. Plos One,2013,8(6): e66370(IF=3.234,生物三区)3.534

108)Jian Zhang,Jianju Feng,Jing Lu,Yongzhi Yang,Xu Zhang,Dongshi Wan,and Jianquan Liu*Transcriptome differences between two sister desert poplar species under salt stress. BMC Genomics,2014, 15:337(IF=3.986,生物二区)

109)Jiang X.J., Li X.G*. Assessing the effects of plastic film fully mulched ridge–furrow on rainwater distribution in soil using dye tracer and simulated rainfall. Soil and Tillage Research, 2015, 152: 67-73. ( IF=2.622,农林科学二区)

110)Jiang X.J., Liu X.E., Wang E.H., Li X.G.*, Sun R., Shi W.J. Effects of tillage pan on soil water distribution in alfalfa-corn crop rotation systems using a dye tracer and geostatistical methods. Soil and Tillage Research, 2015, 150: 68-77. ( IF=2.622,农林科学二区)

111)Jianju Feng, Dechun Jiang, Huiying Shang, Miao Dong, Gaini Wang, Xinyu He, Changming Zhao, Kangshan Mao* Barcoding Poplars (Populus L.) from Western China. Plos ONE,2013, 8(8):e71710(IF=3.234,生物三区)3.534

112)Jianli Yuan, Defei Liang and Shiting Zhang*. Litter and its interaction with standing vegetation affect seedling recruitment in Tibetan alpine grasslands. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 2015,(IF=1.766,生物四区)

113)Jiansheng Ye*, Wenhong Li, Laifang Li, Feng Zhang. "North drying and south wetting" summer precipitation trend over China and its potential linkage with aerosol loading. Atmospheric Research, 2013, 125-126: 12-19. (IF=2.844,地学三区) 2.421

114)Jiansheng Ye*. Trend and variability of China’s summer precipitation during 1955-2008. International Journal of Climatology., 2014, 34(3), 559-566. (IF=3.157,地学二区)

115)Jiansheng Ye, James F. Reynolds*, Fengmin Li. A mechanistic-bioclimatic modeling analysis of the potential impact of climate change on biomes of the Tibetan Plateau. Ecology, 2014, 95:2109–2120. (IF=4.656,环境科学与生态学二区)

116)Jiansheng Ye, James F. Reynolds, Guojun Sun, Fengmin Li*. Impacts of increased variability in precipitation and air temperature on net primary productivity of the Tibetan Plateau: A modeling analysis. Climatic Change, 2013, 119(2), 321-332. (IF=3.430,环境科学与生态学二区) 4.622

117)Jing Xu, Wenlong Li, Chuihui Zhang, Wei Liu, Guozhen Du*. Variation in Seed Germination of 134 Common Species on the Eastern Tibetan Plateau: Phylogenetic, Life History and Environmental Correlates,PLOS ONE, 2014, 9(6):1-13.(SCI, IF=3.234,三区)

118)Jinyu Xiao*, Changji Zhang, Yuexiang Lu, Qin Wang, Yufeng An, Energy and nitrogen provided by native herbage to sheep grazing in alpine grasslands of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advance, 2012,11: 919-923 (IF=0.39,兽医四区)

119)Juan Wang & Zhijun Li & Qiuhong Guo &Guangpeng Ren & Yuxia Wu*Genetic variation within and between populations of a deser tpoplar (Populus euphratica) revealed by SSR markers. Annals of Forest Science,2011,68:1143–1149(IF=1.981,生物三区)1.788

120)Juan Wang, Talima Kallman, Jianquan Liu*, Qiuhong Guo, Yuxia Wu, Kui Lin, Martin Lascoux. Speciation of two desert poplar species triggered by Pleistocene climatic oscillations. Heredity, 2014, 112: 156–164(IF=3.805,生物二区)

121)Juan Wang, Yuxia Wu, Guangpeng Ren, Qiuhong Guo, Jianquan Liu*, Martin Lascoux. Genetic Differentiation and Delimitation between Ecologically Diverged Populus euphratica and P. pruinosa. PLoS ONE,2011,6(10): e26530(IF=3.234,生物二区)4.092

122)Junbo Chen, Fujiang Hou*, Xianjiang Chen, Xiuli Wan, James Millner. Stocking rate and grazing season modify soil respiration on the Loess Plateau, China. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 2015, 68(1): 48-53.

123)Junfeng Tang,Shurong Zhou*. Hybrid niche-neutral models outperform an otherwise equivalent neutral model for fitting coral reef data. Journal of Theoretical Biology,2013, 317: 212-218.(IF=2.116,生物四区)2.303

124)Junfeng Tang,Shurong Zhou*. The importance of niche differentiation for coexistence on large scales. Journal of Theoretical Biology,2011, 273:32-36.(IF=2.116,生物四区)2.208

125)Jun-Lan Xiong, Hai-Yan Kong, Nudrat Aisha Akram, Xue Bai, Muhammad Ashraf, Rui-Yue Tan, Hao Zhu, Kadambot H. M. Siddique, You-Cai Xiong*, Neil C. Turner. 24-epibrassinolide increases growth, grain yield and β-ODAP production in seeds of well-watered and moderately water-stressed grass pea. Plant Growth Regulation, 2015, DOI: 10.1007/s10725-015-0087-1, online. (IF=1.672,生物四区)

126)Jun-Lan Xiong, You-Cai Xiong*, Xue Bai, Hai-Yan Kong, Rui-Yue Tan, Hao Zhu, Kadambot H. M. Siddique, Jian-Yong Wang, Neil C. Turner. Genotypic variation in the concentration of β-N-oxalyl-L-α, β-diaminopropionic acid (β-ODAP) in grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) seeds is associated with an accumulation of leaf and pod β-ODAP during vegetative and reproductive stages at three levels of water stress. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b01729, online. (IF=2.912,农业科学一区)

127)Kang J.J., Duan J.J., Wang S.M.*, Zhao M., Yang Z.H. Na compound fertilizer promotes growth and enhances drought resistance of the succulent xerophyteHaloxylon ammodendron. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2013, 59:289-299. 0.753

128)Kangshan Mao, Richard I. Milne, Libing Zhang, Yanling Peng, Jianquan Liu* Philip Thomasc, Robert R. Millc, and Susanne S. Rennerf. Distribution of living Cupressaceae reflects the breakup of Pangea. PNAS , 2012, 20: 7793–7798(IF=9.674,生物一区)

129)Ke WC, FY Yang, DJ Undersander, XS Guo*. 2015. Fermentation characteristics, aerobic stability, proteolysis and lipid composition of alfalfa silage ensiled with apple or grape pomace. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 202, 12-19. (IF2013=2.008;SCI二区). 1.997

130)Kou Yi-Xuan, Wu Yu-Xia, Jia Dong-Rui, Li Zhong-Hu, Wang Yu-Jin*Range expansion, genetic differentiation, and phenotypic adaption of Hippophae neurocarpa (Elaeagnaceae) on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Systematics and Evolution,2014,52 (3): 303-312(IF=1.488,生物四区)

131)Kun Wang,Quanjun Hun,Hui Ma,Lizhong Wang,Yongzhi Yang,Wenchun Luo and Qiang Qiu*Genome-wide variation within and between wild and domestic yak. Molecular Ecology Resources,2014 14, 794–801(IF=3.712,生物二区)

132)L. Tao, H. Zhou, X.S. Guo*, R.J. Long, Y. Zhu. 2011. Contribution of Exopeptidase to the Formation of Nonprotein Nitrogen during the Ensiling of Alfalfa.Journal of Dairy Science 94, 3928-3935 (IF2011=2.564;SCI一区)

133)L. Tao, X.S. Guo*, H. Zhou, D.J. Undersander. 2012. Characteristics of proteolytic activities of endo- and exopeptidase in alfalfa herbage and their implications for proteolysis in ensilage. Journal of Dairy Science, 95, 4591-4595.( IF2012=2.566;SCI一区)

134)L. Tao, Z. Yu, X.S. Guo and H. Zhou. 2011. Ensiling and in vitro digestibility characteristics of Ceratoides arborescens treated with lactic acid bacteria inoculants and cellulose. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(66), 14947-14953.IF=0.000

135)Li A., Niu K.C.,Du G.Z. Resource availability, species composition and sown density effects on productivity of experimental plant communities. Plant and soil,2011, 344:177-186.(IF=2.952,农林1区) 2.733

136)Li H.L., Nicotra A.B., Xu D.H., Du G.Z*. Habitat-specific responses of leaf traits to soil water conditions in species from a novel alpine swamp meadow community.Conservation Physiology, 2015,3 (1): cov046()

137)Li Jin Hua*,Jiao Shu Mei, Gao Rong Qing, Richard D. Bardgett. Differential effects of legume species on the recovery of soil microbial communities, and carbon and nitrogen contents, in abandoned fields of the Loess Plateau, China. Environmental Management, 2012, 50:1193-1203.(IF=1.724,环境科学四区)1.647

138)Li Jin Hua*,Yang Yu Jie, Li Bo Wen, Li Wen Jin, Wang Gang, Knops JMH, Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on soil carbon fractions in alpine meadows on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(7): e103266. (IF=3.234,生物三区)

139)Li Jin Hua*,Zhang Hua, Li Wen Jin, Knops JMH, Plant-soil feedbacks in a sub-alpine meadow ecosystem with high plant diversity on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Plant Ecology, 2015, 216(12):1659-1674. (IF=1.463,生物四区)

140)Li Q., Yang X., Soininen J., Chu C., Zhang J., Yu K., Wang G*Relative importance of spatial processes and environmental factors in shaping alpine meadow. Journal of Plant Ecology 2011 4(4):249-258 (IF=2.646,生物四区)

141)Li W., Wu G.L.,Zhang G.F., Du G.Z*. The maintenance of offspring diversity in response to land use: sexual and asexual recruitment in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. Nordic Journal of Botany,2011, 29:81-86.(IF=1.050,生物4区) 0.551

142)Li W.,Wen S.J.,Hu W.X.,Du G.Z*. Root–shoot competition interactions cause diversity loss after fertilization: a field experiment in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Plant Ecology,2011, 4(3):138-146.(IF= 2.646,生物4区)

143)Li X. Comparative proteomic changes of differentially expressed whey proteins in clinical mastitis and healthy yak cows. Genetics and Molecular Research,2014, 13 (3): 6593-6601.(IF=0.775,生物4区)

144)Li X.,Nie Y., Song X., Zhang R., Wang G*Patterns of species diversity and functional diversity along the south- to north- facing slope gradient in a sub-alpine meadow. Community Ecology,2011,12(2):179-187 (IF=1.214,环境科学与生态学四区) 1.679

145)Li X.D., Zhang C.P., Fu H.*, Guo D., Song X.R., Wan C.G., Ren J.Z. Grazing exclusion alters soil microbial respiration, root respiration and the soil carbon balance in grasslands of the Loess Plateau, northern China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2013, 59: 877-887.(IF=0.889,农林科学四区)0.753

146)Li X.G.*, Chen Z.M., Li X.H., Song J.R., Guggenberger G. Long-term fertilization and manuring effects on physically separated soil organic-matter pools under continuous wheat cropping at a rainfed semiarid site in China. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2012, 175(5): 689-697. ( IF=1.459,农林科学三区) 1.380

147)Li X.G.*, Shi X.M., Wang D.J., Zhou W. Effect of alkalized magnesic salinity on soil respiration changes with substrate availability and incubation time. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2012, 48(5): 597-602. ( IF=3.398,农林科学一区)2.505

148)Li X.Y., Wang Y.R.,*Wei X., Tai J.H., Jia C.Z., Hu X.W., Trethewey J.A.K. Planting density and irrigation timing affects seed yield sustainability. Agronomy Journal, 2014, 106:1690-1696.(IF=1.441,农林科学三区)

149)Li Z.T., Du G.Z *. Ecological adaptation of the seed microsculptures of Saussurea from different altitudes. Polish Journal of Ecology, 2015, 63(4): 593-598 ( IF=0.567,环境4区)

150)Li, W.j*.,J.M.H. Knops, X. Zuo and R. Laungani.Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling are Resistant to Fire in Nutrient-Poor Grassland. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 2014,78: 825-831.(IF=1.721,农林科学二区,top期刊)

151)Li, W.J. *,Zuo, X.A., Knops, J.M.H.,Different fire frequency impacts over 27 years on vegetation succession in an infertile grassland. Rangeland Ecology & Management,2013,66, 267-273.(IF=1.439,农林科学三区)1.464

152)Li, Y.Z., Creamer, R., Baucom, D., Nan, Z.B.*PathogenicEmbellisia astragalion Astragalus adsurgens is very closely related to locoweed endophyte. Phytopathology, 2011, 101(6):S102. (IF=2.968,植物科学三区) 2.799

153)Li,Lihua,Matthew Tonts*. The Impacts of Temporary Labour Migration on Farming Systems of the Loess Plateau,Gansu Province,China [J]. Population,Space and Place 2014,20(4):316-332.三区IF=1.859

154)Liang D.F., Zhang J.J., Zhang S.T.* Patterns of nitrogen resorption in functional groups in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Folia Geobotanica, 2015, 50: 267-274.(IF=1.77,生物4区)1.778

155)Liang TianGang*, Feng QiSheng, Cao JianJun, Xie HongJie, Lin HuiLong, Zhao Jun, Ren JiZhou. Changes in global potential vegetation distributions from 1911 to 2000 as simulated by the Comprehensive Sequential Classification System approach. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2012, 57(11): 1298-1310.(IF=1.579,概括三区,被引14次)1.319

156)Liang Tiangang*, Feng Qisheng, Yu Hui, Huang Xiaodong, Lin Huilong, An Shazhou, Ren Jizhou. Dynamics of natural vegetation on the Tibetan Plateau from past to future using a comprehensive and sequential classification system and remote sensing data. Grassland Science, 2012, 58(4): 208-220.(IF=0.558,农学四区,被引3次)0.500

157)Lijia,Wang*,Huo Xuexi,Grower’s Choice on Trading Partner in Agricultural Markets in China:A Perspective of Transaction Cost[J]. International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology(IJESIT),2015,4(1):120-127

158)Lili Li, Yongshuai Sun, Jiabin Zou, Wei Yue,Xi Wang, Jianquan Liu*Origin and speciation of Picea schrenkiana and Picea smithiana in the Center Asian Highlands and Himalayas. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter,2015,33:661–672(IF=1.656,生物三区)

159)Lin Qi, Xiaoliang Qin, Feng-Min Li, Kadambot H.M. Siddique, Helmut Brandl, Jinzhang Xu, Xiaogang Li*. Uptake and distribution of stable strontium in 26 cultivars of three crop Species: oats, wheat, and barley for their potential use in phytoremediation. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2015, 17(3):264-271. ( IF=1.739,环境科学与生态学四区)

160)Liu C.A., Li F.R., Liu C.C., Zhang R.H., Zhou L.M., Jia Y., Gao W.J., Li J.T., Ma Q.F., Siddique K.H.M., Li F.M*. Yield-increase effects via improving soil phosphorus availability by applying K2SO4fertilizer in calcareous-alkaline soils in a semi-arid agroecosystem. Field Crops Research, 2013, 144: 69-76. ( IF=2.976,农林科学一区) 2.608

161)Liu C.A., Li F.R., Zhou L.M., Feng Q., Li X., Pan C.C., Wang L., Chen J.L., Li X.G., Jia Y., Siddique K.H.M., Li F.M*. Effects of water management with plastic film in a semi-arid agricultural system on available soil carbon fractions. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2013, 57: 9-12. ( IF=1.719,环境科学与生态学四区) 2.146

162)Liu C.A., Li F.R., Zhou L.M., Zhang R.H., Yu J., Lin S.L., Wang L.J., Siddique K.H.M., Li F.M*. Effect of organic manure and fertilizer on soil water and crop yields in newly-built terraces with loess soils in a semi-arid environment. Agricultural Water Management, 2013, 117:123-132. ( IF=2.286,农林科学二区) 2.333

163)Liu C.A., Zhou L.M., Jia J.J., Wang L.J., Si J.T., Li X., Pan C.C., Li F.M*. Maize yield and water balance is affected by nitrogen application in a film-mulching ridge-furrow system in a semiarid region of China. European Journal of Agronomy, 2014, 52: 103-111. ( IF=2.704,农林科学一区)

164)Liu D.Q., Wan F., Guo R., Li F.M., Cao H.H., Sun G.J*. GIS-based modeling of potential yield distributions for different oat varieties in China. Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 2011, 54(3-4): 869-876.(IF=2.291,数学一区)

165)Liu Q., Chen C.J., Zhang L., Gao K.* Two new indole alkaloids fromHunteria zeylanica. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research. #abstract(IF=0.913,化学四区)

166)Liu Q., Lu D.X., Jin H., Yan Z.Q., Li X.Z., Yang X.Y., Guo H.R., Qin B.* Allelochemicals in the rhizosphere soil ofEuphorbia himalayensis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62: 8555-8561.(IF=2.912,农林科学一区)

167)Liu W.X., Jia X.T., Liu Z.M., Zhang Z.S., Wang Y.R.*, Liu Z.P., Xie W.G. Development and characterization of transcription factor gene-derived microsatellite (TFGM) markers inMedicago truncatulaand their transferability in leguminous and non-leguminous species. Molecules, 2015, 20: 8759-8771.(IF=2.416,化学三区)

168)Liu W.X., Zeng H.M.*, Liu Z.P., Yang X.F., Guo L.H., Qiu D.W.* Mutational analysis of theVerticillium dahliaeprotein elicitor PevD1 identifies distinctive regions responsible for hypersensitive response and systemic acquired resistance in tobacco. Microbiological Research, 2014, 169: 476-482.(IF=2.561,生物四区)

169)Liu X.E., Li X.G.*, Guo R.Y., Kuzyakov Y., Li F.M. The effect of plastic mulch on the fate of urea-N in rain-fed maizeproduction in a semiarid environment as assessed by 15N-labeling. European Journal of Agronomy, 2015, 70: 71-77. ( IF=2.704,农林科学一区)

170)Liu X.E., Li X.G.*, Hai L., Wang Y.P., Fu T.T., Turner N.C., Li F.M. Film-mulched ridge-furrow management increases maize productivity and sustains soil organic carbon in a dryland cropping system. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2014, 78: 1434-1441. ( IF=1.721,农林科学二区)

171)Liu X.E., Li X.G.*, Hai L., Wang Y.P., Li F.M. How efficient is film fully-mulched ridge-furrow cropping to conserve rainfall in soil at a rainfed site? Field Crops Research, 2014, 169: 107-115. ( IF=2.976,农林科学一区)

172)Liu X.Y., Liang T.G., Guo Z.G., Long R.J.* A rangeland management pattern based on functional classification in the northern Tibetan region of China. Land Degradation & Development, 2014, 25: 193–201. (IF=3.089,农林科学二区)

173)Liu Z.P.*, Liu Peng, Luo D, Liu W.X, Wang Y.R. Exploiting Illumina sequencing for the development of 95 novel polymorphic EST-SSR markers in common vetch (Vicia sativasubsp.sativa).Molecules,2014, 19: 5777-5789.(IF=2.095,生物三区) 2.416

174)Liu Z.P.*, Ma L.C., Nan Z.B., Wang Y.R.*Comparative transcriptional profiling provides insights into the evolution and development of the zygomorphic flower ofVicia sativa(Papilionoideae).PLoS ONE,2013, 8: e57338.(IF=3.730,生物三区)3.534

175)Liu Z.P.,*Chen TL.,, Ma L.C., Zhao Z.G., Zhao X.P, Nan Z.B., Wang Y.R.*Global transcriptome sequencing using the Illumina platform and the development of EST-SSR markers in autotetraploid alfalfa.PLoS ONE,2013, 8: e83549.(IF=3.730,生物三区) 3.534

176)Liu, H.X., Guo, Z.G.*Forage yield and water use efficiency of alfalfa applied with silicon under water deficit conditions. Philippine Agricultural Scientist, 2013,96(4):44-49.(IF=0.256,农林科学四区) 0.368

177)Liu, J.L, Li, Y.Z.,*Nan, Z.B. Design of species-specific PCR method for detection of pathogenEmbellisia astragaliin standing milk-vetch seeds. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 2015, 60(4):372-378. (IF=1.659,工程手艺三区)

178)Liu, K., Baskin, J.M., Baskin, C.C., Bu H.Y., Du G.Z*, Ma M.J. Effect of Diurnal Fluctuating versus Constant Temperatures on Germination of 445 Species from the Eastern Tibet Plateau. PLoS ONE 8(7): e69364, 2013(IF=3.53,生物三区)3.534

179)Liu, K., Baskin, J.M., Baskin, C.C., Bu H.Y., Liu M.X. Liu W., Du G.Z*. Effect of storage conditions on germination of 489 species from high elevation grassland of the eastern Tibet Plateau and implications for climate change . 2011,American Journal of Botany,98: 12-19,(IF=2.46,生物三区)2.664

180)Liu, K., Baskin, J.M., Baskin, C.C., Du G.Z*. Very fast-germinating seeds of desert species are cryptoviparous-like. 2013,Seed Science Research, 23:163-167,(IF=1.85,生物四区)1.845

181)Liu, T.Z., Nan, Z.B., Hou, F.J. Culturable autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria population and nitrification potential in a sheep grazing intensity gradient in a grassland on the Loess Plateau of northwest China. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 2011, 91:925-934. (IF2011=0.821,农林四戋戋)

182)Liu, T.Z., Nan, Z.B., Hou, F.J. Grazing intensity effects on soil nitrogen mineralization in semi-arid grassland on the Loess Plateau of northern China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2011, 91:67-75. (IF2011=1.792,农林三区)

183)Liu.X*,T.G. Liang,Z.G Guo,et al. A rangeland management pattern based on functional classification in the northern Tibetan Plateau in China [J]. Land Degradation and development,2014,25,193-201(SC1,二区).

184)Long Hai, Xiao Gang Li*, Xiao-E Liu, Xiao Jin Jiang, Rui Ying Guo, Gao Bo Jing, Zed Rengel, Feng-Min Li. Plastic Mulch Stimulates Nitrogen Mineralization in Urea-Amended Soils in a Semiarid Environment. Agronomy Journal, 2015, 107:921–930. ( IF=1.441,农林科学三区)

185)Long Li, Richard Abbott, Bingbing Liu, Yongshuai Sun, Lili Li, Jiabin Zou, Xi Wang, Georg Miehe, Jianquan Liu*Pliocene intraspecific divergence and Plio-Pleistocene range expansions within Picea likiangensis (Lijiang spruce), a dominant forest tree of the Qinghai-Tibet. Molecular Ecology,2013,22: 5237-5255(IF=6.494,生物二区)5.84

186)Lu Zhiqiang, Chen Pin. Bai Xiaotao, Xu Jianmei, He Xiaodong, Niu Zhimin, Wan Dongshi* Initial diversification, glacial survival, and continuous range expansion of Gentiana straminea (Gentianaceae) in the Qinghai–Tibet Platea. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2015, 62, 219-228(IF=0.967,生物四区)

187)Luo Dong, Liu W.X., Wang Y.R., Zhang J.Y.,Liu Z.P.*Development of a rapid one-step PCR protocol to distinguish between alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and sweet clover (Melilotusspp.) seeds.Seed Science and Technology,2014, 42: 237-246.(IF= 0.706,生物四区) 0.480

188)Luo Dong, Zhou Q., Ma L.C., XieW.G, Wang Y.R., Hu X.W.,Liu Z.P.*Novel polymorphic expressed-sequence tag-simple-sequence repeat markers inCampeiostachys nutansfor genetic diversity analyses.Crop Science,2015, 55: 2712-2718.(IF=1.575,农学三区)

189)Luo, M.W., Mao, L., Guo Z.G.*Leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of plants from natural c-ommunities and restorable communities at Lands Used for Qinghai-Tibet Highway Construction, China.Polish Journal of Ecology, 2014,62(4): 227-238.(IF=0.567,环境科学与生态学四区)

190)Ma F, Zhang XW, Chen LT Wang X, Zhao CM*The alpine homoploid hybrid Pinus densata exhibits superior cold tolerance of photosynthesis compared to its progenitors. Environmental and Experimental Botany,2013, 85(1):85-91(IF=3.359,生物二区)3.003

191)Ma F., Xu T., Ji M., Zhao C.*Responses of two endemic species of Hippophae to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to elevated CO2 concentration. Photosynthetica,2015,53 (3): 395-402(IF=1.409,生物四区)

192)Ma Hui.Phylotranscriptomic analyses in plants using Betulaceae as an example. Journal of Systematics and Evolution,doi: 10.1111/jse.12178(IF=1.488,生物四区)

193)Ma L.C., Wang Y.R., Liu W.X.,Liu Z.P.*Expression analysis of seed-specific genes in four angiosperm species with an emphasis on the unconserved expression patterns of homologous genes.Seed Science Research,2013, 23: 223-231.(IF=1.931,生物四区) 0.706

194)Ma L.C., Wang Y.R., Liu W.X.,Liu Z.P.*Overexpression of an alfalfa GDP-mannose 3, 5-epimerase gene enhances acid, drought and salt tolerance in transgenicArabidopsisby increasing ascorbate accumulation.Biotechnology Letters,2014,36: 2331-2341.(IF= 1.736,生物三区) 1.519

195)Ma M, Ma Z, Du G*. Effects of water level on three wetlands soil seed banks on the Tibetan Plateau. 2014,PLoS ONE. 9(7): e101458.(IF= 3.534,生物三区). 3.234

196)Ma M, Zhou X, Du G*. Soil seed bank dynamics in alpine wetland succession on the Tibetan Plateau. 2011.Plant and Soil. 346:19-28. (IF=3.235.农林一区). 2.735

197)Ma M, Zhou X, Du G*. Effects of disturbance intensity on dynamics of alpine meadow soil seed banks on the Tibetan Plateau. 2013. Plant and Soil. 369:283-295. (IF=3.235.农林一区).

198)Ma M, Zhou X, Qi W, Liu K, Jia P, Du G*. Seasonal dynamics of the plant community and soil seed bank along a successional gradient in a subalpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. 2013. PLoS ONE. 8(11): e80220.(IF = 3.534.生物学三区).

199)Ma M, Zhou X, Zhen Ma, Du G*. Composition of the soil seed bank and vegetation changes after wetland drying and soil salinization on the Tibetan Plateau. 2012.Ecological Engineering. 44: 18-26. (IF=3.041.环境三区).2.958

200)Ma Q, Yue LJ, Zhang JL, Wu GQ, Bao AK, Wang SM (2012) Sodium chloride improves photosynthesis and water status in the succulent xerophyteZygophyllum xanthoxylum. Tree Physiology 32(1): 4-13

201)Ma Q., Li Y.X., Yuan H.J., Hu J., Wei L., Bao A.K., Zhang J.L.,Wang S.M.* ZxSOS1 is essential for long-distance transport and spatial distribution of Na+and K+in the xerophyteZygophyllum xanthoxylum.Plant and Soil, 2014, 374: 661-676. 2.952

202)Ma Q., Tang R.J., Zheng X.J., Wang S.M.*, Luan S. The calcium sensor CBL7 modulates plant responses to low nitrate inArabidopsis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2015, 468(1-2):59-65. 2.297

203)Ma Ya-Zhen, Li Zhong-Hu, Wang Xi, Shang Bao-Long, Wu Gui-Li, Wang Yu-Jin*Phylogeography of the genus Dasiphora (Rosaceae) in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: divergence blurred by expansion. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society,?111: 777–788(IF=2.264,生物三区)

204)Ma Yazhen, Xu Ting, Wan Dongshi, Ma Tao, Liu JQ and Hu QJ The salinity tolerant poplar database (STPD): a comprehensive database for studying tree salt-tolerant adaption and poplar genomics. BMC Genomics,2015, doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1414-7(IF=3.986,生物四区)

205)Ma Z, Ma M*, Baskin JM, Baskin CC, Li J, Du G*. Responses of alpine meadow seed bank and vegetation to nine consecutive years of soil fertilization. 2014,Ecological Engineering. 70: 92-101. (IF=3.041,环境三区).2.580

206)Ma, M.Z., Christensen, M.J., Nan, Z.B.* Effects of the endophyteEpichloë festucaevar.loliiof perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) on indicators of oxidative stress from pathogenic fungi during seed germination and seedling growth. European Journal of plant pathology, 2014, 141:571-583. (IF2013=1.707,农林科学三区) 1.490

207)Mao Z.X., Fu H.*, Nan Z.B., Wan C.G.Fatty acid, amino acid, and mineral composition of four common vetch seeds on Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Food Chemistry, 2015, 171:13–18.(IF=3. 391,工程手艺和营养科学二区)

208)Mao Z.X., Fu H.*, NanZ.B., Wang J., Wan C.G.Fatty acid content of common vetch (Vicia sativaL.) in different regions of Northwest China. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2012, 44: 347-351.(IF=0.967,生物四区)1.153

209)Mao Z.X., Fu H.*, Wan C.G.Effect of temperature on fatty acid content inVicia sativa. Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, 2012, 7: 133-135.(IF=0.719,农林科学四区)

210)Miao F.H., Guo Z.G., Xue R., Wang X.Z., Shen Y.Y*. Effects of Grazing and Precipitation on Herbage Biomass, Herbage Nutritive Value, and Yak Performance in an Alpine Meadow on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(6): e0127275.,(IF= 3.234,生物学三区)

211)Ning-Ning Zhao, Georg Guggenberger, Olga Shibistova, Dao Thi Thao, Wen Jing Shi, Xiao Gang Li*. Aspect-vegetation complex effects on biochemical characteristics and decomposability of soil organic carbon on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Plant and Soil, 2014, 384:289–301. ( IF=2.952,农林科学一区)

212)Niu D.C., Hall S.J., Fu H.*, Kang J., Qin Y., Elser J.J. Grazing exclusion alters ecosystem carbon pools in Alxa desert steppe. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 2011, 54 :127-142.(IF=0.782,农林科学四区)0.853

213)Niu K.C., Schmid B., Choler P., Du G.Z*. Relationship between Reproductive Allocation and Relative Abundance among 32 Species of a Tibetan Alpine Meadow: Effects of Fertilization and Grazing. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(4):1-6.(IF=3.234,概括类3区) 3.730

214)Peng Huanhua, Zhao Chuanyan *, Feng Zhaodong, Xu Zhonglin, Wang Chao, Wang Yao. Canopy interception by a spruce forest in the upper reach of Heihe River basin, northweatern China. Hydrological Processes, 2014, 28(4): 1734-1741. (IF=2.677,环境三区)

215)Peng Shouzhang, Zhao Chuanyan*, Wang Xiaoping, Xu Zhonglin, Liu Xingming, Hao Hu, Yang Shifei. Mapping Daily Temperature and Precipitation in the Qilian Mountains of Northwest China. J. Mt. Sci., 2014, 11(4): 896-905. (IF=0.963,环境四区)

216)Peng Shouzhang, Zhao Chuanyan*. Modeling spatiotemporal patterns of understory light intensity using airborne laser scanner (LiDAR). ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2014, 97: 195-203. (IF=3.132,工程二区)

217)Peng Shouzhang, Zhao Chuanyan*. Modeling stem volume growth of Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifoliaKom.) in Qilian Mountains of Northwest China. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 2015, 30(5): 449-457. (IF=1.537,农林三区)

218)Peng, Q.Q., Li, C.J.,* Song, M.L., Nan, Z.B. Effects of seed hydropriming on growth ofFestuca sinensisinfected withNeotyphodiumendophyte. Fungal Ecology, 2013, 6(1):83-91. (IF2011=2.507,生物三区). 2.992

219)Pengbin XU, Xiaowei ZHANG, Changming ZHAO, Litong CHEN, Xianliang GAO, FOLIAR RESPONSES OF ABIES FARGESII FRANCH. Polish Journal of Ecology,2014, 62: 479–492(IF=0.567,生物四区)

220)Peter B. Adler*, Eric W. Seabloom, Elizabeth T. Borer, Helmut Hillebrand, Yann Hautier, Andy Hector, W. Stanley Harpole, Lydia R. O’Halloran, James B. Grace, T. Michael Anderson, Jonathan D. Bakker, Lori A. Biederman, Cynthia S. Brown, Yvonne M. Buckley, Laura B. Calabrese,Chengjin Chu, Elsa E. Cleland, Scott L. Collins, Kathryn L. Cottingham, Michael J. Crawley, Ellen I. Damschen, Kendi F. Davies, Nicole M. DeCrappeo, Philip A. Fay, Jennifer Firn, Paul Frater, Eve I. Gasarch, Daniel S. Gruner, Nicole Hagenah, Janneke HilleRisLambers, Hope Humphries, Virginia L. Jin, Adam D. Kay, Kevin P. Kirkman, Julia A. Klein, Johannes M. H. Knops, Kimberly J. La Pierre, John G. Lambrinos, Wei Li, Andrew S. MacDougall, Rebecca L. McCulley, Brett A. Melbourne, Charles E. Mitchell, Joslin L. Moore, John W. Morgan, Brent Mortensen, John L. Orrock, Suzanne M. Prober, David A. Pyke, Anita C. Risch, Martin Schuetz, Melinda D. Smith, Carly J. Stevens, Lauren L. Sullivan, Gang Wang, Peter D. Wragg, Justin P. Wright & Louie H. Yang. Productivity is a poor predictor of plant species richness.Science,2011,333: 1750-1753. (IF=33.611,概括一区,top期刊)31.201

221)Pu-Fang Li, B. L.Ma, Weikai Yan, Zheng-Guo Cheng, Feng-Min Li, and You-CaiXiong*. Plant architecture, plasticity, and adaptation strategies of two oat genotypes under different competition intensities. 2015, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 96: 1431-1439. (IF=1.714,工程手艺三区)

222)Pu-Fang Li, Zheng-Guo Cheng, Bao-Luo Ma, Jairo A Palta, Hai-Yan Kong, Fei Mo, Jian-Yong Wang, Ying Zhu, Guang-Chao Lv, Asfa Batool, Bai Xue, You-Cai Xiong*. Dryland wheat domestication changed the development of aboveground architecture for a more self-Structure canopy. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(9): e95825. (IF= 3.234,生物三区)

223)Qi W., Bu H.Y., Cornelissen J.H.C., Zhang C.H., Guo S.Q., Zhou X.H., Li W.J., Du G.Z*. Untangling interacting mechanisms of seed mass variation with elevation: insights from the comparison of inter-specific and intra-specific studies on eastern Tibetan angiosperm species. Plant Ecology, 2015, 216: 283-292. (IF=1.64,环境四区). 1.463

224)Qi W., Bu H.Y., Liu K, Li W.J., Knops J.M.H., Wang J.H., Li W.L., Du G.Z*. Biological traits are correlated with elevational distribution range of eastern Tibetan herbaceous species. Plant Ecology, 2014, 215: 1187-1198. (IF=1.64,环境四区).1.463

225)Qi W., Guo S.Q., Chen X.L., Cornelissen J.H.C., Bu H.Y., Du G.Z.*, Cui X.L., Li W.J., Liu K. Disentangling ecological, allometric and evolutionary determinants of the relationship between seed mass and elevation: insights from multiple analyses of 1355 angiosperm species on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Oikos, 2014, 123: 23-32. (IF=3.56,环境二区,裁剪遴荐,封面文章).3.444

226)Qi W., Zhou X.H., Ma M.J., Knops J.M.H., Li W.J., Du G.Z*. Elevation, moisture and shade drive the functional and phylogenetic meadow communities’ assembly in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Community Ecology , 2015, 16(1): 66-75. (IF=1.34,环境四区). 1.214

227)Qian Wang, Qiushi Yu, Jianquan Liu*Are nuclear loci ideal for barcoding plants A case study of genetic delimitation of two sister species using multiple loci and multiple intraspecific. Journal of Systematics and Evolution,2011,49(3): 182-188(IF=1.488,生物四区)1.596

228)Qiang Qiu,Lizhong Wang,Kun Wang,Yongzhi Yang,Tao Ma,Zefu Wang,Xiao Zhang,Zhengqiang Ni,Fujiang Hou,Ruijun Long,Richard Abbott,Johannes Lenstra,Jianquan Liu* Yak whole-genome resequencing reveals domestication signatures and prehistoric population expansions. Nature communication,2015,6:10283(IF=11.47,概括一区)10.742

229)Qiang Qiu, Tao Ma, Quanjun Hu, Bingbing Liu, Yuxia Wu, Haihong Zhou, Qian Wang, Juan Wang and Jianquan Liu*. Genome-scale transcriptome analysis of the desert poplar,Populus euphratica. Tree Physiology,2011,31: 452–461(IF=3.655,生物一区)2.876

230)Qin X.L., Niklas K.J., Qi L., Xiong Y.C., Li F.M*. The effects of domestication on the scaling of below- vs, aboveground biomass in four selected wheat (Triticum; Poaceae). American Journal of Botany, 2012, 99(6): 1112-1117. (IF= 2.603,生物三区) 2.586

231)Qin X.L., Weiner J., Qi L., Xiong Y.C., Li F.M*. Allometric analysis of the effects of density on reproductive allocation and harvest index in 6 varieties of wheat (Triticum). Field Crops Research, 2013, 144: 162-166. ( IF=2.976,农林科学一区) 2.608

232)Qin Y., Niu D.C., Kang J., Zhou Y.F.*, Li X.L. Effects of livestock exclusion on soil physical and biochemical properties of a desert rangeland. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2015, 24(6): 2587-2595.(IF=0.817,环境科学四区) 0.871

233)Qiu, Q., Zhang, G., Ma, T., Qian, W., Wang, J., Ye, Z., Cao, C., Hu, Q., Kim, J., Larkin, D. M., Auvil, L., Capitanu, B., Ma, J., Lewin, H. A., Qian, X., Lang, Y., Zhou, R., Wang, L., Wang, K., Xia, J., Liao, S., Pan, S., Lu, X., Hou, H., Wang, Y., Zang, X., Yin, Y., Ma, H., Zhang, J., Wang, Z., Zhang, Y., Zhang, D., Yonezawa, T., Hasegawa, M., Zhong, Y., Liu, W., Zhang, Y., Huang, Z., Zhang, S., Long, R., Yang, H., Wang, J., Lenstra, J. A., Cooper, D. N., Wu, Y., Wang, J., Shi, P., Wang, J., and Liu, J. (2012) The yak genome and adaptation to life at high altitude. Nature Genetics 44: 946.(IF=29.352,生物一区)SCI他引120次,包括Nature Genetics,PNAS,Nature Communications等期刊35.209

234)Qiushi Yu, Qian Wang, Guili Wu, Yazheng Ma, Xinyu He, Xi Wang, Penghui Xie, Lihua Hu, Jianquan Liu*Genetic differentiation and delimitation of Pugionium dolabratum and Pugionium cornutum (Brassicaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution, 2013,299:1355-1365(IF=1.422,生物四区)1.154

235)Ren G.H., Deng B., Shang Z.H., Hou Y., Long R.J.*Plant communities and soil variations along a successional gradient in an alpine wetland on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Engineering, 2013,61(0):110-116. (IF=2.580,生物三区) 3.041

236)Ren G.H., Shang Z.H., Long R.J.*, Hou Y., Deng B. The relationship of vegetation and soil differentiation during the formation of black-soil-type degraded meadows in the headwater of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Environment Earth Science, 2013, 69(1):235-245. (环境科学四区)

237)Renyi Zhang, Xin Gou, Yan Bai, Jun Zhao, Lingyun Chen, Xiaoyu Song, Gang Wang*. Biomass fraction of graminoids and forbs in N-limited alpine grassland: N:P stoichiometry. Polish Journal of Ecology,2011,59(1):105-114. (IF=0.567,环境科学与生态学四区) 0.506

238)Ruichao Li,Huilong Lin*. Developing the Agro-Grassland System to Insure Food Security of China [J]. Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment. 2014,3:9-15.(农业概括一区IF=2.857)

239)Shang Z.H., Gibb M.J., Long R.J.* Effect of snow disasters on livestock farming in some rangeland regions of China and mitigation strategies – a review. Rangeland Journal, 2012, 34(1):89-101. (IF=1.096,环境科学与生态学四区) 1.276

240)Shang, Z.H*., Cao, J.J., Guo, R.Y., Long, R.J. Effects of cultivation and abandonment on soil carbon content of sub-alpine meadows, northwest China. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2012, 12(6):826-834. (IF=2.139,环境科学与生态学三区)1.965

241)Shang, Z.H*., Cao, J.J., Guo, R.Y., Long, R.J., Deng, B. The response of soil organic carbon and nitrogen 10 years after returning cultivated alpine steppe to grassland by abandonment or reseeding, 2014, Catena. 119:28-34. (IF=2.820,环境科学三区)

242)Shang, Z.H*., Deng, B., Ding, L.M., Ren, G.H., Xin, G.S., Liu, Z.Y., Wang, Y.L., Long, R.J.* The effect of three years of fencing enclosure on soil seed banks and the relationship with above-ground vegetation of degraded alpine grasslands of the Tibetan plateau. Plant and Soil, 2013, 364:229-244. (IF=2.952,农林科学一区) 3.235

243)Shang, Z.H*., Feng, Q.S., Wu, G.L., Ren, G.H., Long, R.J. Grasslandification has significant impacts on soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus of alpine wetlands on the Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Engineering, 2013, 58,170‐179. (IF=2.580,环境科学与生态学三区) 3.041

244)Shang, Z.H*., Gibb, M.J., Leiber, F., Ismail, M., Ding, L.M., Guo, X.S., Long, R.J. The sustainable development of grassland-livestock systems on the Tibetan plateau: problems, strategies and prospects. Rangeland Journal, 2014, 36(3): 267-296. (IF=1.096,环境科学与生态学四区)

245)Shang, Z.H*., Hou, Y., Long, R.J. Chemical composition of essential oil of Artemisia nanschanica Krasch. from Tibetan plateau. Industrial Crops and Products, 2012, 40:35-38. (IF=2.837,农林科学一区) 2.468

246)Shang, Z.H*., Hou, Y.C., Pan, D.F., Yang, S.H., Shi, J.J., Ding, L.M., Long, R.J. Recruitment of seedlings versus ramets as affected by pasture degradation in alpine meadows and the implications for ecological restoration. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 2015, 8(4):547-557. (IF=1.766,生物四区)

247)Shang, Z.H*., Tang, Y., Long, R.J. Allelopathic effect of Aconitum pendulum (Ranunculaceae) on seed germination and seedlings of five native grass species in the Tibetan plateau. Nordic Journal of Botany, 2011, 29(4):488-494. (IF=1.050,生物四区) 0.551

248)Shang, Z.H*., Xu, S.H. The primary allelopathic testing of Pedicularis kansuensis (Scrophulariaceae) on seed germination and seedling growth of two native grasses on the Tibetan plateau. PytonInternational Journal of Experimental Botany. 2012, 81:75-79. (IF=0.117,生物四区)

249)Shang, Z.H*., Yang, S.H., Shi, J.J., Wang, Y L., Long, R.J.* Seed rain and its relationship with above-ground vegetation of degraded Kobresia meadows. Journal of Plant Research, 2013, 126(1):63-72. (IF=1.823,生物四区) 2.507

250)Shang, Z.H., Cao, J.J., Guo, R.Y., Henkin, Z., Ding, L.M., Long, R.J., Deng, B. Effect of enclosure on soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus of alpine desert rangeland. Land Degradation & Development, 2014. DOI: 10.1002/Idr.2283. (IF=3.089,农林科学二区)

251)Shang, Z.H., Gibb, M.J., Long, R.J. * Effect of snow disasters on livestock farming in some rangeland regions of China and mitigation strategies – a review. Rangeland Journal, 2012, 34:89-101. (IF=1.096,环境科学与生态学四区) 1.276

252)Sheng-Zhe E, Xiao-Gang Li*, Wei Zhou, De-Jian Wang, Jian-Rong Song, Georg Guggenberger. Long-term fertilization and manuring effects on physically separated soil organic matter pools under continuous wheat cropping at a rainfed semiarid site of China. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2012,175: 689-697. ( IF=1.459,农林科学三区) 1.380

253)Shi X.M., Li X.G. *, Li C.T., Zhao Y., Shang Z.H., Ma Q.F., Grazing exclusion decreases soil organic C storage at an alpine grassland of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Engineering, 2013, 57: 183-187.(IF=2.580,农林三区)3.041

254)Shi X.M., Li X.G.*, Wu R.M., Yang Y.H., Long R.J. Changes in soil biochemical properties associated withLigularia virgaureaspreading in grazed alpine meadows. Plant and Soil, 2011, 347(1-2): 65-78. ( IF=2.952,农林科学一区) 2.733

255)Song C., Guan Y., Wang D., Zewudie D, Li F.M*. Palygorskite-coated fertilizers with a timely release of nutrients increase potato productivity in a rain-fed cropland. Field Crops Research, 2014, 166: 10-17. ( IF=2.976,农林科学一区)

256)Song, H., Nan, Z.B.* Genome-wide analysis of nucleotide-binding site disease resistance genes inMedicago truncatula. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59: 1129-1138. (IF2013=1.365,概括性三区)

257)Song, H., Nan, Z.B.* Origin, divergence, and phylogeny of asexualEpichloëendophyte inElymusspecies from Western China. PloS One, 2015, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0127096. (IF2014=3.234,生物三区)

258)Song, H., Nan, Z.B.,* Tian P. Phylogenetic analysis ofElymus(Poaceae) in western China. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2015, 14: 12228-12239 (IF2014=0.775,生物四区)

259)Song, H., Wang, P.F., Nan, Z.B.,* Wang, X.J. The WRKY transcription factor genes inLotus japonicas. International Journal of Genomics, 2014, (IF2014=0.953,生物四区) 1.590

260)Song, M.L., Chai, Q., Li, X.Z., Yao, X., Li, C.J.,* Michael, C.,性爱巴士剧情 Nan, Z.B. An asexualEpichloëendophyte modifies the nutrient stoichiometry of wild barley (Hordeum brevisubulatum) under salt stress. Plant and Soil, 2015, 387:153-165. (IF2013=2.638,农林一区) 2.952

261)Song, M.L., Li, X.Z., Saikkonen, K., Li, C.J.,* Nan, Z.B. An asexualEpichloëendophyte enhances waterlogging tolerance ofHordeum brevisubulatum. Fungal Ecology, 2015, 13:44-52. (IF2013=2.992,环境科学与生态学三区).2.929

262)Song, Q.Y., Nan, Z.B.,* Gao,K.,Song,H.,Tian,P.,Zhang,X,X.,Li, C.J., Xu,W.B.,Li, X.Z.Antifungal, phytotoxic, and cytotoxic activities of metabolites fromEpichloë bromicola, a fungus obtained fromElymustangutorumgrass.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015, 63:8787-8792. (IF2014=2.912,农林科学一区)

263)Sun D.S., Che K.W., Chen D,D., Zhang S.H., Wu G.L., Du G.Z., Comerford N.B. Grazing depresses soil carbon storage through changing plant biomass and composition in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Plant soil and Environment,2011, 57(2):271-278.(IF=1.226,农林3区) 1.078

264)Sun S., Rychtar J.* The screening game in plant–pollinator interactions. Evolutionary Ecology, 2015, 29:479–487 (IF= 2.517,生物三戋戋)

265)Sun S.L., Li X.D., Niu D.C.*, Wen H.Y., Han H.G., Wu C.X., Fu H. Plant C, N, P stoichiometry was effected with nitrogen deposition on the Loess Plateau, China. In: Revitalising grasslands to sustain our communities. Proceedings of the 22nd International Grassland Conference. CSIRO. Australia. 2013: 1548-1549. (会论说文)

266)Sun T., Liu Z.Y., Qin L.P., Long R.J.*. Grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae) community composition in the rangeland of the northern slopes of the Qilian mountains in northwestern china. Journal of Insect Science, 2015, 15(6). Doi: (IF=1.025,生物四区)

267)Sun T., Long R.J.*, Liu Z.Y. The effect of a diet containing grasshoppers and access to free-range on carcase and meat physicochemical and sensory characteristics in broilers. British Poultry Science, 2013, 54(1):130-137. (IF=0.936,农林科学四区) 0.782

268)Sun T., Long R.J.*, Liu Z.Y., Ding W.R., Zhang Y. Aspects of lipid oxidation of meat from free-range broilers consuming a aiet containing grasshoppers on alpine steppe of the tibetan plateau. Poultry Science, 2012, 91(1):224-231. (IF=1.672,农林科学三区) 1.516

269)Sun X., Yu K., Shugart H.H., Wang G.*Species richness loss after nutrient addition as affected by N:C ratios and phytohormone GA3contents in an alpine meadow community. Journal of Plant Ecology, doi:10.1093/jpe/rtv037 (IF=2.646,生物四区).

270)Sun Y, Angerer JP, Hou FJ*. Effects of grazing systems on herbage mass and live-weight gain of Tibetan sheep in Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China.The Rangeland Journal. 2015, 37(2): 181–190.

271)Tang, Z., Nan, Z.B*. The potential of cropland soil carbon sequestration in the Loess Plateau, China. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 2013, 18: 889-902. (IF2014=2.669,环境科学与生态学三区)2.019

272)Tang, Z., Shi, Y.L., Nan, Z.B.*, Xu, Z.M. The economic potential of payments for ecosystem services in water conservation: a case study in the upper reaches of Shiyang River basin, northwest China. Environment and Development Economics, 2012, 17: 445-460. (IF=0.861)

273)Tao Ma,Junyi Wang,Gongke Zhou,Zhen Yue, Quanjun Hu, Yan Chen, Bingbing Liu, Qiang Qiu,Zhuo Wang, Jian Zhang, Kun Wang, Dechun Jiang, Caiyun Gou, Lili Yu, Dongliang Zhan, Ran Zhou,Wenchun Luo, Hui Ma, Yongzhi Yang, Shengkai Pan, Dongming Fang, Yadan Luo, Xia Wang, Gaini Wang, JuanWang, QianWang, Xu Lu, Zhe Chen, Jinchao Liu, Yao Lu, Ye Yin, Huanming Yang, Richard J. Abbott, Yuxia Wu, DongshiWan, JiaLi, Tongming Yin, Martin Lascoux, Stephen P. DiFazio, Gerald A. Tuskan, Jun Wang, Liu Jianquan*Genomic insights into salt adaptation in a desert poplar.Nature Communications, 2013, 4:2797.(IF=11.47,概括一区)10.742

274)Tian L.H., Bell L.W., Shen Y.Y*., Whish J.P.M. Dual-purpose use of winter wheat in western China: cutting time and nitrogen application effects on phenology, forage production, and grain yield. Crop & Pasture Science, 2012, 63(6): 520-528.(IF=1.483,农林科学三区)1.133

275)Ting Xu, Tao Ma, Quanjun Hu,Jianquan Liu*An integrated database of woodformation related genes in plants. Scientific Reports,2015,DOI:10.1038/srep11422(IF=5.578,生物二区)

276)W.R. Ding, X.S. Guo*, Kazuo Ataku. 2013. Characterization of peptides in ensiled alfalfa treated with different chemical additives. Animal Science Journal 84(12), 774-781(IF2012=1.037).四区1.044

277)Wang Chao, Zhao Chuanyan*, Xu Zhonglin, Wang Yang, Peng Huanhua. Effect of vegetation on soil water retention and storage in a semi-arid alpine forest catchment. Journal of Arid Land, 2013, 5(2): 207-219. (IF=0.931,环境四区) 0.793

278)Wang H.C., Long R.J.*, Guo X.S., Ding L.M., Shang Z.H. Comparative research on nitrogen utilization between yak (Bos grunniens) and indigenous cattle (Bos taurus) in the Qinghai Tibetan plateau, China. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science,2011, 24(6):766-773. (IF=0.541,农林科学四区)

279)Wang H.C., Long R.J.*, Liang J.B., Guo X.S., Ding L.M., Shang Z.H. Comparison of Nitrogen Metabolism in Yak (Bos grunniens) and Indigenous Cattle (Bos taurus) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Asian-Aust.J.Animal.Sci,2011,24:766-773.(IF=0.541,农林四区)

280)Wang J., Richard B.A.* Thermodynamics of alkali metal cation complexation by ionised calixcrown ligands. Supramolecular Chemistry, 2014, 26(7-8): 526-529.(IF=1.94,化学三区)2.394

281)Wang K., Yang Y., Wang L., Ma T., Shang H., Ding L., Han J., Qiu, Q*. Different gene expressions between cattle and yak provide insights into high-altitude adaptation. Animal Genetics,47:28–35(IF=2.207,生物三区)

282)Wang L.L., Wu J., Wang Q., He C.H., Zhou L., Wang J., Pu Q.S.* Rapid and sensitive determination of sulfonamide residues in milk and chicken muscle by microfluidic chip electrophoresis.Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry,2012, 60 (7):1613–1618. (IF= 3.107,农林一区,被援用次数:19)

283)Wang P., Guo Q., Wang Q., Zhou X.R., Wang S.M.* PtAKT1 maintains selective absorption capacity for K+over Na+in halophytePuccinellia tenuifloraunder salt stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2015, 37(5):1-10. 1.584

284)Wang P.Y., Li X.G.*, Hai L., Siddique K.H.M., Gan Y.T., Li F.M. Film fully-mulched ridge-furrow cropping affects soil biochemical properties and maize nutrient uptake in a rainfed semi-arid environment. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2014, 60(4): 486-498. ( IF=0.729,农林科学四区)

285)Wang Q., Guan C., Wang P., Lv M.L., Ma Q., Wu G.Q., Bao A.K., Zhang J.L., Wang S.M.* AtHKT1;1 and AtHAK5 mediate low-affinity Na+uptake inArabidopsis thalianaunder mild salt stress. Plant Growth Regulation, 2015, 75(3):615-623. 1.672

286)Wang Q., Guan C., Wang S.M.* Coordination of AtHKT1;1 and AtSOS1 facilitates Na+and K+homeostasis inArabidopsis thalianaunder salt stress. Journal of Plant Biology, 2014, 57: 282-290. 1.208

287)Wang S.M., Liu H.M., Zheng Z., Wang J.Y., Zhang J., Fu G.Q., Zhao X.Z., Zhang Z.H., Xiong Y.C*. Endangered ecosystem conservation: a 30-year lesson from the evolution of saline-alkali soil management in manasi river watershed, China. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2012, 44: 19-22. (IF= 0.822,生物四区) 0.872

288)Wang Wei, Huang Xiaodong*, Deng Jie, Xie Hongjie, Liang Tiangnag. Spatio-temporal change of snow cover and its response to climate over the Tibetan Plateau based on an improved daily cloud-free snow cover product. Remote Sensing, 2015, 7, 169-194.(IF=3.18,地舆二区,被引4次)

289)Wang Wei, Liang Tiangang*, Huang Xiaodong, Feng Qisheng, Xie Hongjie, Liu Xingyuan, Chen Mengdie, Wang Xuelu. Early warning of snow-caused disasters in pastoral areas on the Tibetan Plateau. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2013, 13(6): 1411-1425.(IF=1.735,地学三区,被引11次)1.826

290)Wang Xi, Liu Bing-Bing, Ma Ya-Zhen, Xie Peng-Hui, He Xin-Yu, Shang Bao-Long, Wang Yu-Jin*Chromosomal studies on the alpine genus Dolomiaea (Asteraceae: Cardueae) from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and adjacent regions. Caryologia,2013,66 (02): 186-193(IF=0.74,生物四区)

291)Wang Y.R.,*He X.Q., Hanson J., Mariam Y.W. Breaking hard seed dormancy in diverse accessions of five wild Vigna species by hot water and mechanical scarification. Seed Science & Technology, 2011, 39:12-20.(IF=0.480,农林科学四区)

292)Wang Z., Lu J.Y., Yang M., Yang H.M*., Zhang Q.P. Stoichiometric Characteristics of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus in Leaves of Differently Aged Lucerne (Medicago sativa) Stands. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6: 1062. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.01062.(IF= 3.948,生物学三区)4.004

293)Wang Z., Ma T., Ma J., Han J., Ding L., Qiu, Q.* (2015) Convergent evolution of SOCS4 between yak and Tibetan antelope in response to high-altitude stress. Gene. 572:298.(IF=2.138,生物四区)

294)Wang Z.N., Lu, J.Y., Yang H.M*., Zhang X., Luo C.L., Zhao Y.X. Resorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium from leaves of lucerne stands of different ages. Plant and Soil, 2014, 383(1-2): 301-312.(IF=2.952,农林科学一区)

295)Wang, Z., M. Ji, J. Deng*, R. I. Milne, J. Ran, Q. Zhang, Z. Fan, X. Zhang, J. Li, H. Huang, D. Cheng, and K. J. Niklas. A theoretical framework for whole-plant carbon assimilation efficiency tested using Picea seedlings. Tree Physiology,(2015)00:1-9(IF=3.655,生物一区)

296)Wei Qi, Haiyan Bu, Kun Liu, Wenjin Li, Johannes M. H. Knops, Juhong Wang, Wenlong Li, Guozhen Du*. Biological traits are correlated with elevational distribution range of eastern Tibetan herbaceous species,Plant Ecology, 2014, 215:1187-1198.( SCI, IF=1.64,四戋戋) 1.463

297)Wei X., Gao X.T., Zhao L., Peng X.L., Zhou L., Wang J., Pu Q.S.* Fast and interference-free determination of glyphosate and glufosinate residues through electrophoresis in disposable microfluidic chips. Journal of Chromatography A, 2013 (1281): 148– 154. (IF=4.258,化学二区,被援用次数:12)

298)Wei Y.Q., Yang H.J., Luan Y., Long R.J.*, Wu Y.J., Wang Z.Y. Isolation, identification and fibrolytic characteristics of rumen fungi grown with indigenous methanogen from yaks (Bos grunniens) grazing on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2015, 120 (3): 571-587. (IF=2.479,生物三区)

299)Wen H.Y., Niu D.C., Fu H.*, Kang J. Experimental investigation on soil carbon, nitrogen, and their components under grazing and livestock exclusion in steppe and desert steppe grasslands, Northwestern China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2013, 70: 3131-3141.(IF=1.445,环境科学与生态学四区)1.572

300)Wen, Z.H., Duan, T.Y., Christensen, M.J., Nan, Z.B. * Bacillus subtilis subsp. spizizenii MB29 controls alfalfa root rot caused byFusarium semitectum. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 2015, 25: 898-910.(IF=0.938,生物科学四区)

301)Wen, Z.H., Duan, T.Y., Christensen, M.J., Nan, Z.B. Microdochium tabacinum, confirmed as a pathogen of alfalfa in Gansu province, China. Plant Disease, 2015, 99: 87-92.(IF=3.02,农林科学一区)

302)Wenlong Li, Jing Xu*, The Dynamics of Grassland Vegetation Fractional Coverage Using Time series MODIS Data in Gannan Region Of China, IGARSS 2014,Vol. 1: 4220-4223,2014.(EI)

303)Wenlong Li, Jing Xu*, Typical alpine wetland landscape changes in eastern Tibetan Plateau under climate change over 15 years, IGARSS 2012, Munich, Germany, Vol. 2:4907-4910, 2012. (EI)

304)Wenlong Li, Jing Xu*. Alpine Wetland Landscape Changes in The Eastern Tibetan Plateau Based On Coupling Analysis of Multispectral Factor Decision Tree, IGARSS 2014,Vol. 1:4347-4350,2014.(EI)

305)Wenting Wang, Wenlong Li*, Zizhen Li. The effect of colored noise on spatiotemporal dynamics of biological invasion in a diffusive, Biosystems, 2011, 104(1):48-56. (SCI,IF=1.548,四戋戋) 1.784

306)Wu G.Q., Wang Q., Bao A.K., Wang S.M.* Amiloride reduces sodium transport and accumulation in the succulent xerophyteZygophyllum xanthoxylumunder salt conditions. Biological Trace Element Research, 2011, 139: 356-367. 1.923

307)Wu G.Q., Wang S.M.* Calcium regulates K+/Na+homeostasis in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under saline conditions.Plant Soil and Environment, 2012, 58: 121-127. 1.113

308)Wu G.Q., Xi J.J., Wang Q., Bao A.K., Ma Q., Zhang J.L., Wang S.M.* The ZxNHX gene encoding tonoplast Na+/H+antiporter from the xerophytesZygophyllum xanthoxylumplays important roles in response to salt and drought. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2011, 168: 758-767 2.791

309)Wu S.J., Zhang L.J., Chen X.L., Miao X.M., Wang J., Fu H.* Identification and functional analysis of a△6-desaturase gene and the effects of temperature and wounding stresses on its expression inMicroula sikkimensisleaves. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 2013, 77: 1925-1930.(IF=1.269,生物四区)

310)X. S. Guo, D. J. Undersander, D. K. Combs. 2012. Effects of Lactobacillus inoculants and forage dry matter on the fermentation and aerobic stability of ensiled mixed-crop tall fescue and meadow fescue. Journal of Animal Science.90, Suppl. 3/Journal of Dairy Science. 95, Suppl. 2, 534-535 (Abstract). (SC二区) 2.093

311)X. S. Guo, D. J. Undersander, D. K. Combs. 2013. Effects ofLactobacillusinoculants and forage dry matter on the fermentation and aerobic stability of ensiled mixed-crop tall fescue and meadow fescue.Journal of Dairy Science96 (3), 1735-1744 (IF2012=2.566,SCI一区).2.550

312)X. S. Guo, Ruijun Long*, Michael Kreuzer, Luming Ding, Zhanhuan Shang, Ying Zhang, Yang Yang and Guangxin Cui. 2014. Importance of functional ingredients in yak milk derived food from alpine region on health of Tibetan nomads living under high altitude stress-A review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 54, 292-302 (IF2013=5.56;SCI一区) 5.548

313)X. S. Guo, Y. Zhang, J. W. Zhou, R. J. Long, G. S. Xin, B. Qi, L. M. Ding, H. C. Wang. 2012. Nitrogen metabolism and recycling in yaks (Bos grunniens) offered a forage:concentrate diet differing in N composition. Animal Production Science, 52, 287-296(IF2012=1.228).1.218

314)X.‐K. Guan, L. Song, T.‐C. Wang, N. C. Turner, F.‐M. Li*. Effect of Drought on the Gas Exchange, Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Yield of Six Different-Era Spring Wheat Cultivars.Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2015, 201(4): 253–266. ( IF=2.444,农林科学二区)

315)X.S. Guo, L.M. Ding, R. J. Long, B. Qi, Z.H. Shang and M. L. Lian. 2012. Changes of chemical composition to high altitude result in Kobresia littledalei growing in alpine meadow of the Tibet Plateau with high feeding values to local herbivores. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 173, 186-193. (IF2012=1.608;SCI二区)

316)X.S. Guo, W. Cheng, F.Y. Yang, H. Zhou. 2011. Contribution of Endopeptidase to the Formation of Nonprotein Nitrogen during the Ensiling process of Alfalfa. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 168, 42-50. (IF2011=1.691;SCI二区)

317)Xia, C, Zhang, X.X., Christensen, M.J., Li, C.J., Nan, Z.B.*Epichloëendophyte affects the ability of powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis) to colonise drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians). Fungal Ecology, 2015, 16: 26-33. (IF2014=2.992,环境科学与生态学三区) 2.929

318)Xiao E Liu,Xiao Gang Li*, Long Hai, Yong Peng Wang, Feng Min Li, 2014. How efficient is film fully-mulched ridge–furrow cropping to conserve rainfall in soil at a rainfed site? Field Crops Research 169: 107–115.(农林一区IF=2.927)

319)Xiao Gang Li*, Zhao Ming Chen, Xiao Hang Li, Qifu Ma, Yu Lin Ma. Chemical Characteristics of Physically Separated Soil Organic Matter Fractions in Contrasting Arable Soils. Soil Science, 2013, 178: 128–137. ( IF=0.792,农林科学四区) 1.042

320)Xiao Jinyu, Zhang Changji, Lu Yuexiang, Wang Qin, An Yufeng. Energy and nitrogen provided by native herbage to sheep grazing in alpine grasslands of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Journal of animal and veterinary advance. 11(7),919-923,2012.

321)Xiao S, Ragan MC, George N, Erik TA. Models of experimental competitive intensities predict home and away differences in invasive impact and the effects of an endophytic mutualist. The American Naturalist, 2012,180:707-718. (IF=3.862,环境科学与生态学二区)

322)Xiao, S., and Richard, M. Do indirect interactions always contribute to net indirect facilitation? Ecological Modeling. 2013, 268:1-8. (IF=2.321,环境科学与生态学三区)

323)Xiao, S.,Guangyan, N and Callaway R.M. Models of experimentally derived competitive effects predict biogeographical differences in the abundance of invasive and native plant species. PLOS ONE 2013, 8: e78625. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0078625. ((IF=3.534,生物区三区) 3.534

324)Xiao, S., Zhao, L., Zhang, J.L., Wang, X.T. and Chen, S.Y. Comparing neutral and trade-off community model in shaping "productivity-diversity" relationship under different disturbance levels. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology.2013, 75:213-222。(IF=1.389,生物四区) 1.292

325)Xiao, S., Zhao, L., Zhang, J.L., Wang, X.T. and Chen, S.Y. The integration of facilitation into the neutral theory of community.Ecological Modeling.2013, 251:127-134. (IF=2.321,环境科学与生态学三区)

326)Xiao, Y., Zhang, J., Jia, T.T., Pang, X.P., Guo, Z.G.* Effects of alternate furrow irrigation on the biomass and quality of alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Agricultural Water Management, 2015, 161:147-154.(IF2014=2.286,农林科学二区)

327)Xiaodong Huang, Hongjie Xie*, Tiangang Liang, Donghui Yi. Estimating vertical error of SRTM and map-based DEMs using ICESat altimetry data in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2011, 32(18):5177-5196.(IF=1.65,地舆三区,被引19次)1.117

328)Xiaodong Huang, Tiangang Liang*, Xuetong Zhang, Zhenggang Guo. Validation of MODIS snow cover products using Landsat and ground measurements during the 2001-2005 snow seasons over northern Xinjiang, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2011, 32(1):133-152.(IF=1.65,地舆三区,被引32次)1.117

329)Xiaoguang Du,Shurong Zhou*, Rampal S. Etienne. Negative density dependence can offset the effect of species competitive asymmetry: A niche-based mechanism for neutral-like patterns. Journal of Theoretical Biology,2011, 278:127-134.(IF=2.116,生物四区)2.208

330)Xiao-Jun Hu, You-Cai Xiong, Yong-Jin Li, Jian-Xin Wang, Feng-Min Li*, Hai-Yang Wang, Lan-Lan Li. Integrated water resources management and water users' associations in the arid region of northwest China: A case study of farmers' perceptions. Journal of Environmental Management, 2014, 145:162–169. ( IF=2.723,环境科学与生态学三区)

331)Xiaole Kong,Jing Cao*, Rangyun Tang, Shengqiang Zhang,Fang Dong. Pollution of intensively managed greenhouse soils by nutrients and heavy metals in the Yellow River Irrigation Region, Northwest China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2014,186(11):7719-7731. (IF=1.679,环境科学与生态学四区)

332)Xiao-Ming Shi, Xiao Gang Li*, Chun Tao Li, Yu Zhao, Zhan Huan Shang, Qifu Ma. Grazing exclusion decreases soil organic C storage at an alpine grassland of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Engineering, 2013, 57: 183–187. ( IF=2.580,环境科学与生态学三区)

333)Xie W,G., Zhao X.H., Zhang J.Q., Wang Y.R.*, Liu W.X. Assessment of genetic diversity of Siberian wild rye (Elymus sibiricusL.) germplasms with variation of seed shattering and implication for future genetic improvement. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2015, 58:211-218. (IF=0.967,生物四区)

334)Xie W.G., Robins J.G.*, Escribano S., Bushman B.S, Zhang X.Q. Cultivar × binary mixture interaction effect on agronomic traits in orchardgrass. Grassland Science, 2014, 60:104-111.(IF=0.627,农林四区)

335)Xie W.G., Zhang J.C., Zhao X.H., Zhang J.Q., Wang Y.R.* Siberian wild rye (Elymus sibiricusL.) : Genetic diversity of germplasm determined using DNA fingerprinting and SCoT markers. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2015, 60:186-192. (IF=0.967,生物四区)

336)Xin G.S., Long R.J.*, Guo X.S., Irvine J., Ding L.M., Ding L.L., Shang Z.H. Blood mineral status of grazing Tibetan sheep in the North east of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Livestock Science,2011, 136:102-107. (IF=1.171,农林科学三区) 1.506

337)Xu Danghui*, Fang Xiangwen, Su Peixi, Wang Gang. Ecophysiological responses ofCaragana korshinskiiKom. under extreme drought stress: Leaf abscission and stem survives.Photosynthetica,2012,50: 541–548.(IF=1.409,生物四区) 0.862

338)Xu Danghui*,Fang Xiangwen, Zhang Renyi, Gao Tianpeng, Bu Haiyan, Du Guozhen. Influences of nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon addition on plant productivity and species richness in an alpine meadow. AoB PLANTS ,2015,7: plv125; doi:10.1093/aobpla/plv125. (IF=2.273,生物四区)

339)Xu Danghui*, Li Honglin, Fang Xiangwen, Li Jinhua, Bu Haiyan, Zhang Wenpeng, Wang Jingjing, Si Xiaolin..Response of photosynthesis activity and biomass allocation of eight plants to different soil water statuses in an alpine swamp wetland on the Tibetan plateau. Wetlands,2015m35:381–390。(IF=1.572,环境科学与生态学四区)

340)Xu J., Li W.L., Zhang C.H., Liu W., Du G.Z.* Variation in Seed Germination of 134 Common Species on the Eastern Tibetan Plateau: Phylogenetic, Life History and Environmental Correlates. PLOS ONE, 2014, 9(6):1-13.(IF=3.234,概括类3区)

341)Xu Su,Guili Wu,Lili Li,Jianquan Liu*Species delimitation in plants using the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau endemic Orinus. Annals of Botany,2015,116: 35–48(IF=3.654,生物三区)

342)Xu Zhonglin, Feng Zhaodong, Zhao Chuanyan*, Zheng Jianghua, Yang Jianjun, Tian Fengxia, Peng Huanhua, Wang Chao, Peng Shouzhang. The canopy rainfall interception in actual and potential distribution of Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia) forest. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 2013, 61(1): 64-72. (IF=1.486,环境四区) 1.231

343)Xu Zhonglin, Zhao Chuanyan*, Feng Zhaodong, Zhang Fang, Sher Hassan, Wang Chao, Peng Huanhua, Wang Ying, Zhao Yang, Wang Yao, Peng Shouzhang, Zheng Xianglin. Estimating realized and potential carbon storage benefits from reforestation and afforestation under climate change: a case study of the Qinghai spruce forests in the Qilian Mountains, northwestern China,Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 2013, 18(8): 1257-1268. (IF=2.669,环境三区)2.019

344)Xu Zhonglin, Zhao Chuanyan*, Feng Zhaodong. Species distribution models to estimate the deforested area of Picea crassifolia in arid region recently protected: Qilian Mts. National Natural Reserve (China). Polish Journal of Ecology, 2012, 60(3) 515-524. (IF=0.567,环境四区) 0.503

345)Xu Zhonglin, Zhao Chuanyan*. Projected ecological niche and deforested areaof Picea crassifolia (Qinghai spruce) in Qilian Mountains National Natural Reserve, China. Polish Journal of Ecology, 2012, 60: 381-389. (IF=0.567,环境四区) 0.503

346)Xu, S, Li, Y.Z.* First report of common vetch anthracnose caused byColletotrichum lentisin China. Plant Disease, 2015, 99(12): 1589.( IF=3.02,农林科学一区)

347)Y. X. KOU, J. ZENG, J. Q. LIU AND C. M. ZHAO*Germplasm diversity and differentiation of Helianthus tuberosus L. revealed by AFLP marker and phenotypic traits. Journal of Agricultural Science,2014, 152: 779-789(IF=0.653,农林二区)1.157

348)Y. Zhang, J.W. Zhou, X.S. Guo, R.J. Long. 2012. Influences of dietary nitrogen and non-fiber carbohydrate levels on apparent digestibility, rumen fermentation and nitrogen utilization in growing yaks fed low quality forage based-diet. Livestock Science, 147, 139-147(IF2011=1.506;SCI三区). 1.249

349)Y. Zhu, C.S. Bai, X.S. Guo*, Y.L. Xue, Kazuo Ataku. 2011. Nutritive value of corn silage in mixture with Garden Pea. Animal Production Science 51, 1117-1122 (IF2011=0.986;SCI三区)).

350)Yan F., Xu B.C., Liu L., Gu Y.J., Liu Q.Q., Turner N.C., Li F.M*. Does a mixture of old and modern winter wheat cultivars increaseyield and water use efficiency in water-limited environments. Field Crops Research, 2014, 156(1): 12-21. ( IF=2.976,农林科学一区)

351)Yan Zhang, Xianjiang Chen, Yunxiang Cheng, Shenghua Chang, Fujiang Hou*. Effects of stocking rates on functional group diversity and forage quality in rangeland of Qilian Mountain, China. Journal of Environmental Biology. 2015, 36: 713-719.

352)Yang H.M*., He S.B., Shen Y.Y*. Soil nitrogen, carbon and phosphorus after lucerne conversion to wheat or fallow in the Loess Plateau of China. Philippine Journal of Crop Science, 2011, 36(3): 28-33.(IF=0.170,农林科学四区)0.075

353)Yang Q., Wang X.Z., Shen Y.Y*., Philp J.N.M. Functional diversity of soil microbial communities in response to tillage and crop residue retention in an eroded loess soil. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2013, 59(3): 311-321.(IF=0.729,农林科学四区)0.753

354)Yang Q.,Wang X.Z.,Shen Y.Y*. Comparison of soil microbial community catabolic diversity between rhizosphere and bulk soil induced by tillage or residue retention. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2013, 13(1): 187-199.(IF=0.680,环境科学与生态学四区)0.582

355)Yang Y., Li W., Wang G*Can we use disease to control biological invasion, Ecological Modeling,277(2014) 97-107 (IF=2.321,环境科学与生态学三区)

356)Yang Y., Wang G*., Xiong Y. The contribution of intraspecific trait variability to plant community assembly patterns on the niche-neutral continuum. Pakistan Journal of Botany 2015 47(3):1039-1050 (IF=1.25,生物四区) 0.822

357)Yang Y., Wang L., Han J., Tang X., Ma M., Wang K., Zhang X., Ren Q., Chen Q., Qiu, Q*. Comparative transcriptomic analysis revealed adaptation mechanism of Phrynocephalus erythrurus, the highest altitude Lizard living in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. BMC Evolutionary Biology,15:101(IF=3.368,生物三区)

358)Yang Yuan, Fujiang Hou*. Grazing intensity and soil depth effects on soil properties in alpine meadow pastures of Qilian Mountain in northwest China. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B- Soil & Plant Science. 2015, 65(3): 222-232.

359)Yang Yuhua, Li Wenlong*, Zong Jianwei, Li Zizhen, Wang Wenting. Effect of film mulches on edible lily (Lilium davidii var. unicolor) in semiarid areas, Zemdirbyste-agriculture, 2011, 98(1):71-80. (SCI,IF=0.567,三区) 0.327

360)Yang Z., Liu X., Zhou M., Ai D., Wang G., Wang Y., Chu C., Lundholm J.T. The effect of environmental heterogeneity on species richness depends on community position along the environmental gradient. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:15723 (IF=5.578,概括性期刊二区)

361)Yang Z.L, Yann Hautier ,Elizabeth T. Borer,Zhang C.H., Du G.Z. Abundance‑and functional‑based mechanisms of plant diversity loss with fertilization in the presence and absence of herbivores.Oecologia, 2015, 179:261–270.(IF=3.093,环境3区)

362)Yang Z.L., Powell J.R., ,Zhang C.H., Du G.Z*. The effect of environmental and phylogenetic drivers on community assembly in an alpine meadow community. Ecology, 2012, 93(11) :2321–2328. (IF=4.656,环境2区) 5.175

363)Yang Z.L.,Du G.Z*. Stochastic and deterministic processes together determine alpine meadow plant community composition on the Tibetan Plateau. Community Ecology, 2012, 1(2): 495-504.(IF=1.214,生态4区) 1.623

364)Yang Z.L.,Jasper van Ruijven,Du G.Z*. The effects of long-term fertilization on the temporal stability of alpine meadow communities. Plant and soil, 2011, 345:315–324.(IF=2.952,农林1区) 2.733

365)Yang, H.M*., Unkovich M., McNeill A., Wang X.Z. Symbiotic N2fixation and nitrate utilisation in irrigated lucerne (Medicago sativa) systems. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2011, 47(4): 377-385.(IF=3.398,农林科学一区)2.319

366)Yangling Peng, Shuming Yin, Jing Wang, Bin Tian, Guangpeng Ren, Qiuhong Guo, Jianquan Liu*Phylogeographic analysis of the fir species in southern China suggests complex orgin and genetic admixture. Annals of Forest Science,2012,69: 409-416(IF=1.981,生物三区)1.630

367)Yann Hautier*, Eric Seabloom, Elizabeth T. Borer, Peter B. Adler, W. Stanley Harpole, Helmut Hillebrand, Eric Lind, Andrew MacDougall, Carly Stevens, Jonathan D. Bakker, Yvonne Buckley,Chengjin Chu, Scott L. Collins, Pedro Daleo, Ellen I. Damschen, Kendi Davies, Philip A. Fay, Jennifer Firn, Daniel S. Gruner, Virginia L. Jin, Julia A. Klein, Johannes M.H. Knops, Kimberly J. La Pierre, Wei Li, Rebecca McCulley, Brett Melbourne, Joslin L. Moore, Lydia R. O’Halloran, Suzanne M. Prober, Anita C. Risch, Mahesh Sankaran, Martin Schuetz & Andy Hector. Eutrophication weakens stabilizing effects of diversity in natural grasslands.Nature,2014,508: 521-525.(IF=41.456,概括一区,top期刊)

368)Yao,X., Christensen, J.M., Bao, G.S., Zhang, C.P., Li, X.Z., Li, C.J.*, Nan, Z.B. A toxic endophyte-infected grass helps reverse degradation and loss of biodiversity of over-grazed grasslands in northwest China. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 18527. (IF2014=5.578,概括二区)

369)Ye J.S*. Trend and variability of China's summer precipitation during 1955–2008. International Journal of Climatology, 2013, DOI: 10, 1002/joc, 3705.(IF=3.157,地学二区) 3.398

370)Ye X.Q., Meng J.L.,Zhao Z.G., Fan B.L., Du G.Z. Optimal pollinator attraction strategies in Trollius ranunculoides Hemsl. (Ranunculaceae) at different altitudes: increased floral display or promotion of nectar output? Plant Biology,2011, 13:551–555.(IF=2.633,生物3区)2.395

371)YONGFENG ZHOU, LIRUI ZHANG, JIANQUAN LIU,* GUILI WU and OUTI SAVOLAINEN. Climatic adaptation and ecological divergence between two closely related pine species in Southeast China. Molecular Ecology,2014,23, 3504–3522(IF=6.494,生物二区)

372)Yongshuai Sun, Ailan Wang, Dongshi Wan, Qian Wang,Jianquan Liu*Rapid radiation of Rheum (Polygonaceae) and parallel evolution of morphological traits. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution,2012,63:150-158(IF=3.916,生物三区)4.066

373)YONGSHUAI SUN,RICHARD J . ABBOTT,LILI LI,LONG LI,JIABIN ZOU,JIANQUAN LIU* Evolutionary history of Purple cone spruce (Picea purpurea) in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau: homoploid hybrid origin and Pleistocene expansion. Molecular Ecology, 2014, 23, 343–359(IF=6.494,生物二区)

374)Youshi Wang,Farnon Ellwood, Fernando Maestre, Zhiyong Yang, Gang Wang &Chengjin Chu*.Positive interactions can produce species-rich communities and increase species turnover through time.Journal of Plant Ecology,2012,5:417-421.(IF=2.646,生物四区)

375)Youshi Wang,Kai Zhu, Zehao Shen &Chengjin Chu*. Effects on inter-specific variability and sample size on biomass allocation: A hierarchical Bayesian modeling.Ecological Informatics,2011,6: 341-344. (IF=1.727,环境科学与生态学四区) 1.432

376)Youshi Wang, Zhiyong Yang, Shurong Zhou, Janne Soininen, Dexiecuo Ai, Yali Li &Chengjin Chu*. The effect of positive interactions on temporal turnover of community composition along an environmental gradient.PLoS ONE,2013,8: e78698. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0078698.((IF=3.534,生物区三区) 3.534

377)Yu Hui, Zhang Xuetong, Liang Tiangang*, Xie Hongjie, Wang Xianwei, Feng Qisheng, Chen Quangong. A new approach of dynamic monitoring of 5-day snow cover extent and snow depth based on MODIS and AMSR-E data from Northern Xinjiang region. Hydrological Processes, 2012, 26(20): 3052-3061.(IF=2.677,环境三区,被引6次)2.497

378)Yu X.J., Xu C., Wang F., Shang Z.H., Long RJ*. Recovery and germinability of seeds ingested by yaks and Tibetan sheep could have important effects on the population dynamics of alpine meadow plants on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Rangeland Journal, 2012, 34(3):249-255. (IF=1.096,环境科学与生态学四区) 1.276

379)Yu, B.H., Nan, Z.B.,*Li. Y.Z., Lin, H.L. Resistance of standing milkvetch (Astragalus adsurgens) varieties toEmbellisia astragali. Crop & Pasture Science, 2012, 63: 351-359.(IF=1.483,农林科学三区) 1.133

380)Yuan HJ, Ma Q, Wu GQ, Wang P, Hu J, Wang SM.* ZxNHX controls Na+and K+homeostasis at the whole-plant level inZygophyllum xanthoxylumthrough feedback regulation of the expression of genes involved in their transport. Annals of Botany, 2015, 115(3):495-507. 3.654

381)Yuan J.L., Liang D.F., Zhang S.T.* Litter and its interaction with standing vegetation affect seedling recruitment in Tibetan alpine grasslands. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 2015, doi: 10.1080/ 17550874.2015.1073400.(IF=1.76,生物4区)1.766

382)Yuan Z.Q.,Yu K.L., Siddique K.H.M., Stefanova K., Turner N.C., Li F.M*. Cutting can promote lucerne stand revegetation in a semi-arid environment. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 12130. ( IF=5.578,概括性二区)

383)Yuan, M.L.*, Zhang, Q.L. The complete mitochondrial genome ofGynaephora menyuanensis(Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Mitochondrial DNA, 2013, 24(4):328-330.(IF=1.209,生物四区) 1.701

384)Yuan, M.L.*, Zhang, Q.L., Guo, Z.L., Wang, J., Shen, Y.Y. Comparative mitogenomic analysis of the superfamily Pentatomoidea (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera) and phylogenetic implications.BMC Genomics, 2015, 16:460.(IF= 3.986,生物二区)

385)Yuan, M.L.*, Zhang, Q.L., Guo, Z.L., Wang, J., Shen, Y.Y. The complete mitochondrial genome ofCorizus tetraspilus(Hemiptera: Rhopalidae) and phylogenetic analysis of Pentatomomorpha. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10: e0129003. (IF= 3.234,生物三区)

386)Yuan, M.L.*, Zhang, Q.L., Wang, Z.F., Guo, Z.L., Bao, G.S. Molecular Phylogeny of Grassland Caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Lymantriinae:Gynaephora) Endemic to the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10: e0127257. (IF= 3.234,生物三区)

387)Yue D.X., Zhang S., Zhao X.Z., Mo F., Zhang J., Wang R., Wang G.R., Hickey GM, Wang H.L., Wang Y.Q., Xiong Y.C*. Policy strategy for ecosystem conservation of the Minqin oasis of northwest China. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2012, 44: 51-57. (IF= 0.822,生物四区) 0.872

388)Yue L.J., Li S.X., Ma Q., Zhou X.R., Wu G.Q., Bao A.K., Zhang J.L., Wang S.M.* NaCl stimulates growth and alleviates water stress in the xerophyteZygophyllum xanthoxylum. Journal of Arid Environments, 2012, 87:153-160. 1.772

389)Yu-Jin Wang, Eckhard von Raab-Straube, Alfonso Susanna, Jian-Quan Liu*Shangwua (Compositae), a new genus from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Himalayas. Taxon,2013,62 (5): 984–996(IF=3.299,生物三区)3.051

390)Zechen Peng,Shurong Zhou*, Dayong Zhang.Dispersal and recruitment limitation contribute differently to community assembly. Journal of Plant Ecology,2012, 5: 89-96. (IF=2.646,生物四区)

391)Zechen Peng, Shurong Zhou. Community assembly rules affect the diversity of expanding communities. Ecology and Evolution,2014, 4:4041-4052.(IF=2.320,生物四区)

392)Zeng Tang,Yulan Shi,Zhibiao Nan*and Zhongmin Xu. The economic potential of payments for ecosystem services in water conservation:a case study in the upper reaches of Shiyang River basin,northwest China[J]. Environment and Development Economics,2012,17(4):445-460.(照管类三区IF=1.447)

393)Zeng Tang,Zhibiao Nan*,Jianguo Liu. The willingness to pay for irrigationwater:a case study in northwest China[J]. Global NEST Journal. 2013,15(1):76-84. 0.660

394)Zeng Tang,Yulan Shi,Zhibiao Nan*,Zhongmin Xu. The economic potential of payments for ecosystem services in water conservation:a case study in the upper reaches of Shiyang River basin,northwest China[J]. Environment and Development Economics,2012,17(4):445-460.

395)Zeng Tang,Zhibiao Nan*. The potential of cropland soil carbon sequestration in the Loess Plateau[J]. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. 2013,18(7):889–902.IF=2.669

396)Zeng Y.J.*, Qi X.N., Li Y.Z., Wang Y.Q. Optimising the preparation method of seeds ofAgriophyllum squarrosumprior to staining intetrazolium solution, Seed Science and Technology, 2014, 42(2): 300-306. (IF=0.706,生物四区) 0.480

397)Zeng Y.J., Wang Y.R.*, Carol B., Jerry B. Testing seed germination responses to water and salinity stresses to gain insight on suitable microhabitats for restoration of cold desert shrubs, Journal of Arid Environments, 2014, 100(1): 89-92. (IF=1.822,生物四区). 1.641

398)Zeng, C.Y., Zhu, X.Y., Cui, Z., Li, Y.Z.*Antifungal activity of plant extracts againstEmbellisia astragali, the fungal causal agent of yellow dwarf and root rot disease of standing milk-vetch. Crop & Pasture Science, 2015, 66: 735-739.(IF=1.483,农林科学三区)

399)Zeng, Y.J., Qi, X.N.,Li, Y.Z., Wang, Y.Q., Wang, Y.R.*Optimising the preparation method of seeds ofAgriophyllum squarrosumprior to staining in tetrazolium solution[J]. Seed Science and Technology, 2011, 42, 300-306.(IF=1.931,植物科学四区) 0.620

400)Zeng, Y.J., Wang, Y.R.,*Baskinb, C.C., Li, Y.Z. Testing seed germination responses to water and salinity stresses to gain insight on suitable microhabitats for restoration of cold desert shrubs. Journal of Arid Environments, 2014, 100(101): 89-92.(IF=1.772,农林科学三区) 1.641

401)Zhang C.H, Liu K., Qi W., Ma Z., Du G.Z*. Light-dependent associations of germination timing with subsequent life-history traits and maternal habitats for 476 angiosperm species of the eastern. Seed Science Research, 2014, 24:207–215.(IF=1.700,生物4区)

402)Zhang C.H., Willis C. G., Burghardt L.T., Qi W., Liu K., de Moura Souza-Filho P. R., Ma Z. ,Du G.Z*. The community-level effect of light on germination timing in relation to seed mass: a source of regeneration niche differentiation. New Phytologist, 2014, 204: 496–506.(IF=7.672,生物2区)

403)Zhang C.P., Li X.D., Wen H.Y., Wan C.G., Fu H.* Variation of Q10 values in a fenced and a grazed grassland on the loess plateau, northwestern China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2015,61(4):629-640.(IF=0.729,农林科学四区)

404)Zhang C.P., Niu D.C., Hall S.J., Wen H.Y., Li X.D., Fu H.*, Wan C.G., Elser J.J. Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on soil respiration components and their temperature sensitivities in a semiarid grassland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2014, 75: 113-123.(IF=3.654,泥土科学一区,被援用次数:9)

405)Zhang F.*, Li M, Qi J, Li F-M, Sun G. Plastic Film Mulching Increases Soil Respiration in Ridge-Furrow Maize Management. Arid Land Research and Management, 2015, doi: 10.1080/15324982.(IF= 0.804,环境科学与生态学四区)

406)Zhang F., Ye J.S., Sun G.J*. A process model based ecosystem assessment and management system. Agro-Geoinformatics (Agro-Geoinformatics). 2012 First International Conference, IEEE, 2012: 1-4.

407)Zhang G.F., Xie T.P., Du G.Z*. Variation in floral sex allocation,female success, and seed predation within racemiform synflorescence in the gynomonoecious Ligularia virgaurea. Journal of Plant Research,2012, 125:527–538.(IF=1.823,生物4区) 2.059

408)Zhang J.C., Xie W.G.*, Wang Y.R.*, Zhao X.H. Potential of Start Codon Targeted (SCoT) markers to estimate genetic diversity and relationships among ChineseElymus sibiricusaccessions. Molecules, 2015, 20: 5987-6001.(IF=2.416,化学三区)

409)Zhang J.L.*, Aziz M., Qiao Y., Han Q.Q., Li J., Wang Y.Q., Shen X., Wang S.M., Paré P.W. Soil microbe Bacillus subtilis (GB03) induces biomass accumulation and salt tolerance with lower sodium accumulation in wheat. Crop and Pasture Science, 2014, 65: 423-427.(IF=1.488,农林三区)

410)Zhang J.L., Wetson A.M., Wang S.M.*, Gurmani A.R., Bao A.K., Wang C.M. Factors associated with determination of root22Na+influx in the salt accumulation halophyteSuaeda maritima. Biological Trace Element Research, 2011, 139: 108-117.1.923

411)Zhang J.Q., Wang Y.R.*Breaking dormancy in freshly matured seeds ofElymus sibiricus, an important forage grass in the Tibetan Plateau. Genetics and Molecular Research , 2015, 14:11109-11118.(IF=0.775,生物四区)

412)Zhang J.Y., Duan Z., Jahufer Z., An S.J. and Wang Y.R.*Stress-inducible expression of aCleistogenes songoricaALDH gene enhanced drought tolerance in transgenicArabidopsis thaliana, a xerophytic desert grass. Plant Omics, 2014,7: 438-444.

413)Zhang J.Y., John U.P., Wang Y.R., Li X., Gunawardana D., Polotnianka R., Spangenberg G.C., Nan Z.B.*Targeted mining of drought stress-responsive genes from EST resources inCleistogenes songorica. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2011,168 (15): 1844-1851.(IF=2.557,生物三区) 2.791

414)Zhang JL, Flowers TJ, Wang SM* (2013) Differentiation of low-affinity Na+uptake pathways and kinetics of the effects of K+on Na+uptake in the halophyteSuaeda maritima. Plant and Soil 368: 629-640 3.235

415)Zhang JL, Shi HZ (2013) Physiological and molecular mechanisms of plant salt tolerance. Photosynthesis Research 115: 1-22 3.185

416)Zhang L.C.,* Guo H., Wang M.T., Du G.Z*.Plasticity of reproductive traits responding to variation in light availability at the rosette stage of the first year in a strict biennial, Pedicularis torta, from a field on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, China. Plant Species Biology,2011, 26:105-110.(IF=1.271,生物4区) 0.792

417)Zhang L.C.,Wang X.J.,Du G.Z*. Primary floral allocation per flower in 12 Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae) species: significant effect of two distin ctrewarding types for pollinators. J Plant Res, 2011, 124:655–661.(IF=1.823,生物4区) 1.746

418)Zhang P.F, Zhou X.L, Li J.Y, Guo Z., Du G.Z*. Space resource utilisation: a novel indicator to quantify species competitive ability for light.Scientific Reports, 2015,5: 16832.(IF= 5.578,概括类2区)

419)Zhang S.H.,Chen D.D.,Sun D.S., Wang X.T., Jeffrey L. Smith, Du G.Z*. Impacts of altitude and position on the rates of soil nitrogen mineralization and nitrification in alpine meadow s on the eastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, China. Biology and Fertility of Soils,2012, 48:393–400.(IF=3.398,农林1区)2.505

420)Zhang ST & Lamb EG Plant competitive ability and the transitivity of competitive hierarchies change with plant age. Plant Ecology, 2012, 213: 15-23.(IF=1.46,环境科学4区)1.534

421)Zhang ST, Liu JP, Bao XH, Niu KC Seed-to-seed potential allelopathic effects between Ligularia virgaurea and native grass species of Tibetan alpine grasslands. Ecological Research, 2011, 26: 5-52.(IF=1.29,环境科学4区)1.565

422)Zhang ST, Zhao C & Lamb EG Cotyledon damage affects seed number through final plant size but not seed mass in the annual grassland species Medicago lupulina. 2011, Annals of Botany, 107: 437-422.(IF=3.65,生物3区)4.030

423)Zhang W.S., Li F.M.*, Xiong Y.C., Xia Q. Econometric analysis of the determinants of adoption of raising sheep in folds by farmers in the semiarid Loess Plateau of China. Ecological Economics, 2012, 74: 145-152. ( IF=2.72,环境科学与生态学三区)2.855

424)Zhang XW, Wang JR, Ji MF, Milne RI, Wang MH, Liu JQ, Shi S, Yang SL, Zhao CM*Higher thermal acclimation potential of respiration but not photosynthesis in two alpine Picea taxa in contrast to two lowland congeners. PLOS ONE,2015,10: e0123248(IF=3.234,生物三区)

425)Zhang Y., Zhou J.W., Guo X.S., Cui G.X., Ding L.M., Wang H.C., Li L.W., Long R.J.* Influences of dietary nitrogen and non-fiber carbohydrate levels on apparent digestibility, rumen fermentation and nitrogen utilization in growing yaks fed low quality forage based-diet. Livestock Science,2012, 147(1):139-147. (IF=1.171,农林科学三区) 1.249

426)Zhang Ying, Huang Xiaodong*, Hao Xiaohua, Wang Jie, Wang Wei. Liang Tiangang. Fractional snow-cover mapping using an improved endmember extraction algorithm. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2014, 8, 086491.(IF=1.18,地舆四区,被引3次)1.183

427)Zhang Z.L., Niu K.C., Liu X.D., Jia P., Du G.Z*. Linking flowering and reproductive allocation in response to nitrogen addition in an alpine meadow. J Plant Ecol, 2014, 7 (3): 231-239.(生物4区) 1.463

428)Zhang Z.S., Liu W.X.*, Qi X., Liu Z.P., Xie W.G., Wang Y.R.* Genome-wide identification, expression profiling, and SSR marker development of the bZIP transcription factor family inMedicago truncatula. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2015, 61: 218-228.(IF=0.967,生物四区)

429)Zhang J.Y., Kong L.F., Liu Z.P., Jahufer Z., Duan Z., Huo Y.X., Di H.Y., Wang Y.R.* Stress-induced expression inArabidopsiswith a Dehydrin LEA protein fromCleistogenes songorica, a xerophytic desert grass,Plant Omics, 2015,8(6): 485-492.

430)Zhang, F., Qi, J.,Li, F. M.*,Li, C. S.,Li, C. B.,Quantifying nitrous oxide emissions from Chinese grasslands with a process-based model,Biogeosciences, 2010, 7(6):2039-2050.(IF= 3.978,环境科学与生态学二区)

431)Zhang, Q. Wang, Z.Q., Ji, M.F., Fan, Z.X., Deng, J.M*Patterns of species richness in relation to temperature, taxonomy and spatial scale in eastern China. Acta Oecologica,2011,37 (4):307-313.(IF=1.617,生物四区)

432)Zhang, Q.L.,Yuan, M.L.* The complete mitochondrial genome ofDolycoris baccarum(Insecta: Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 2013,24(5): 469-471. (IF=1.209,生物四区) 1.701

433)Zhang, W., Hu, M.J., Liu, G.D., Gao, Z.Y., Li, M.,Nan, Z.B*. Investigation and characterization of red thread and pink patch on warm-season turfgrasses in Hainan Province, tropical China. European Journal of Plant Pathology.2014.Online(In press)( IF2013=1.707,农艺学三区)

434)Zhang, W., Nan, Z.B.*, Tian, P., Hu, M.J., Gao, Z.Y., Li, M.Microdochium paspali, a new species causing seashore paspalum disease in south China. Mycologia.2014.Online(In press)( IF2013=2.128,生物类四区)

435)Zhang, W., Nan, Z.B.,*Liu, G.D. First report of Limonomyces roseipellis causing pink patch on bermudagrass insouth China. Plant Disease.2013.97(4):561. (农林科学二区,IF2013=2.742)

436)Zhang, W., Nan, Z.B.,*Liu, G.D., Hu, M.J., Gao, Z.Y., Li, M. First report of leaf and sheath spot caused byWaitea circinatavar. zeae onPaspalum vaginatumandZoysia tenuifoliain China. Plant Disease.2014. 98(10):1436.( IF2013=2.742,农林科学二区)

437)Zhang, W.G., Jin, L., Li, X.L., Jiang, X.L., Wang, Y.F., Wang, X.J.* Grain quality evaluations of hybrids betweenTriticum aestivumandSorghum bicolorproduced by pollen tube pathway method. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 2012, 6: 1712-1717. (IF2011=1.632,农林三区)

438)Zhang, X.X., Li, C.J.,* Nan, Z.B. Effects of salt and drought stress on alkaloid production in endophyte-infected drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2011, 39: 471-476. (IF2010=1.110,生物四区) 0.931

439)Zhang, X.X., Li, C.J.,* Nan, Z.B. Effects of cadmium stress on seed germination and seedling growth ofElymus dahuricusinfected with theNeotyphodiumendophyte. Science China Life Sciences, 2012, 55(9): 793-799. (IF2011=2.024,生物四区)

440)Zhang, X.X., Li, C.J.,* Nan, Z.B., Matthew, C.Neotyphodiumendophyte increasesAchnatherum inebrians(drunken horse grass) resistance to herbivores and seed predators. Weed Research, 2012, 52(1): 70-78. (IF2011=1.924,农林二区) 2.045

441)Zhang, X.X., Li, C.J.,* Nan, Z.B. Effects of cutting frequency and height on alkaloid production in endophyte-infected drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians). Science China Life Sciences, 2011, 54(6): 567-571. (IF2010=1.345,生物四区)

442)Zhang, X.X., Nan, Z.B.,* Li, C.J., Gao, K. Cytotoxic Effect of ergot alkaloids inAchnatherum inebriansinfected by theNeotyphodium gansuenseendophyte. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62:7419-7422. (IF2013=3.107,农林一区)

443)Zhang, X.X., Wu, Y.P., Nan, Z.B.* Antifungal activity of petroleum ether extracts fromAchnatherum inebriansinfected withNeotyphodium gansuense. Science China Life Sciences, 2014, 57:1234-1235. (IF2013=1.512,生物四区)

444)Zhang, X.X., Xia, C., Li, C.J., Nan, Z.B.* Chemical composition and antifungal activity of the volatile oil fromEpichloëgansuensis, endophyte-infected and non-infectedAchnatherum inebrians. Science China Life Sciences, 2015, 58:512-514. (IF2014=1.688,生物四区)

445)Zhang, X.X., Xia, C., Nan, Z.B.* Effects of symbioticEpichloëgansuensisendophyte on drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians) growth and seed production. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 2014, 58: 234-240. (IF2013=0.679,农林科学四区) 0.782

446)Zhang, Z.F., Nan, Z.B.*Erwinia persicina, a new necrosis and wilt threat for grain legumes and forage legumes production in agriculture. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2014. 139 (1): 343-352. (IF2013=1.707,农林科学三区) 1.490

447)Zhao H., Wang R.H., Ma B.L., Xiong Y.C., Qiang S.C., Wang C.L., Liu C.A., Li F.M*. Ridge-furrow with full plastic film mulching improves water use efficiency and tuber yields of potato in a semiarid rainfed ecosystem. Field Crops Research, 2014, 161: 137-148. ( IF=2.976,农林科学一区)

448)Zhao H., Xiong Y.C., Li F.M. *, Wang R.Y., Qiang S.C., Yao T.F., Mo F. Plastic film mulch for half growing-season maximized WUE and yield of potato via moisture-temperature improvement in a semi-arid agroecosystem. Agricultural Water Management, 2012, 104: 68-78. ( IF=2.286,农林科学二区) 2.203

449)Zhao W.L., Qi J.G.*, Sun G.J., Li F.M. Spatial patterns of top soil carbon sensitivity to climate variables in northern Chinese grasslands. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science,2012, 62(8): 720-731. ( IF=0.646,农林科学四区)

450)Zhao X.Z., Li F.M., Mo F., Yue D.X., Zhang H.J., Turner NC, Zhou H., Wang R., Wu S., Xiong Y.C*. Intergrate conservation soultions for the endangered Loess Plateau of Northwest China. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2012, 44:77-83. (IF= 0.822,生物四区) 0.872

451)Zhao Yang, Zhao Chuanyan*, Xu Zhonglin, Liu Yiyue, WangYao, Wang Chao, Peng Huanhua, Zheng Xianglin. Physiological responses ofPopulus euphraticaOliv. to groundwater table variations in the lower reaches of Heihe River, Northwest China. Journal of Arid Land, 2012, 4(3): 281-291. (IF=0.931,环境四区) 0.453

452)Zhao ZG& Huang SQ. Differentiation of Floral Traits Associated with Pollinator Preference in a Generalist-Pollinated Herb,Trollius ranunculoides(Ranunculaceae). 2013,International Journal of Plant Sciences, 174: 637-646.(IF= 1.69,生物4区)

453)Zhao ZG*&Wang YK. Selection by Pollinators on Floral Traits in GeneralizedTrollius ranunculoides(Ranunculaceae) along Altitudinal Gradients. 2015,PLoS ONE10(2): e0118299.(IF= 3.234,生物3区)

454)Zhao ZG*, Liu ZJ & Conner JK.Plasticity of floral sex allocation within inflorescences of hermaphroditeAconitum gymnandrum.2015,Journal of Plant Ecology,8 (2): 130-135.(IF= 2.646,生物4区)

455)Zhaofeng Wang, Takahiro Yonezawa, Bin Liu, Tao Ma, Xin Shen, Jianping Su, Songchang Guo, Masami Hasegawa, Jianquan Liu*Domestication Relaxed Selective Constraints on the Yak Mitochondrial Genome. Molecular Biology and Evolution,2011,28(5): 1553-1556(IF=9.105,生物二区)5.55

456)Zheng Xianglin, Zhao Chuanyan*, Peng Shouzhang. Soil CO2 efflux along an elevation gradient in Qinghai spruce forests in the upper reaches of the Heihe River, northwest China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2014, 71(5): 2065-2076. (IF=1.765,环境四区)

457)Zhi‐Qiang LU, Bin TIAN,Bing‐Bing LIU,Chen YANG, Jianquan LIU* Origin of Ostryopsis intermedia (Betulaceae) in the southeast Qinghai–Tibet Plateau through hybrid speciation. Journal of Systematics and Evolution,2014,52 (3): 250–259(IF=1.488,生物四区)

458)Zhiyong Yang, Xueqi Liu, Mohua Zhou, Dexiecuo Ai, Gang Wang, Youshi Wang*,Chengjin Chu*& Jeremy T. Lundholm. The effect of environmental heterogeneity on species richness depends on community position along the productivity gradient.Scientific Reports,2015,5: 15723.(IF=5.578,二区)

459)Zhonghu Li, Jiabin Zou, Kangshan Mao, Kao Lin, Haipeng Li, Jianquan Liu*, Thomas Kä. Population genetic evidence for complex evolutionary histories of four high altitude juniper species in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Evolution,2012,66(3):831-45(IF=4.612,生物一区)4.864

460)Zhonghu Li, Qian Zhang, Jianquan Liu*, Thomas Källman, Martin Lascoux. The Pleistocene demography of an alpine juniper of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: tabula rasa, cryptic refugia or something else? Journal of Biogeography,2011,38: 31-43.(IF=4.59,生物二区)4.544

461)Zhou J., Wang Y.R.,*Jahufer Z. Location and chemical composition analysis of the semi-permeable layer of forage seeds.Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 2013,82: 165-173.(IF=0.127,生物四区)0.377

462)Zhou J., Wang Y.R.,*Trethewey J. Semi-permeable layer formation during seed development inElymus nutansandElymus sibiricus.Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 2013, 82:165-173.(IF=1.174,生物四区)1.195

463)Zhou J.W., Guo X.S., Degen A.A., Zhang Y., Liu H., Mi J.D., Ding L.M., Wang H.C., Qiu Q., Long R.J.*. Urea kinetics and nitrogen balance and requirements for maintenance in Tibetan sheep when fed oat hay. Small Ruminant Research, 2015, 129:60-68. (IF=1.125,农林科学三区)

464)Zhou J.W., Mi J.D., Degen A.A., Guo X.S., Wang H.C., Ding L.M., Qiu Q., Long R.J.*. Apparent digestibility, rumen fermentation and nitrogen balance in Tibetan and Fine-wool sheep offered forage-concentrate diets differing in nitrogen concentration. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge, 2015, 153: 1135-1145. (IF=1.157,农林科学二区)

465)Zhou J.W., Mi J.D., Titgemeyer E.C., Guo X.S., Ding L.M., Wang H.C., Qiu Q., Li Z.P., Long R.J.*. A comparison of nitrogen utilization and urea metabolism between Tibetan and Fine-wool sheep. Journal of Animal Science, 2015, 93(6):3006-3017. (IF=2.108,农林科学二区)

466)Zhou L.M., Jin S.L., Liu C.A., Xiong Y.C., Si J.T., Li X.G., Gan Y.T., Li F.M*. Ridge-furrow and plastic-mulching tillage enhances maize-soil interactions: Opportunities and challenges in a semiarid agroecosystem. Field Crops Research, 2012, 126:181-188. ( IF=2.976,农林科学一区) 2.474

467)Zhou Q., Chen T.L., Wang Y.R.,Liu Z.P.*The development of 204 novel EST-SSRs and their use for genetic diversity analyses in cultivated alfalfa.Biochemical Systematics and Ecology,2014,57: 227-230.(IF= 1.170,生物四区) 0.967

468)Zhou X.H., Li C.L., Zhang S.T.* Effects of ambient ultraviolet-B on ecophysiological characteristics and forage quality of Elymus nutans in the Tibetan alpine grasslands. Grassland Science, 2014, 60: 98-103.(IF=0.63,农林科学4区)0.627

469)Zhou X.L., Wang Y.S. Zhang P.F, Guo Z., Chu C.J., Du G.Z*. The effects of fertilization on the trait–abundance relationships in a Tibetan alpine meadow community. Journal of Plant Ecology,2015, DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtv043.(IF= 2.646,生物4区)

470)Zhou Z.Y., Li F.R.*, Chen S.K., Zhang H.R., LiG.D. Dynamics of vegetation and soil carbon and nitrogen accumulation over 26 years under controlled grazing in a desert shrubland. Plant and soil, 2011, 341:257-268.(IF=2.733,农林科学一区,被援用次数:26)

471)Zhou, L.-M., Zhang, F., Liu, C.-A*. Improved yield by harvesting water with ridges and subgrooves using buried and surface plastic mulchs in a semiarid area of China. Soil and Tillage Research, 2015, 150, 21-29.(IF=2.622,农林科学二区)

472)Zhou, L.Y., Li, C.J.*, Zhang, X.X., Richard, J., Bao, G.S., Yao, X., Chai, Q. Effects of cold shockedEpichloëinfectedFestuca sinensison ergot alkaloid accumulation. Fungal Ecology, 2015, 14:99-104. (IF2013=2.992,环境科学与生态学三区).2.929

473)Zhou, L.Y., Zhang, X.X., Li, C.J.*, Christensen, M.J., Nan, Z.B. Antifungal activity and phytochemical investigation of the asexual endophyte ofEpichloësp. fromFestuca sinensis. Science China Life Sciences, 2015, doi: 10.1007/s11427-015-4845-0. (IF2014=1.688,生物四区) .

474)Zhuo T.L., Li X.G.*, Yang J.Y., Turner N.C., Wang X.Y., Li F.M. County-scale changes in soil organic carbon of croplands in southeastern Gansu Province of China from the 1980s to the Mid-2000s. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2013, 77(6): 2111-2121. ( IF=1.721,农林科学二区)

475)Ziqang Yuan, Kialiang Yu, Epstein Howard, Katia Stefanova, Rong Zhang*. Plant species richness is not consistently associated with productivity in experimental subalpine meadow plant communities. Folia Geobotanica, 2015, 50(3): 207-217.(IF= 1.778,生物四区)

476)Zi-Qiang Yuan, Howard Epstain, Feng-Min Li*. Factors affecting the recovery of abandoned semi-arid fields after legume introduction on the Loess Plateau. Ecological Engineering, 2015, 79:86–93.

477)Zou Y.L., Niu D.C.*, Fu H.*, Zhang Y.C., Wan C.G.Moderate grazing promotes ecosystem carbon sequestration in an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 2015, 25(3 Suppl.1): 165-171.(IF=0.448,农林科学四区)

478)Zuyao Jiang, Yanling Peng, Xiaoxiao Hu, Yongfeng Zhou, Jianquan Liu*Cytoplasmic DNA variation in and genetic delimitation of Abies nephrolepis and Abies holophylla in northeastern China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research,2011,41: 1555-1561(IF=1.683,生物三区)

479)Stergiadis, S., Chen, X.J., Allen, M., Wills, D. and Yan, T. (2015) Evaluating nitrogen utilization efficiency of nonpregnant dry cows offered solely fresh cut grass at maintenance levels. Journal of Animal Science, 93 (2): 709-720.

480)Stergiadis, S., Allen, M., Chen, X.J, Wills, D., Yan, T. (2015). Prediction of metabolisable energy concentrations of fresh-cut grass using digestibility data measured with non-pregnant non-lactating cows. British Journal of Nutrition, 113(10): 1571-1584.

481)Stergiadis, S., Allen, M., Chen, X.J., Wills, D. Yan T. (2015) Prediction of nutrient digestibility and energy concentrations in fresh grass using nutrient composition. Journal of Dairy Science, 98 (5): 3257-3273

482)David R. Kemp, Han Guodong, Hou Xiangyang, David L. Michalk, Hou Fujiang,Wu Jianping, and Zhang Yingjun. Innovative grassland management systems for environmental and livelihood benefits. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013, 110(21): 8369-8374.(概括一区IF=9.423)

483)Gou Y.N., Nan Z.B. Hou F.J.Diversity and structure of a bacterial community in grassland soils disturbed by sheep grazing, in the Loess Plateau of northwestern China. Genetics and Molecular Research. 14(4): 16987-16999. (生物四区IF=0.764)

484)Qin Y., Niu D.C., Kang J., Zhou Y.F., Li X.L. Effect of livestock exclusion on soil physical and biochemical properties of a desert rangeland in Inner Mongolia. Polish Journal of Environmental studies, 2015, 24(6): 2587-2595.(环境四区IF=0.790)

485)Lee MRF, Cabiddu A, Hou FJ, Niderkorn V, Kim EJ, Fychan R, Scollan ND. In vitro rumen simulated (RUSITEC) metabolism of freshly cut or wilted grasses with contrasting polyphenol oxidase activities. Grass and Forage Science. 2011, 66(2): 153-299.(农林二区IF=1.617)

486)Guo, QN, Guo, TW, Ma, ZM, Che, ZX, Nan, LL, Wang, YQ, Palta, JA, Xiong, YC. Seasonal Performance and Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Salt Ions in a Semiarid Orchard of Northwest China. Hortscience, 2014, 49(5): 653-661.(农林四区IF=0.943)

487)Liu, XE, Jiang, HM, Kong, HY, Sun, GJ, Cheng, ZG, Batool, A, Xiong, YC, Li, XG. Eco-physiolgoical role of root-sourced signal in three genotypes of spring wheat cultivars: a cue of evolution. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2014, 46(4): 1217-1224.(生物四区IF=0.658)

488)Zhao, XZ, Li, FM, Mo, F, Yue, DX, Zhang, HJ, Turner, NC, Zhou, H, Wang, R , Wu, S, Xiong, YC. Integrated conservation solutions for the endangered loess plateau of northwest China. Pakistan Journal of Botany,2012, 44(2): 77-83.(生物四区IF=0.658)


490)王敏,高新华,陈念念宇,冯琦胜,梁天刚*.基于Landsat 8遥感影像的地皮垄断分类酌量——以四川省红原县安曲示范区为例.草业科学,2015,32(5):694-701.


492)张仁平,冯琦胜,郭靖,尚振艳,梁天刚*. 2000—2012年中国朔方草地NDVI和阵势因子时空变化.中国沙漠,2015,35(5):1403-1412.


494)冯琦胜,高新华. Excel在留一法交叉考据实验素质中的作用.实验科学与手艺,2015,13(2):49-51

495)孙燕华,黄晓东*,王玮,冯琦胜,李红星,梁天刚. 2003-2010年轻藏高原积雪及雪水当量的时空变化.冰川冻土, 2014, 36(6):1337-1344.

496)陈梦蝶,黄晓东*,王玮,梁天刚. CIVCO地形校正模子对青藏高原地区积雪判别的有用性校验.草业科学,2014, 31(2):209-218.


498)修丽娜,冯琦胜,梁天刚*,任继周. 2001-2009年中国草大地积动态与东说念主类行径的干系.草业科学,2014,31(1):66-74.

499)马琳雅,崔霞,冯琦胜,梁天刚*. 2001-2011年甘南草地植被掩饰度动态变化分析.草业学报,2014,23(4):1-9.

500)何咏琪,黄晓东*,方金,王玮,郝晓华,梁天刚.基于HJ-1B卫星数据的积雪面积制图算法酌量.冰川冻土,2013, 35(1):65-73.

501)张颖,黄晓东*,王玮,梁天刚. MODIS每日积雪掩饰率居品考据及算法重建.干旱区酌量,2013, 30(5):808-814.

502)王玮,黄晓东*,吕志邦,梁天刚.基于MODIS和AMER-E费力的青藏高原牧区雪被制图酌量.草业学报,2013, 22(4):227-238.







509)陈念念宇,于惠,冯琦胜,梁天刚*. 2002-2010年轻藏高原植被含水量微波遥感动态监测.草业学报,2013,22(5):30-36.



512)黄晓东,郝晓华,王玮,冯琦胜,梁天刚*. MODIS每日积雪居品去云算法酌量.冰川冻土,2012,34(5):1118-1126.





517)李文龙,许静*,李自珍.干旱期灌溉与施化肥对半干旱区春小麦产量相配水分垄断效劳的影响.兰州大学学报(当然科学版), 2012,48(03):76-82.















532)冯琦胜,高新华,黄晓东,于惠,梁天刚*. 2001-2010年轻藏高原草地孕育情状遥感动态监测.兰州大学学报(当然科学版),2011,47(4):75-81+90.












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549)王丽佳,霍学喜*.苹果训诲户分娩资本效劳分析.朔方园艺[J]. 2015,(15):182-187.




553)胥刚.黄土高原农业结构变迁与农业系统计谋构想[D]:[博士学位论文] .兰州:兰州大学,2015.导师:任继周阐述注解(兰州大学).

554)王雪璐.青藏高原三江源高寒草地生态系统泥土侵蚀酌量[D]:[博士学位论文] .兰州:兰州大学,2015.导师:林慧龙阐述注解(兰州大学).

555)李蕊超.我国食品需求的时空演变及草地农业分娩布局[D]:[硕士学位论文] .兰州:兰州大学,2015.导师:林慧龙阐述注解(兰州大学).

556)侯彦玲.现时凉州区在农业结构调遣中存在的问题及对策提倡[D]:[硕士学位论文] .兰州:兰州大学,2015.导师:林慧龙阐述注解(兰州大学).

557)万城亮.高寒退化草地泥土有机碳损益分析[D]:[硕士学位论文] .兰州:兰州大学,2015.导师:林慧龙阐述注解(兰州大学).








565)高尚.三江源草原生态系统生态办事价值的能值评价[D]:[硕士学位论文] .兰州:兰州大学,2014.导师:林慧龙阐述注解(兰州大学).



568)王翀.三江源区高寒草地净低级分娩力模拟酌量[D]:[硕士学位论文] .兰州:兰州大学,2013.导师:林慧龙阐述注解(兰州大学).




572)任继周*,都文涛,胥刚.中华农耕端淑伦理不雅的历史踪影及城乡二元结构伦理溯源[J].中国农史,2013(6).(in press).




576)李丽华.劳能源转化与农业兼业对欠施展地区农业系统的影响---以甘肃庆阳为例[D]:[博士学位论文] .兰州:兰州大学,2013.导师:任继周院士.




580)王钊都.江河源区高寒草甸退化序列上放牧侵蚀酌量[D]:[硕士学位论文] .兰州:兰州大学,2012.导师:林慧龙阐述注解(兰州大学)


582)刘兴元*,冯琦胜.藏北高寒草地生态系统办事功能价值评估[J].环境科学学报,2012. 32(12):3152-3160.














596)王虎成*,叶得河,周建伟,龙瑞军,牦牛尿嘌呤养殖物排出量对皱胃打针酵母RNA水平的影响,草业学报, 2012,01:248-253

597)王玉平,郑丽娜,沈禹颖*.免耕和秸秆掩饰对黑垆土磷素形态组分的影响.水土保执通报, 2015, 35(5): 149-154.

598)李渊,王涛,沈禹颖*.黄土高原苜蓿孕育年限对草地N2O开释通量的影响.干旱区酌量,2015, 32(4): 869-874.

599)李渊,王涛,周莹,杨倩,沈禹颖*. 3种栽培草地N2O开释通量季节动态的酌量.草地学报,2015, 23(4): 703-709 .

600)王丹丹,王玉平,沈禹颖*,冯成庸.刈割后施氮对冬小麦再生植株干物资积聚、氮素吸及产量调控的影响.麦类作物学报, 2015, 35(8): 1112-1118.

601)张清平,田莉华,刘富足,蒋海亮,沈禹颖*.黄土高原一年生饲草作物产量与水分垄断效劳.干旱区酌量, 2015, 24(8) :251-257.

602)田莉华,王丹丹,沈禹颖*.麦类作物粮饲兼用酌量进展.草业学报, 2015, 24(02): 185-193.

603)王振南,张清平,陆姣云,杨梅,杨惠敏*.基于灰色关联度法的不同庚岁紫花苜蓿草地泥土肥力评价.草业科学, 2015, 32(8): 1230-1236.

604)赵玉信,杨惠敏*.作物口头、泥土耕耘和水肥照管对农田杂草发生的影响相配调控机制.草业学报, 2015, 24(8): 199-210.

605)陆姣云,王振南,杨惠敏*,沈禹颖. 10a保护性耕耘下轮作系统泥土碳氮磷生态化学计量特征.水土保执通报, 2015, 35(1): 96-101.

606)冶娜娜,张灵菲,卫万荣,王菊霞,张小刚,麻安卫,江小雷*.啮齿动物打法植物次生代谢物的步履策略.草业科学, 2015, 32(2): 281-286.

607)赵玉信,陆姣云,杨惠敏*.保护性耕耘对陇东黄土高原轮作田杂草的影响.应用生态学报, 2015, 26(4): 1223-1230.

608)张燕堃,张灵菲,张新中,冶娜娜,江小雷*.不同草地归附措施对高寒草甸植物根系特征的影响.兰州大学学报:当然科学版, 2014, 50(1): 107-111.

609)张清平,田莉华,蒋海亮,刘富足,沈禹颖*.甘肃陇东黄土高原一年生饲草分娩性能概括评价酌量.中国草地学报, 2014, (02): 25-28.

610)薛冉,郭雅婧,苗福泓,李世卿,郭正刚,沈禹颖*.短期放牧对高寒草甸泥土水稳性团员体组成及踏实性的影响.水土保执通报, 2014, (03): 82-91.

611)王丹丹,田莉华,沈禹颖*,刘富足.不同品种冬小麦再生孕育对刈割烦躁的反馈.中国生态农业学报, 2014, 22(06): 642-647.

612)苗福泓,李世卿,薛冉,王先之,郭正刚,沈禹颖*.高寒草甸上风景种饲用品性对短期放牧的反馈.草业科学, 2014, 31(05): 915-921.

613)刘富足,田莉华,张清平,沈禹颖*.油菜-冬小麦轮作系统中冬小麦的粮饲兼用性能.草业科学, 2014, 31(07): 1336-1342.

614)蒋海亮,张清平,沈禹颖*.黄土高原旱塬区间作比例对燕麦/箭筈豌豆系统的影响.草业科学, 2014, 31(02): 272-277.

615)郭雅婧,薛冉,李春涛,姬万忠,韩天虎,郭正刚,沈禹颖*.青藏高原草畜供求的月际均衡模式酌量.中国草地学报, 2014, (02): 29-35.

616)王先之*,蒋海亮,许可旺,周莹.磷添加对紫花苜蓿幼苗地上部及根系孕育模式的影响.兰州大学学报:当然科学版, 2013, 49(1): 87-91.

617)杨轩,谭广洋,沈禹颖*.秸秆还田对旱作冬小麦后茬泥土水分的影响相配APSIM模拟.干旱区酌量, 2013, 30(04): 609-614.

618)王涛,周莹,王先之,沈禹颖*.黄土高原旱塬区陇东苜蓿草地N2O开释动态及微生物驱动因子的酌量.西北植物学报, 2013, 33(10): 2113-2119.

619)李世卿,王先之,郭正刚,周杰,薛冉,沈禹颖*.短期放牧对青藏高原东北旯旮高寒草甸泥土及微生物碳氮含量的影响.中国草地学报, 2013, (01): 55-60.

620)王振南,陆姣云,赵玉信,罗崇亮,张曦,杨惠敏*.紫花苜蓿光合气体交换和叶绿素荧光特征的时期变异性.西北植物学报, 2013, 33(12): 2492-2498.

621)杨惠敏*,王振南,吉春荣.刈割和放牧后牧草碳氮动态酌量进展.中国草地学报, 2013, (4): 102-109.

622)王振南,杨惠敏*.植物碳氮磷生态化学计量对非生物因子的反馈.草业科学, 2013, 30(06): 927-934.

623)何树斌,沈禹颖,王冬梅,陆姣云,魏茂宏,王晨阳,张兰兰,杨惠敏*.水分和氮素对陇育216冬小麦气体交换和叶绿素荧光的影响.麦类作物学报, 2012, 32(5):912-917.

624)杨倩,张清平,蒋海亮,杨德雄,王先之,沈禹颖*.保护性耕耘对黄土旱塬玉米泥土呼吸及微生物数目的影响.草业科学, 2012, 29(12): 1810-1815.

625)田莉华,张清平,蒋海亮,刘富足,沈禹颖*.刈割对冬小麦再生积温需求相配籽粒产量和品性的影响.西北植物学报, 2012, 32(07): 1426-1432.

626)苗福泓,郭雅婧,缪鹏飞,郭正刚,沈禹颖*.青藏高原东北旯旮地区高寒草甸群落特征对封育的反馈.草业学报, 2012, 21(03): 11-16.

627)何树斌,沈禹颖,王冬梅,陆姣云,魏茂宏,王晨阳,杨惠敏*.水分和氮素对陇育216冬小麦气体交换和叶绿素荧光的影响.麦类作物学报, 2012, 32(05): 912-917.

628)王振南,杨惠敏*,周瑞莲. H2O2前处理对小麦幼苗抗盐性的影响.草业科学, 2012, 29(5): 748-752.

629)王冬梅,杨惠敏*. 4种牧草不同孕育期C, N生态化学计量特征.草业科学, 2011, 28(6): 921-925.

630)杨惠敏*,王冬梅.草-环境系统植物碳氮磷生态化学计量学相配对环境因子的反馈酌量进展.草业学报, 2011, 20(2): 244-252.

631)郑丽娜,王先之,沈禹颖*.保护性耕耘对黄土高原塬区作物轮作系统磷动态的影响.草业学报, 2011, 20(04): 19-26.

632)王明明,李峻成,沈禹颖*.保护性耕耘下黄土高原作物轮作系统泥土健康评价.草业科学, 2011, 28(06): 882-886.

633)牛伊宁,南志标,沈禹颖*.陇东黄土高原地表爽朗度对耕耘泥土径流的影响.干旱区酌量, 2011, 28(03): 389-393.

634)贾世玉,韩方虎,沈禹颖*.苜蓿草地泥土氮素有用性的化学与生物测试方法相比.草业科学, 2011, 28(06): 905-909.

635)淡瑞芳,张海涛,丁学智,张欣,龙瑞军*.藏系绵羊瘤胃古菌季节动态分析.甘肃农业大学学报,2012, 47(2):12-16.

636)辛国省,龙瑞军*,尚占环,丁路明,郭旭生.青藏高原东北缘方牧草地泥土矿物元素含量及踱步特征.草业学报, 2012, 21(2):8-17.


638)米见对,郭旭生,周建伟,辛国省,张莹,朱玉环,龙瑞军*.日粮氮水平对牦牛瘤胃发酵参数和氮组分的影响.中国农业科学,2011, 44(22):4678-4686.


640)孙涛,陈强,赵亚雄,龙瑞军*.祁连山峻岭草地毒杂草侵入对蝗虫相对多度的影响.草业学报,2013, 22(3):85-91.

641)淡瑞芳,张海涛,龙瑞军*,党海生,李国好意思.季节变化对放牧藏系绵羊瘤胃发酵特征及产甲烷菌的影响.西北农业学报,2013, 22(2):1-6.




645)张莹,郭旭生,龙瑞军*,周建伟,朱玉环,米见对.饲粮氮水平对牦牛瘤胃发酵及营养物资消化代谢特征的影响.动物营养学报, 2011, 23(6): 956-964.

646)张瑛,周建伟,刘浩,米见对,龙瑞军*.藏羊瘤胃发酵参数对燕麦干草为饲粮限饲的反馈相配氮保管需要量估测.动物营养学报, 2014, 26(2):371-379.

647)刘浩,周建伟,张瑛,尚占环,米见对,龙瑞军*.燕麦干草对藏羊尿中嘌呤养殖物、肌酐及马尿酸排出量的影响.家牲口态学报, 2014,35(9):38-44.

648)仲崇亮,周建伟,刘浩,王力,龙瑞军*.基于牦牛氨态氮和尿素氮踱步特征构建粗卵白进食量估测模子.动物营养学报, 2014, 26(11):1-9.




652)陈军强,李小刚,张世挺,周振,丁路明*.甘南燕麦引种相配刈割期酌量.家牲口态学报,2014,35(9): 55-60.

653)刘培培,丁路明*,陈军强.垄断GPS追踪定位系统对祁连山区秋季牧场牦牛和犏牛牧食步履的酌量.家牲口态学报,2015,36(10): 56-60.

654)张蕊,徐松鹤,任国华,李银风,张涛,白彦福,尚占环*.黄河源区“黑土滩”退化草地66种草地植物种子大小统计特征.草地学报, 2015, 23(6):1071-1079.

655)张涛,陈晓鹏,赵景学,王喜明,张蕊,白彦福,李银风,尚占环*.碳、氮添加对高寒草甸植物群落物种种种性和生物量的影响.生态环境学报, 2015, 24(10):1604-1610.

656)权国玲,尚占环*.中国草地生态系统模拟增温实验的概括相比分析.生态学杂志, 2015, 34(4):1166-1173.

657)李银风,张哲乾,尚占环*.我国动物组织器官踏实同位素酌量进展.核农学报, 2015, 29(3):605-615.

658)张蕊,曹静娟,郭瑞英,龙瑞军,尚占环*.祁连山北坡亚峻岭草地退耕还林草羼杂植被对泥土碳氮磷的影响.生态环境学报, 2014, 23(6):938-944.

659)张蕊,王媛,马丽娜,桑潮,王力,郭瑞英,汪海波,尚占环*.三江源区退化东说念主工草地、“黑土滩”和自然草地植物群落物种种种性.草地学报, 2014, 22(6):1171-1178.

660)任元丁,尚占环*,龙瑞军.中国草地生态系统中的化感作用酌量进展.草业科学, 2014, 31(5): 993-1002.

661)陈军强,张蕊,侯尧宸,马丽娜,丁路明,龙瑞军,尚占环*.亚峻岭草甸植物群落物种种种性与群落C、N、P生态化学计量的干系.植物生态学报,2013, 37(11): 979‐987.

662)陈晓鹏,祁智林,潘剑玲,刘志云,尚占环*.灭狼毒10年后不同放牧神态亚峻岭草地植物群落和泥土理化特征变化.中国草地学报, 2013, 35(1):91‐95,115.

663)张蕊,陈军强,侯尧宸,马丽娜,丁路明,龙瑞军,尚占环*.亚峻岭草甸植物群落植物物种数与取样面积的干系.生态学杂志, 2013, 32(9):2268‐2274.

664)邓斌,任国华,刘志云,尚占环*,裴世芳.封育三年对三种高寒草地群落泥土种子库的影响.草业学报, 2012, 21(5):23-31.

665)曹静娟,尚占环*,郭瑞英,崔光欣,龙瑞军.开导和弃耕对黑河上游亚峻岭草甸泥土氮库的影响.干旱区资源与环境, 2011, 25(4):171-175.

666)陈晓鹏,尚占环*.中国草地生态系统碳轮回酌量进展.中国草地学报, 2011, 33(4):99-110.

667)程晓月,后源,任国华,邓斌,赵景学,尚占环*. ‘黑土滩’退化高寒草地6种常见毒杂草水浸液对垂穗披碱草的化感作用.西北植物学报, 2011, 31(10):2057-2064.

668)韩立辉,尚占环*,任国华,王彦龙,马玉寿,李希来,龙瑞军.青藏高原‘黑土滩’退化草地植物和泥土对秃斑面积变化的反馈.草业学报, 2011, 20(1):1-6.

669)后源,程晓月,任国华,邓斌,尚占环*.青藏高原‘黑土滩’常见毒草对甘肃马先蒿的化感作用.西北植物学报, 2011, 31(8):1651-1656.

670)孙涛,邓斌,刘志云,尚占环*.短穗兔耳草生物量分拨表濒临高寒草甸营养库阑珊的反馈.草业科学, 2011, 28(11):1982-1986.

671)赵景学,祁彪,多吉顿珠,尚占环*.短期围栏封育对藏北3类退化高寒草地群落特征的影响.草业科学, 2011, 28(1):59-62.

672)赵景学,曲广鹏,姬秋梅,尚占环*.藏北高寒地区草原畜牧业近况及雪灾打法策略.草原与草坪, 2011, 31(2):92-96.

673)赵景学,曲广鹏,多吉顿珠,尚占环*.藏北高寒植被群落物种种种性与泥土环境因子的干系.干旱区资源与环境, 2011, 25(6):105-108.

674)赵景学,陈晓鹏,曲广鹏,多吉顿珠,尚占环*.藏北高寒植被地上生物量与泥土环境因子的干系.中国草地学报, 2011, 33(1):59-54.

675)寇一翾,吕世奇,刘建全,赵长明*.寡糖类能源植物菊芋相配概括垄断酌量进展.生命科学,2014, 26(5): 451-457.

676)吕世奇,寇一翾,杨彬,曾军,赵长明*半干旱地区菊芋品系植株表型与光合特质分析.作物学报,2014, 40(10): 1871-1878

677)王志强,李江涛,李晓炜,黄恒,李江涛,李晓炜,陈仁飞,云杉属植物幼苗的异速比例干系.草业科学,2014, 03: 415–422

678)陈仁飞姬明飞关佳威邓建明植物对称性竞争与非对称性竞争酌量进展及预测.植物生态学报,2015, 39 (5): 530–540

679)王明浩,张晓玮,王婧如,赵长明*.一种浅易准确测定木质部导水率的新方法.植物生理学报, 2013, 49(3): 297-300.

680)马飞,徐婷婷,张晓玮,赵长明*.肋果沙棘幼苗对CO2浓度升高的生理生态反馈.林业科学, 2012. 48(10): 30-35.

681)徐鹏彬,邓建明,赵长明*.甘肃尕海湿地不同海拔草地群落组分及物种种种性酌量.草业学报, 2012. 21(2): 219-226.

682)赵长明*,高奢睿,马仁义,陈立同,陈拓,任贾文.祁连圆柏和青海云杉幼苗生理生态特征对干旱恫吓的反馈.冰川冻土, 2012.34(1): 147-154.

683)马飞,徐婷婷,陈立同,张晓玮,赵长明*.低温恫吓下二倍体杂交种峻岭松光系统II功能踏实性酌量.西北植物学报, 2011,31(6): 1174-1179.

684)田新民,赵长明*,邓建明,张晓玮,陈拓,任贾文,王根轩.沿民勤绿洲萧索过渡带踱步的4种上风植物光合生理反馈.草业学报, 2011,20(4): 108-115.

685)刘乐乐,刘左军,杜国祯,赵志刚*.毛茛状小脚花(Trollius ranunculoides)不同花期的花特征和访花虫豸的变化及表型遴荐酌量。生物种种性,2012, 20 (3): 317-323。

686)刘乐乐,杨晓,高天鹏,赵志刚*等.毛茛状小脚花(Trollius ranunculoides)花部结构的眩惑功能。草业学报,2013,22:190-195。

687)毋洁,余 琴,梁德飞,张晶然,李 谆,张世挺*.光辐照对青藏高原高寒草甸凋落物解析的影响.生态学杂志, 2015, 34: 2990-2994.

688)余琴,毋 洁,梁德飞,张晶然,李 谆,张世挺*.积水和网孔大小对青藏高原高寒池沼化草甸上风种黑褐苔草叶片凋落物早期解析的影响.生态学杂志, 2015, 34: 2785-2791.

689)任媛媛,张世挺*,罗燕江,刘俊鹏,包小辉.救田园豌豆对根竞争的反馈相配识别机制.兰州大学学报(当然科学版), 2011, 47: 64-68.

690)都威,郭淑青,崔现亮,阳敏,张永东,杜国祯*,卜海燕.青藏高原东部4科植物种子大小和比叶面积随海拔和生境的变异.草业学报, 2012, 21(6): 42-50.

691)强维亚*,蔡龙华,韩瑜,杨晖.增强UV-B辐照对峻岭植物歪头菜孕育及内源激素变化的影响. 西北植物学报,2013,33(11):2241-2248.


693)陈懂懂,孙大帅,张世虎,谈嫣蓉,杜国祯,史小明.放牧对青藏高原东缘高寒草甸泥土微生物特征的影响 兰州大学学报(当然科学版), 2011,47(1)73-81.

694)吕俊平,张春辉,张蕾,王晨阳,张莹莹,杜国祯*.光照及种子大小对青藏高原东缘43种石竹目植物种子萌生特征的影响.兰州大学学报(当然科学版), 2011, 47(5): 73-89.

695)张蕾,张春辉,吕俊平,王晨阳,张莹莹,卜海燕,杜国祯*.光照强度对青藏高原东缘九种紫草科植物种子萌生的影响.兰州大学学报(当然科学版), 2011, 47(5): 67-72.

696)胡文祥,李伟,杜国祯.基于物种性状的两种高寒草甸上风禾草对施肥的反馈.兰州大学学报(当然科学版), 2011,47(6): 68-74.

697)张莹莹,张春辉,张蕾,吕俊平,王晨阳,卜海燕,杜国祯.青藏高原东缘30种禾本科植物种子萌生对光的反馈相配与生存史的关联.兰州大学学报(当然科学版), 2011, 47(4): 49-54.

698)张莹莹,张春辉,张蕾,吕俊平,王晨阳,张莹莹,卜海燕,杜国祯.青藏高原东缘31种常见杂草种子萌生特质相配与种子大小的干系.生态学杂志, 2011, 30(10): 2115-2121.

699)王晨阳,张春辉,刘文,张蕾,吕俊平,张莹莹,杜国祯*.青藏高原东缘唇形科植物种子大小对萌生的影响酌量.草地学报, 2011, 19(4):601-606.

700)陈懂懂,孙大帅,张世虎,杜国祯*,史小明,王向涛.青藏高原东缘高寒草甸泥土氮矿化初探.草地学报, 2011,19(3): 420-424.


702)王颖,王兴安,王仁君,邱念伟,马宗琪,杜国祯.UV-B辐照对窄叶野豌豆孕育滋生的影响.应用生态学报,2012, 23( 5) : 1333-1338.



705)王浩,李文龙,杜国祯,朱晓丽.基于3S手艺的甘南草地掩饰度动态变化酌量.草业学报, 2012,21 (3):26-37.

706)刘乐乐,刘左军,杜国祯,赵志刚*.毛茛状小脚花不同花期的花特征和访花虫豸的变化及表型遴荐.生物多 样性,2012, 20 (3): 317–323.






712)李宏林,徐当会,杜国祯*.青藏高原高寒池沼湿地在退化梯度上植物群落组成的改变对湿地水分情状的影响.植物生态学报,2012,36 (5): 403–410.


714)李昂,张鸣,杜国祯.物种组成、丰富度、播撒密度和泥土营养对群落赔偿效应的影响.生态学杂志,2012, 31( 10) : 2443-2448.

715)杨阳阳,曹建军,杜国祯.不同放牧轨范的物种种种性互异酌量—以玛曲县为案例.中国科技论文在线, 2012.

716)杨青,何贵永,孙浩智,杜国祯.青藏高原高寒草甸泥土理化性质及微生物量对放牧强度的反馈.甘肃农业 大学学报,2013,4:76-81.


718)付伟,赵俊权,杜国祯.基于生态踪影与环境库兹涅茨弧线的中国西北部地区生态安全分析.中国东说念主口资源与环境, 2013,23(5):107-110.

719)秦雪雪,李雄,张春辉,韩瑜,杜国祯.青藏高原10种百合科植物幼苗建植与种子大小的干系相配对光照的反馈.中国科技论文在线, 2013.

720)李雄,秦雪雪,张春辉,杜国祯.光照强度和种子大小对豆科植物萌生及建植的影响.中国科技论文在线, 2013.

721)许静,杜国祯,李文龙,刘伟,高天鹏.温度和海拔对高寒草甸植物种子萌生进化特质的影响.兰州大学学报,2013, 49(3):377-383.

722)章志龙,刘旭东,贾鹏,杜国祯.氮添加对高寒草甸植物花期物候和群落结构的影响.草业科学,2013, 5:728-735.

723)付伟,赵俊权,杜国祯.平地立体农业的生态学泄露.中国东说念主口.资源与环境, 2013,23(11):62-65.

724)付伟,赵俊权,杜国祯.青藏高原高寒草地放牧生态系统可执续发展酌量.草原与草坪, 2013,33(1):84-89.

725)马银山,杜国祯,张世挺.光照强度和肥力变化对垂穗披碱草孕育的影响.生态学报, 2014, 34(14):3908-3916.




729)付伟,赵俊权,杜国祯.资源可执续垄断评价.当然资源学报,2014, 19(11):1902-1915.


731)谢田一又,杜国祯*,卜海燕.青藏高原东部橐吾属植物的花性分拨和雌全同株系统.草业学报,2014,(5): 167-174.


733)安卓,牛得草,文海燕,杨益,张洪荣,傅华*.氮素添加对黄土高原典型草原长芒草氮磷重摄取率及C: N:P化学计量特征的影响.植物生态学报, 2011, 35(8): 801-807.

734)蔡瑜如,傅华,陆丽芳,王静*.陆地生态系统植物摄取有机氮的酌量进展.草业科学, 2014, 31: 1357-1366.

735)陈鸿洋,傅华*,黄德军,周鸿进.高寒地区垂穗披碱草优异种质资源筛选.中国农业科学, 2013, 46(4): 841-848.

736)陈鸿洋,尚振艳,傅华,张宝林,张斯莲,牛得草*.萧索区不同大小灌丛周围泥土微生物生物量及活性特征.草业学报, 2015, 24(2):70-76.

737)楚秉泉,毛祝新,傅华*.峻岭草原地区箭筈豌豆和垂穗披碱草脂肪酸组成酌量.草业科学, 2011, 28(6): 1190-1193.

738)楚秉泉,牛得草,傅华*.新疆不同居群罗布白麻叶片的营养元素含量特征.草业科学, 2013, 30(8): 1224-1228.

739)韩会阁,尚振艳,牛得草*,傅华.氮素添加对黄土高原典型草原植物比叶面积相配要紧值的影响.草地学报, 2015, 23(1):69-74.

740)韩潼,牛得草*,张永超,江世高,傅华.施肥对玛曲县高寒草甸植物种种性及分娩力的影响.草业科学, 2011, 28(6): 926-930.

741)黄德君,毛祝新,傅华*.牧草中水溶性碳水化合物相配影响因素.草业学报, 2011, 20(6): 270-278.

742)江世高,尚振艳,牛得草*,张宝林,张斯莲,傅华.贺兰山西坡草地植物种种性与其叶片C︰N︰P计量比的干系.干旱区酌量, 2014, 31(3): 523-529.

743)李茜,任运涛,牛得草*,张宝林,赵慧,傅华.几种旱生灌木种子萌生特质及化学身分.中国沙漠, 2015, 35(2):345-351.

744)李旭东,沈晓坤,张春平,傅华*.黄土高原农田泥土呼吸特征相配影响因素.草业学报, 2014, 23(5): 151-157.

745)李旭东,张春平,傅华*.黄土高原典型草原草地根冠比的季节动态相配影响因素.草业学报, 2012, 21(4): 307-312.

746)李洋,严振英,郭丁,王海霞,苏淑兰,李旭东,傅华*.围封对青海湖流域高寒草甸植被特征和泥土理化性质的影响.草业学报, 2015,24(10):33-39.

747)刘立,傅华*,陈鸿洋,黄德君,周鸿进.高寒地区两份垂穗披碱草材料饲用品性的相比.草业科学, 2013, 30: 1089-1093.

748)刘永红,张丽静*,张洪荣,傅华.△12-脂肪酸脱氢酶相配编码基因酌量进展.草业学报, 2011, 20(3): 256-267.

749)马月婷,张丽静*,杜明新,周志宇,牛得草,张宝林.不同训诲年限白沙蒿对根际泥土营养元素的影响.草业科学, 2014, 31: 224-231.

750)毛祝新,傅华*,牛得草,楚秉泉,陈昊.阿拉善地区5种萧索植物种子营养身分酌量.种子, 2015, 34(8):39-42.

751)毛祝新,傅华*,聂斌.氮磷肥对歪头菜产量和品性的影响.草业科学, 2012, 29: 780-784.

752)毛祝新,傅华*,牛得草,聂斌,陈昊.高寒地区歪头菜营养品性动态变化相配评价.草业学报, 2015, 24(11):227-233.

753)毛祝新,傅华*,牛得草,聂斌,陈昊,黄德君.箭筈豌豆兰箭1号在夏河地区的最好刈割期.草业科学, 2015, 32(10): 1653-1659.

754)缪秀梅,张丽静*,陈晓龙,吴淑娟,牛得草,傅华.水分恫吓下白沙蒿幼苗抗性与其膜脂组成干系酌量.草业学报, 2015,24(2):55-61.

755)牛得草,陈鸿洋,江世高,常佩静,傅华*.萧索植物霸王(Zygophyllum xanthoxylum)不同大小叶片C︰N︰P化学计量特征.中国沙漠, 2013, 33: 703-709.

756)牛得草,董晓玉,傅华*.长芒草不同季节碳氮磷生态化学计量特征.草业科学, 2011, 28(6): 915-920.

757)牛得草,江世高,秦燕,张宝林,曹格图,傅华*.围封与放牧对泥土微生物和酶活性的影响.草业科学, 2013, 30: 528-534.

758)牛得草,李茜,江世高,常佩静,傅华*.阿拉善萧索区6种主要灌木植物叶片C︰N︰P化学计量比的季节变化.植物生态学报, 2013, 37(4): 317-325.

759)秦燕,牛得草,壮健,曹格图,张斯莲,傅华*.贺兰山西坡不同类型草地泥土酶活性特征.干旱区酌量, 2012, 29(5): 870-877.

760)沈晓坤,李旭东,傅华*.铁杆蒿灌丛对黄土高原草地碳交换特征的影响.西北植物学报, 2014, 34(5): 1039-1046.

761)沈晓坤,刘明惠,张燕堃*,张徐,傅华.黄土高原围封与当然放牧草地碳交换特征.西北植物学报, 2014, 34(9): 1869-1877.

762)石明明,张永超,张典业,任运涛,宗文杰,傅华,牛得草*.高寒草甸草地微斑块植物特征相配泥土性质的酌量.草业学报, 2015,24(9):197-205.

763)宋鑫,张东梅,张丽静*,胡晓炜,陈晓龙,张燕慧.施磷对蒙古莸(Caryopteris mongholica)形态和酸性磷酸酶活性的影响.中国沙漠, 2015,35(4):917-922.

764)宋鑫,张丽静*,代万安,周志宇,李晓忠,周媛媛,李金辉,金茜.青藏高原不同株龄紫穗槐根际与非根际泥土营养变化特征.草业科学, 2014, 31(7): 1226-1232.

765)宋雄儒,尚振艳,李旭东*,傅 华.贺兰山西坡不同海拔梯度草地泥土磷特征相配影响因素.草业科学, 2015, 32(2):1054-1060.

766)苏淑兰,李洋,王立亚,郭丁,康舟师,李旭东,傅华*.围封与放牧对青藏高原草地生物量与功能群结构的影响.西北植物学报, 2014, 34(8): 1652-1657.

767)滕泽琴,李旭东,韩会阁,张春平,傅华*.地皮垄断神态对陇中黄土高本泥土磷组分的影响.草业学报, 2013, 22(2): 30-37.

768)文海燕*,傅华,牛得草,张永超.大气氮千里降对黄土高本泥土氮特征的影响.草业科学, 2013, 30: 694-698.

769)杨益,牛得草,文海燕,张宝林,董强,陈菊兰,傅华*.贺兰山不同海拔泥土颗粒有机碳、氮特征.草业学报, 2012, 21(3): 54-60.

770)袁晓波,尚振艳,牛得草*,傅华.黄土高原生态退化与归附.草业科学, 2015, 32(3):363-371.

771)张典业,牛得草*,陈鸿洋,张永超,傅华.青藏高原东缘高寒草甸地上生物量的估测模子.平地学报, 2014, 32(4): 453-459.


773)张东梅,宋鑫,张丽静*,胡晓炜,陈晓龙,张燕慧.不同供磷水平对紫穗槐孕育及根系形态的影响.草业科学, 2014, 31: 1767-1773.

774)张灵菲,魏斌,葛庆征,郝敏,傅华,张卫国,江小雷*.高寒草甸归附演替进程中分娩力与植物功能特征干系的酌量.草业学报, 2012, 21(6): 235-241.

775)张灵菲,魏斌,郝敏,葛庆征,傅华,张卫国,江小雷*.物种种种性对豆科牧草功能特征的影响.草业科学, 2012, 29(1): 25-29.

776)张灵菲,张新中,张燕堃,冶娜娜,傅华,江小雷*.鼢鼠土丘演替对植物功能群与分娩力的影响.草业学报, 2014, 23(2): 305-312.

777)张永超,牛得草,韩潼,陈鸿洋,傅华*.补播对高寒草甸分娩力和植物种种性的影响.草业学报, 2012, 21(2): 305-309.

778)赵文杰,张丽静*,畅倩,张聪敏,熊忠宽.低磷恫吓下豆科植物有机酸分泌酌量进展.草业科学, 2011, 28(6): 1207-1213.

779)赵亚明,张丽静*,傅华.维生素E在饲草及畜居品中的应用酌量.草业科学, 2011, 28(6): 1167-1172.

780)赵玉宇,黄德君,毛祝新,聂斌,傅华*.青藏高原地区不同垂穗披碱草居群营养品性酌量.草业学报, 2013, 22(1): 38-45.

781)周鸿进,毛祝新,黄德君,傅华*.青藏高原不同垂穗披碱草居群营养品性季节动态相比.草业科学, 2011, 28(6): 1198-1202.

782)邹亚丽,牛得草,杨益,文海燕,傅华*.氮素添加对黄土高原典型草本泥土氮矿化的影响.草地学报, 2014, 22(3): 461-468.

783)李小刚,李凤民*.旱作地膜掩饰农田泥土有机碳均衡及氮轮回特征[J].中国农业科, 2015, 23: 4630 -4638.

784)方燕,徐炳成,谷艳杰,刘倩倩,李凤民*. 2015.密度和修剪对冬小麦根系时空踱步和产量的影响。生态学报,35(6):1820-1828

785)方超,袁自立,刘雪伟,裴九英,赵东敏,叶建圣*.坡度对藏锦鸡儿(Caragana tibetica)灌丛泥土属性和植物间相互作用的影响.中国沙漠, 2015, 35(6).

786)李蕊,张大伟*,王聪,李超.不同剂量12C重离子辐照对干旱恫吓下燕麦形态、产量及抗旱性的影响.兰州大学学报(当然科学版),2015, 51(3):1-6.

787)莫文春,徐辉,张大伟*.黑河中游地区农业用水效劳酌量——以张掖市为例.兰州文理学院学报(社会科学版),2015, 31(1):55-60.

788)高本强,袁自立,王斌先,高慧,张荣*.施肥和刈割对亚峻岭草甸物种种种性与分娩力相配干系的影响.植物生态学报, 2014, 38(5): 417-424

789)郭志彬;王说念中;李凤民*. 2013.退化耕地转化为紫花苜蓿草地对泥土理化性质的影响.草地学报, 21(5):888-894

790)周丽敏;李凤民;刘长安. 2013.坡耕地起垄和埋设地槽对泥土水分和马铃薯产量的影响.干旱地区农业酌量, 31(5):89-94

791)莫非;周宏;王建永;赵鸿;张恒嘉;吴姗;陈应龙;杨通;邓浩亮; Asfa Batool;王润元; Simon Nzou Nguluu;李凤民;熊友才.田间微集雨手艺酌量及应用.农业工程学报, 29(8):1-17

792)徐辉,苓一又强,张大伟*. REDD对中国的影响及中国生态赔偿机制的启示.环境保护,2013,10:77-78.

793)徐辉,刘继红,张大伟*.中国区域环保投资的时空互异化酌量.统计与决策,2013, 11:130-133.

794)徐辉,吴荣荣,张大伟*.我国西部地区可执续发展对策酌量—基于二氧化碳排放量驱动因素分析.统计与决策,2013, 7:104-108.

795)袁自立,魏盼盼,高本强,张荣*.取样轨范对亚高寒草甸物种种种性与分娩力干系的影响.植物生态学报,2012, 36(12): 1248-1255.

796)徐辉,刘继红,高毅,张大伟*.中国经济增长中的环保投资孝顺的实证分析.统计与决策, 2012, 13:126-129.

797)熊俊兰,谭瑞,孔海燕,白雪,熊友才*.植物ABA-H2O2介导的气孔关闭.植物生理学报, 2012, 48(8): 739-746.

798)杜京旗,张荣,魏盼盼,袁自立,马奕君.水肥条目对新老两个春小麦品种竞争才略和产量干系的影响.生态学报,2011, 31(9): 2501-2508.


800)张大伟,邢更妹,熊友才,焦成瑾,樊宪伟,王崇英,王亚馥,李志孝*.山黧豆毒素ODAP的生物合成及与抗逆性干系酌量进展.生态学报,2011, 31(9):2621-2630.

801)张红梅,柯文灿,荆佩欣,张娟,陈明,于应文,郭旭生*.青藏高原乳酸菌对垂穗披碱草青贮饲料发酵品性的影响.微生物学报,2015, 55(10),1291-1297.

802)保安安,张娟,张红梅,柯文灿,陈明,郭旭生*,青藏高原垂穗披碱草青贮饲料中乳酸菌的种种性及低温发酵菌株的筛选酌量,微生物学通报, 2015,(12), 1012-1018.

803)罗燕,陈天峰,李君临,郭旭生,玉柱,张新全,闫艳红.多花黑麦草与大豆秸秆羼杂青贮品性的酌量.草地学报,2015, 23(1), 200-204.

804)杨杨,石超,郭旭生*.高寒草甸草附着魏斯氏乳酸菌的分离、飘扬及理化特质酌量.草业学报, 2014, 23(1), 266-275.




808)玉环,廉好意思娜,郭旭生*.藏嵩草绿汁发酵液对苜蓿青贮发酵品性的影响.农业工程学报, 2013, 5:199-204.

809)秦丽萍,柯文灿,丁武蓉,石超,郭旭生*.温度对垂穗披碱草青贮品性的影响.草业科学, 2013, 30(09),1433-1438.

810)高静,郭旭生*,王国成.西藏地区藏嵩草附着乳酸菌的理化特质酌量.草业科学, 2013,30(08),1266-1271.

811)朱玉环,廉好意思娜,郭旭生*.藏嵩草绿汁发酵液对苜蓿青贮发酵品性的影响.农业工程学报, 2013, 5:199-204.

812)秦丽萍,柯文灿,丁武蓉,石超,郭旭生*.温度对垂穗披碱草青贮品性的影响.草业科学, 2013, 30(09),1433-1438

813)丁武蓉,郭旭生,杨足够.苜蓿高水分干草捆防霉复合添加剂筛选酌量.农业工程学报, 2013, 4:285-292.

814)杨杨,石超,郭旭生*.高寒草甸草附着魏斯氏乳酸菌的分离、飘扬及理化特质酌量.草业学报, 2014, 23(1), 266-275.

815)高静,郭旭生*,王国成.西藏地区藏嵩草附着乳酸菌的理化特质酌量.草业科学, 2013,30(08),1266-1271

816)陶莲,周禾,郭旭生,玉柱.苜蓿中金属肽酶对青贮进程中卵白降解的作用.农业工程学报, 2011,27(增刊2)258-262, 27(supp.2), pp 258-262.

817)程巍,郭旭生*.苜蓿丝氨酸卵白水解酶及青贮时对卵白降解作用酌量.草业科学,2011,28 (05): 855-860.

818)阿不悦,张卫国,*常明.甘南牧区草原承包到户后的近况看望.草业科学, 2012, 29(12): 1945-1950.

819)白贺兰,南志标.*基于MATLAB的灰色模子在民勤食粮产量预测中的应用.草业科学, 2012, 29(7): 1163-1169.

820)鲍根生,张兴旭,李秀璋,李春杰.*青海高原禾草内生真菌资源看望和分离酌量.草业科学, 2015, 32(12): 1997-2007.

821)才让吉,卫万荣,张卫国.*草原鼠类与草食牲畜食品生态位分异初探.草业科学, 2015, 22(05): 802-808.

822)曾翠云,朱晓玉,崔振,李彦忠.*药用植提真金不怕火液对沙打旺黄矮根腐病菌的抑菌活性及对其种子萌生的影响.草地学报, 2015, 23(2): 366-371.

823)陈焘,南志标.*不同储存年限老芒麦种子种带真菌检测及致病性测定.草业学报, 2015, 24(2): 96-103.

824)崔振,李彦忠.*疯草内生真菌酌量进展[J].草业科学, 2014, 31(9): 1686-1695.

825)高鹏,南志标,段廷玉,*张峰,刘起棠,孟繁杰.斑枯病对罗布麻光合生理特征的影响及严重度分级.植物保护学报, 2015, 42(4): 531-537.

826)高鹏,南志标,吴永娜,刘起棠,孟繁杰,肖正春,段廷玉.*新疆阿勒泰地区8种生态型罗布麻光合生理及孕育特质酌量.西北植物学报, 2015, 35(10): 2069-2077.

827)葛庆征,魏斌,张灵菲,卫万荣,黄彬,江小雷,张卫国.*草地归附措施对高寒草甸植物群落的影响.草业科学, 2012, 5(10): 1517-1520.

828)葛庆征,张卫国,*张灵菲,卫万荣.温度对垂穗披碱草种子萌生的影响.草业科学, 2012, 18(05): 759-767.

829)苟燕妮,南志标.*放牧对草地泥土微生物的影响.草业学报, 2015, 24(10):194-205.

830)郭正刚,王倩,陈鹤.我国自然草地鼠害防控中的问题与对策.草业科学, 2014, 31(1):168-172.

831)后宏伟,郭正刚.*青藏高原草地使用权纠纷的成因,危害相配责罚途径.草业科学, 2013, 30(03): 465-470

832)胡春霞,李秀璋,方爱国,李春杰.*色氨酸对醉马草内生真菌共生体麦角生物碱含量的影响.草业科学, 2014, 31(5):844-849.

833)黄贝梅,南志标*,张志新.外源H2O2对沙打旺抗黄矮根腐病的影响.草业学报, 2015, 24(3):108-114.

834)黄贝梅,南志标.* NO和H2O2在沙打旺抗黄矮根腐病反应中的互作.草业科学, 2014, 31(6):1028-1032.

835)黄彬,卫万荣,张灵菲,张燕堃,徐吉伟,杨国荣,张卫国.*环境条目对啮齿动物种群的影响.草业科学, 2013, 20(06): 949-953.

836)黄玺,李春杰,*南志标.紫花苜蓿与醉马草的竞争效应.草业学报, 2012, 21(1):59-65.

837)黄玺,李秀璋,柴青,李春杰.*醉马草内生真菌共生体对泥土微生物和营养的影响.草业科学, 2013, 30(3):352-356.

838)贾婷婷,毛亮,郭正刚.*高原鼠兔有用洞穴密度对青藏高原高寒草甸群落植物生态位的影响.生态学报, 2014, 34(4):869-877.

839)贾婷婷,袁晓霞,赵洪,杨玉婷,罗开嘉,郭正刚.*放牧对高寒草甸上风植物和泥土氮磷含量的影响.中国草地学报, 2013, 35(6):80-85.

840)金文进,李春杰,*王正凤.禾草内生真菌的种种性及真谛.草业学报, 2014, 24(1): 168-175.

841)李春杰,方爱国.*Neotyphodium属禾草内生真菌和球囊霉属菌根真菌对野大麦孕育的影响.草业科学, 2014, 31(3): 457-461.

842)李娜娜,黄彬,张灵菲,卫万荣,张燕堃,张卫国.*草地生态系统无益啮齿动物的生物防治.草业科学, 2013, 24(05): 783-787.

843)李倩倩,赵旭,郭正刚.*高原鼠兔有用洞穴密度对高寒草甸上风植物叶片和泥土氮磷化学计量特征的影响.生态学报, 2014, 34(5): 1212-1223.

844)李兴龙,李彦忠.*5种杀菌剂对沙打旺黄矮根腐病菌的室内毒力测定.草业科学, 2013, 30(10): 1523-1530.

845)李兴龙,李彦忠.*土传病害生物防治进展.草业学报, 2015, 24(3): 204-212.

846)李秀璋,方爱国,李春杰,*南志标.禾草内生真菌对其它微生物的影响酌量进展.生态学报, 2014, 39(6): 621-634.

847)李秀璋,宋辉,李春杰.*茄腐镰孢(Fusarium solani)线粒体基因组密码子偏好性分析.基因组学与应用生物学, 2015, 34(11): 2465-2472.

848)李秀璋,姚祥,李春杰,*南志标.禾草内生真菌当作生防因子的后劲分析.植物生态学报, 2015, 39(6): 621-634.

849)李彦忠,*岑岭.甘肃环县两种沙打旺蛀秆害虫数目随季节、年份和草地年岁的变化动态.草业科学, 2012, 28(11): 1778-1784.

850)李彦忠,南志标,*张志新,刘永儒,本旨业,刘建勋.沙打旺黄矮根腐病在我国朔方5省区的踱步与危害.草业学报, 2011, 20(2): 39-45.

851)刘慧霞,申晓蓉,郭正刚.*硅对紫花苜蓿种子萌生及幼苗孕育发育的影响.草业学报, 2011, 20(1): 155-160.

852)刘慧霞,王康英,郭正刚.*不同泥土水分条目下硅对紫花苜蓿生理特质及品性的影响.中国草地学报, 2011,33(3), 22-27.

853)刘建利,李彦忠.*沙打旺黄矮根腐病菌钙调素基因的克隆.草业科学, 2015, 32(5): 720-725.

854)刘锦上,张卫国,*江小雷,卫万荣,葛庆征.高原鼢鼠洞说念空间对高寒草甸植被性状的影响.草地学报, 2011, 7(06): 927-932.

855)刘天增,南志标.*草地硝化微生物与硝化作用酌量进展.草业科学, 2011, 28(6): 951-958.

856)刘勇,王彦荣.*温度和水分对箭筈豌豆幼苗孕育的影响.草业科学, 2014, 6:1302-1309.

857)柳莉,郭长辉,吕卉,古丽君,李春杰.*内生真菌对醉马草白粉病抗性的影响.草业学报, 2015, 24(11): 65-71.

858)柳莉,李秀璋,郭长辉,李春杰.*不同培养基对禾草内生真菌Epichloё孕育与产孢的影响.草业科学, 2014, 32(6): 859-869.

859)卢翔,南志标.*放牧对草地植物群落种种性和草地病害的影响.草业科学, 2015, 32(9): 1423-1431.

860)路子峰,张超,李彦忠.*林香烟8个看管反应信号卵白编码基因的克隆及RNAi植物抒发载体的构建[J].草业科学, 2014, 30(7): 1275-1282.

861)雒明伟,毛亮,李倩倩,赵旭,肖玉,贾婷婷,郭正刚.*青藏高原筑路取土迹地归附植物群落与泥土的碳氮磷化学计量特征.生态学报, 2015, 35(23): 7832-7841.

862)马敏芝,南志标.*黑麦草内生真菌对植物病原真菌孕育的影响.草业科学, 2011, 28(6): 962-968.

863)马敏芝,南志标.*内生真菌对感染锈病黑麦草孕育和生理影响.草业学报, 2011, 20(6): 150-156.

864)毛亮,周杰,郭正刚.*青藏高原高寒草原区工程迹大地积对其归附植物群落特征的影响.生态学报, 2013, 33(11):3547-3554.

865)聂红霞,岑岭,段廷玉,李彦忠.*红豆草病害酌量进展.草业学报, 2014, (23)3: 302-312.

866)聂红霞,李彦忠.*茎点霉叶斑病(Phomasp.)对红豆草产量和营养的影响.草业科学, 2014, 31(4): 689-696

867)牛伊宁,南志标,*沈禹颖.陇东黄土高原地表爽朗度对耕耘泥土径流的影响.干旱区酌量, 2011, 28(3): 389-393.

868)牛伊宁,南志标.*陇东黄土高原饲草作物分娩力酌量.草业科学, 2012, 29(9): 1422-1427.

869)庞晓攀,贾婷婷,李倩倩,雒明伟,肖玉,赵旭,郭正刚.*高原鼠兔有用洞穴密度对峻岭嵩草群落相配主要种群空间踱步特征的影响.生态学报, 2015, 35(3): 873-884.

870)庞晓攀,王倩,贾婷婷,李倩倩,郭正刚.*高原鼠兔有用洞口数密度对峻岭嵩草草甸植物种间聚拢性的影响.草业学报, 2015, 24(5): 224-230.

871)庞晓攀,王莹,贾婷婷,王倩,郭正刚.*高原鼠兔不同烦躁强度对峻岭嵩草草甸泥土有机碳和全氮含量相配贮量的影响.应用与环境生物学报, 2015, 21(3): 517-521.

872)彭清青,李春杰,*宋梅玲,梁莹,南志标.不同酸碱条目下内生真菌对三种禾草种子萌生的影响.草业学报, 2011, 20(5): 72-78.

873)沈紫微,南志标.*甘南地区歪头菜的遴荐性败育及结子口头.草业学报, 2015, 24(4): 132-139.

874)沈紫微,南志标.*甘南地区歪头菜生殖分拨对生殖产量的影响,草业科学, 2014, 31(5): 884-891.

875)宋辉,李秀璋,鲍根生,宋秋艳,田沛,南志标.*基于act序列中国西部披碱草属植物所带内生真菌的系统演化.微生物学报, 2014, 55(3): 273-281.

876)宋辉,南志标,*蔡小宁,钟小仙,顾洪如.海滨雀稗液泡膜H+-PPase(PvVP1) 5’端的克隆和序列分析.草业学报, 2014, 23(5): 168-174.

877)宋辉,南志标,*田沛.中国西北地区披碱草属植物所带内生真菌的培养特征.草业学报, 2014, 24(9): 89-95.

878)宋辉,南志标.*蒺藜苜蓿全基因组中WRKY转录基因的飘扬与分析.遗传, 2014, 36(2): 152-168.

879)孙一丹,张兴旭,古丽君,李秀璋,王萍,李春杰.*醉马草-内生真菌共生体中生物碱的抑菌活性酌量.草业科学, 2014, 32(4): 508-514.

880)唐培安,吴海晶,王娟,郭仲龙,袁明龙*.印度谷螟线粒体基因组测定及螟蛾总科系统发育分析.中国科学, 2015, 45(9):890-900.

881)田沛,旷宇,南志标.*中华羊茅的优良特质以及垄断内生真菌进行育种后劲浅析.草业科学, 2015, 32(7): 1080-1086.

882)涂雄师,杜桂林,李春杰,尉亚辉,张卫国,贠旭江,洪军,李彦忠,王保海,赵莉,张蓉,庞保平,段廷玉,刘玉升,刘长仲,刘晓辉,李志红,杨定,丛斌,纪明山,王小奇,王贵强,张泽华,*南志标.草地无益生物生物防治酌量进展.中国生物防治学报, 2015, 18(05): 780-788.

883)脱浩东,杨松,张兴旭,李春杰,*南志标.带内生真菌的野大麦草粉对3种草坪草种子萌生及孕育的影响.草业科学, 2011, 28(12): 2107-2111.

884)王菊霞,张卫国,*张灵菲,张小刚,麻安卫.啮齿动物粪便类固醇的分析方法相配真谛.草业科学, 2015, 21(10): 1668-1674.

885)王萍,张兴旭,赵晓静,李春杰.*三种重金属恫吓对醉马草孕育及生理生化见识的影响.草业科学, 2014, 31(6): 1080-1086.

886)王萍,张兴旭,赵晓静,李春杰.*乙烯利及水杨酸对醉马草幼苗孕育及生物碱含量的影响.草业科学, 2014, 31(11): 2113-2118.

887)文朝慧,南志标.*甘肃省河西地区瓜类作物病毒病的病原飘扬.西北农林科技大学学报当然科学版,2013, 41(12):131-137.

888)文朝慧,南志标.*甘肃省张掖地区苜蓿花叶病病原的检测.草业学报. 2015, 24(4):121-126.

889)卫万荣,张灵菲,杨国荣,徐吉伟,范旭东,张卫国.*高原鼠兔洞系特征及功能酌量.草业学报, 2013, 25(06):198 -204.

890)魏斌,葛庆征,张灵菲,张燕堃,李娜娜,张卫国,江小雷.*草地植被归附措施对高寒草甸有毒植物的影响.草业科学, 2012, 4(11):1665-1670.

891)魏斌,张灵菲,葛庆征,张卫国,江小雷.*低碳农业酌量进展.草业科学, 2012, 5(04):528-533.

892)文朝慧,南志标.*甘肃省张掖地区苜蓿花叶病病原的检测. 2015, 24(4):121-126.

893)夏超,钟睿,张兴旭,*南志标.醉马草蒸发油对黑麦草种子萌生及幼苗生理变化的影响.草业科学, 2015, 30(10): 1517-1522.

894)肖玉,陈米贵,周杰,郭正刚.*青藏高本土产货青藏苔草草原不同退化进程的植物群落特征.应用与环境生物学报, 2014, 20(4): 639-645.

895)肖玉,贾婷婷,赵旭,雒明伟,郭正刚.*青藏高本土产货退化青藏苔草草原植物生态位的特征.中国草地学报, 2015, 37(1): 30-37.

896)徐吉伟,杨国荣,黄彬,范旭东,张卫国.*植物营养身分对草原啮齿动物的影响.草业科学, 2014, 21(11): 2148-2154.

897)徐瑞,南志标,*周雁飞,李春杰.披碱草内生真菌共生体中麦角生物碱的组织踱步与季节动态.草业学报, 2012, 21(3): 84-92.

898)闫上涨,段廷玉,*张峰.农业照管措施对AM真菌功能影响的酌量进展.草业科学, 2014, 31(12): 2230-2241.

899)闫旭文,南志标,*唐增.澳大利亚畜牧业发展相配对我国的启示.草业科学, 2012, 29(3): 482-487.

900)杨波,南志标,*唐增.我国草地生态赔偿对农牧户的影响.草业科学, 2015, 32(11): 1920-1927.

901)杨国荣,徐吉伟,张灵菲,范旭东,杨寅,张卫国.*天敌气息对啮齿动物步履的影响.草业科学, 2014, 29(03): 526-530.

902)姚祥,李秀璋,朱小晓,李春杰.*两种杀菌剂对中华羊茅种传内生真菌的影响.草业科学, 2012, 30(10): 1517-1522.

903)俞斌华,南志标,*李彦忠.沙打旺苗期对黄矮根腐病菌的抗性评价.草业科学, 2011, 28(7): 1301-1306.

904)袁明龙,王进攻*.蜱螨线粒体基因组酌量进展.虫豸学报, 2012, 55(4):472-481.

905)张峰,段廷玉,*闫上涨,李芳.丛枝菌根真菌与根际微生物的互作.草业科学, 2014, 31(9):1673-1685.

906)张峰,南志标,闫上涨,李芳,段廷玉.* AM真菌在草地生态系统碳汇中的要紧作用.草业学报, 2015, 24(4): 191-200.

907)张洁冰,南志标,*唐增.好意思国苜蓿草产业告捷训诫对甘肃省苜蓿草产业之鉴戒.草业科学, 2015, 32(8): 1337-1343.

908)张军,葛庆征,张卫国,*江小雷.植被性状与高原鼢鼠栖息地适应度的干系.草业科学, 2011, 28(05): 836-840.

909)张灵菲,魏斌,葛庆征,郝敏,傅华,张卫国,*江小雷.高寒草甸归附演替进程中分娩力与植物功能特征干系的酌量.草业学报, 2012, 31(06): 235-241.

910)张灵菲,魏斌,郝敏,葛庆征,傅华,张卫国,江小雷.*物种种种性对豆科牧草功能特征的影响.草业科学, 2012, 6(01): 25-29.

911)张卫国,*范旭东,杨国荣.甘南牧区传统游牧轨制的科学性初考.草业科学, 2014, 27(08): 1573-1579.

912)张兴旭,南志标,*李春杰.内生真菌升迁禾草耐重金属恫吓的酌量进展.草业科学, 2013, 31(08): 1466-1474.

913)张振粉,南志标.*甘肃省紫花苜蓿种带促生多粘类芽孢杆菌的分离与飘扬.草业学报, 2014, 23(5): 256-262.

914)张振粉,南志标.*苜蓿细菌性病害酌量进展.草业学报, 2014, 23(4): 330-342.

915)张棋麟,袁明龙*.基于新一代测序手艺的虫豸转录组学酌量进展.虫豸学报, 2013, 56 (12):1489-1508.

916)张棋麟,袁明龙*.草原毛虫酌量近况与预测.草业科学, 2013, 30 (4):638-646.

917)章恺,王彦荣.*三种照管神态对黄土高原坡面草地群落的影响.草业科学, 2015,3

918)章武,刘国说念,南志标.* 4种暖季型草坪草币斑病病原菌飘扬相配生物学特质.草业学报, 2015, 24(1): 124-131.

919)赵晓静,李秀璋,王萍,李春杰.*内生真菌对野大麦种子东说念主工老化处理下的生理影响.草地学报, 2015, 23(6): 1272-1277.

920)赵晓静,王萍,李春杰.*内生真菌在禾草体内的踱步特征.草业科学, 2015, 32(8): 1206-1215.

921)赵旭,韩天虎,孙琼,岑飞冀,田川,郭正刚.*甘南藏区放牧轨制相配时效性评价.草业科学, 2013,30(12): 2077-2083.

922)周杰,赵洪,袁晓霞,杨玉婷,罗开嘉,郭正刚.*青藏高原旯旮区高寒草甸植物群落的特征.草业科学, 2013, 30(07): 1066-1070.

923)陈梦词,张婧,未丽,段丽婕,王锁民*.组织特异性运转子的结构特征相配调控作用.草业科学, 2015, 5: 70-795

924)马清,管超,夏曾润,王茜,王锁民*.高级植物氮素转运卵白酌量进展.兰州大学学报(当然科学版), 2015, 51 (2): 217-227

925)张婧,陈梦词,马清,未丽,王锁民*.植物ABCG转运卵白酌量进展.草业学报, 2015, 24 (7): 180-188

926)王文颖,柴薇薇,马清,王锁民*.植物环核苷酸门控离子通说念的酌量进展.植物生理学报, 2015, 51(11):1799-1808

927)张金林*,李惠茹,郭姝媛,王锁民,施华中,韩庆庆,包爱科,马清.高级植物顺应盐窘境酌量进展.草业学报, 2015, 24(12): 220-236

928)袁惠君,马清,未丽,胡静,王沛,王锁民*.液泡膜Na+/H+逆向转运卵白基因千里默对霸王叶气孔特征的影响.草业科学, 2015, 32 (6): 902-907

929)王雪芳,王春梅,张金林,段丽婕,王锁民*.小花碱茅组织培养植株再生体系的建立.草业学报, 2014, 23(6): 355-360

930)周向睿,岳利军,王锁民*.钠复合肥升迁多浆旱生植物霸王幼苗孕育及抗旱性.草业学报, 2014, 23(6): 142-147

931)周向睿,岳利军,王锁民*.渗入恫吓下氮磷钠配方对多浆旱生植物霸王孕育的影响.草业科学, 2014, 31 (6): 1087-1096

932)夏曾润,王沛东,贾文,未丽,米莉,王锁民*. K+对盐恫吓下罗布麻孕育及离子摄取分拨的效应.草业科学, 2014, 31(11): 2088-2094

933)韩庆庆,贾婷婷,吕昕培,李惠茹,李静,赵祺,王锁民,张金林*.枯草芽孢杆菌GB03对紫花苜蓿耐盐性的影响.植物生理学报, 2014, 50(9): 1423-1428

934)王春梅,夏曾润,张金林,包爱科,周向睿,岳利军,王锁民*.干旱恫吓下钠复合肥对霸王(Zygophyllum xanthoxylum)根系孕育的促进作用.中国沙漠, 2014, 34(2): 405-412

935)李毅晓,马清,王锁民*.盐处理下ZxSOS1调控旱生植物霸王Na+、K+转运卵白基因的抒发.植物生理学报, 2014, 50(7): 1053-1058

936)李静,韩庆庆,段丽婕,王沛,李惠茹,王锁民,张金林*.非损害微测手艺在植物生理学酌量中的应用及进展.植物生理学报, 2014, 50(10): 1445-1452

937)岳利军,马清,周向睿,王沛,王锁民*.钠复合肥促进萧索植物梭梭、白刺和红砂孕育并增强其抗旱性.兰州大学学报(当然科学版), 2013, 49(5): 666-674

938)李剑,张金林*,王锁民,郭强.小花碱茅HKT2;1基因全长cDNA的克隆与生物信息学分析.草业学报, 2013, 22(2): 140-149

939)段娇娇,杨自辉,康建军,于建龙,王锁民*.钠硅互作升迁白刺抗旱性的酌量.草业学报, 2013, 22 (2): 203-210

940)于健龙,张金林,徐建华,徐生智,王锁民*.钠复合肥升迁徙栽梭梭抗旱性.兰州大学学报(当然科学版), 2012, 48(5): 79-84

941)郝媛媛,岳利军,康建军,王锁民*. “沙漠东说念主参”肉苁蓉和锁阳酌量进展.草业学报, 2012, 21(2): 286-293

942)赵常玉,李剑,张金林,王锁民*. HKT卵白与植物耐盐性酌量进展.草业科学, 2012, 29 (10): 1604-1612

943)王茜,王沛,王锁民*.盐生植物小花碱茅外整流K+通说念SKOR基因片断的克隆及序列分析.草业科学, 2012, 29(8): 1218-1223

944)王生银,马清,王锁民*.盐生植物盐地碱蓬质膜Na+/H+逆向转运卵白基因片断的克隆相配序列分析.草业科学, 2012, 29(6): 918-923

945)马清,王锁民*.多浆旱生植物霸王质膜Na+/H+逆向转运卵白基因RNAi载体构建.草业科学, 2012, 29(4): 549-553

946)周航宇,包爱科,杜宝强,王锁民*.萧索植物红砂反馈高浓度NaCl的生理机制.草业科学, 2012, 29(1): 71-75

947)李剑,张金林* (2012)拒盐型牧草小花碱茅PutHKT2;1基因抒发模式分析.草业科学29(9): 1379-1383

948)李剑,赵常玉,吴永娜,马清,郭强,王锁民,张金林* (2011)小花碱茅HKT1;4基因片断的克隆与序列分析.草业科学28(6): 969-973

949)徐建华,于健龙,伍国强,王锁民,张金林* (2011)钠复合肥增强萧索植物梭梭抗旱性的酌量.草业科学28(6): 1025-1029

950)赵丽君,王雪芳,张金林,王锁民(2011)植物组织培养相配在草类植物中的酌量和应用.草业科学28(6): 1140-1148

951)蔡建一,马清,周向睿,张金林,王锁民(2011) Na+在霸王顺应渗入恫吓中的生理作用.草业学报20(1): 89-95 (被SCI援用1次)

952)王萍,李金花*,寇淑娴,高荣庆.亚峻岭草甸弃耕地归附演替进程中泥土微生物种种性酌量.中国科技论文在线极品论文. 2011,4(5):395-402.


954)常雅军,陈琦,曹靖*,鲁海燕,王威.甘肃小陇山不同针叶林凋落物量、营养储量及执水特质分析.生态学报,2011,31(9): 2392-2400.


956)胡国平,曹靖*,杨海兴,魏红霞等.无机氮与蔬菜消释物耦合对泥土氮矿化的影响.中国农业生态学报. 2012, 20(6): 739-749.

957)刘继亮,曹靖*,李世杰,潘春林.秦岭西部平地次生林和东说念主工林大型泥土动物群结构特征.应用生态学报. 2012, 23(9): 2459-2466.

958)刘继亮,李世杰,曹靖*,秦岭西部日本落叶松林大型泥土动物群落特征.应用与环境生物学报,2013, 19 ( 4 ) : 611-617.


960)李先婷,曹靖*,董利苹. NaCl渐进恫吓对啤酒大麦幼苗孕育、光合特质和离子摄取分拨的影响.草业学报. 2013,22(6):108-116.

961)孔晓乐,吴重阳,曹靖*,章圣强,沈渭明.白银市阵势泥土和蔬菜重金属含量及健康风险评估.干旱区资源与环境. 2014,28(1):92-97.


963)宾振钧,张仁懿,张文鹏,徐当会*.氮磷硅添加对青藏高原高寒草甸垂穗披碱草叶片碳氮磷的影响.生态学报, 2015, 35(14): 4699-4706.

964)王静静,张文鹏,徐当会*.NaCl恫吓下钙对沙拐枣(Callignum arborescens)株高及光合特征的影响.中国沙漠,2015,35: 167–174

965)宾振钧,王静静,张文鹏,徐当会*,程雪寒,李柯杰,曹德昊.氮肥添加对青藏高原高寒草甸6个群落上风种生态化学计量学特征的影响.植物生态学报,2014,38: 231–237


967)徐当会*,标的文,宾振钧,王刚,苏培玺.柠条顺应极点干旱的生理生态机制--叶片零星和枝条中世绿体保执完满性.中国沙漠,2012, 32:691–697


969)郑凯,袁建立*,王亮,宋晓喻,马强,高天鹏。安西极旱萧索当然保护区植物群落的季节变化和年际变化以及阵势对变化的影响。兰州大学学报(当然科学版), 2013,V49(5):651-657.




973)张仁懿*,徐当会,杨智永,杨莹博,王刚.植物N:P化学计量特征对亚高寒草甸杀青类型的提示作用酌量.中国草地学报, 2014,36(3):79-83。

974)李文娟,赵传燕*,别强,等.基于机载激光雷达数据的丛林结构参数反演,遥感手艺与应用, 2015, 30(5): 917-924.

975)高云飞,赵传燕*,彭守璋,等.黑河上游天涝池流域草地蒸平静模拟相配敏锐性分析,中国沙漠, 2015, 35(5): 1338-1345.

976)李文娟,赵传燕*,彭守璋,等.黑河上游天涝池流域灌丛地上生物量空间踱步,生态学报, 2015, 35(4): 1134-1141.

977)高婵婵,彭焕华,赵传燕*,等.基于Gash模子的青海云杉林降水监禁模拟,生态学杂志, 2015, 34(1): 288-294.

978)别强,何磊,赵传燕*.基于影像交融和面向对象手艺的植被信息提真金不怕火酌量.遥感手艺与应用, 2014, 29(1): 164-171.

979)马文瑛,赵传燕*,彭守璋,等.黑河天涝池五训诲被类型泥土呼吸速度动态特征相配影响因子.生态学报, 2014, 35(17): 1-15.

980)葛红元,赵传燕*,王红义,等,春季降雪对祁连山区青海云杉林的影响.甘肃林业科技, 2014, 3: 18-23.

981)马文瑛,赵传燕*,王超,等.祁连山天老池小流域泥土有机碳空间异质性相配影响因素.泥土, 2014, 46(3): 426-432.

982)刘铮,白英,赵传燕*,等.阵势影响下祁连山当然保护区青海云杉林材积孕育量互异性酌量.干旱区资源与环境, 2014, 28(7): 171-176.

983)别强,何磊,赵传燕*.基于影像交融和面向对象手艺的植被信息提真金不怕火酌量.遥感手艺与应用, 2014, 29(1): 164-171.

984)张华*,张兰,赵传燕,等.黑河下流绿洲植被上风种生物量空间踱步及蒸腾耗水估算.地舆科学, 2014, 34(7): 876-881.

985)梁倍,邸利,赵传燕*,等.祁连山天老池流域灌丛地上生物量空间踱步.应用生态学报, 2014, 25(2): 367-373.

986)梁倍,邸利,赵传燕*,等.祁连山天涝池流域典型灌丛地上生物量沿海拔梯度变化轨则的酌量.草地学报, 2013, 21(4): 664-669.

987)刘铮,赵传燕*,白英,等.祁连山区小流域青海云杉材积孕育互异性.兰州大学学报(当然科学版), 2013, 49(6): 747-751.

988)何磊,别强,王瑶,赵传燕*. SEBS模子在黑河流域中游的应用及参数敏锐性分析.中国沙漠, 2013, 33(6): 1866-1873.

989)何磊,王瑶,别强,赵传燕*,等.基于SEBS-METRIC方法的黑河流域中游地区农田蒸散.兰州大学学报(当然科学版), 2013, 49(4): 504-510.

990)别强,强文丽,王超,赵传燕*,等. 1960-2010年黑河流域冰川变化的遥感监测.冰川冻土, 2013, 35(3): 574-582.

991)王阳,王超,赵传燕*,等.黑河上游天老池流域不同植被类型泥土物感性质异质性酌量.水土保执通报, 2013, 33(3): 13-17+99+327.

992)柳逸月,赵传燕*,彭焕华,等.不同放牧情景下黑河上游亚峻岭草甸东说念主工降雨监禁特征.兰州大学学报(当然科学版), 2013, 49(6): 799-806.

993)王超,赵传燕*. TRMM多卫星费力在黑河上游降水时空特征酌量中的应用,当然资源学报, 2013, 28(5): 862-872.

994)别强,赵传燕*,强文丽,等.祁连山当然保护区青海云杉林近四十年动态变化分析.干旱区资源与环境, 2013, 27(4): 176-180.

995)何磊,王超,别强,赵传燕*.高分辨率影像的干旱区植被信息提真金不怕火方法.干旱区资源与环境, 2012, 11(22): 132-138.

996)田凤霞,赵传燕*,冯兆东,等.祁连山青海云杉林冠生态水文效应相配影响因素.生态学报, 2012, 32(4): 1066-1076.

997)彭守璋,赵传燕*,郑祥霖,等.祁连山青海云杉林生物量和碳储量空间踱步特征.植物生态学报, 2011, 35(6): 605-614.

998)彭焕华,赵传燕*,许仲林,等.祁连山青海云杉林冠层执水才略植物生态学报. 2011, 22(7): 2233-2239.

999)别强,何磊,赵传燕*.基于分形方法的石羊河流域阵势变化酌量.干旱气象, 2012, 30(1): 21-26.

1000)荐圣淇,赵传燕*,方书敏,等.基于地舆信息手艺油松(Pinus tabuliformis)根长密度估算及空间踱步特征分析.干旱区地舆, 2012: 35(4): 599-606.

1001)张华*,赵传燕,张勃,等.高分辨率遥感影像GeoEye-1在黑河下流柽柳生物量估算中的应用.遥感手艺与应用, 2012, 26(6): 713-718.

1002)何磊,王超,别强,赵传燕*,等.高分辨率影像的干旱区植被信息提真金不怕火方法.干旱区资源与环境, 2012, 11(22): 132-138.

1003)彭守璋,赵传燕*,许仲林,等.黑河上游祁连山区青海云杉孕育情状相配潜在踱步区的模拟.植物生态学报, 2011, 35(6): 605-614.

1004)张华*,张勃,赵传燕.黑河上游多年基流变化相配原因分析.地舆酌量, 2011, 30(8): 1421-1430.

1005)荐圣淇,赵传燕*,彭焕华,等.垄断染色示踪与图像处理术酌量根系对泥土大孔隙的影响.兰州大学学报(当然科学版), 2011, 47(5): 62-66.

1006)荐圣淇,赵传燕*,赵阳,等.基于遥感图像处理手艺胡杨叶气孔密度的估算相配生态真谛.生态学报, 2011, 31(17): 4818-4825.

1007)程国栋,赵传燕*,王瑶.内陆河流域丛林生态系统生态水讳疾忌医程酌量.地球科学进展, 2011, 26(11): 1125-1130.

1008)田凤霞,赵传燕*,冯兆东.祁连山区青海云杉林蒸腾耗水估算.生态学报, 2011, 31(9): 2383-2391.

1009)王超,赵传燕*,冯兆东.黑河上游不同流域融雪进程的SRM模拟.兰州大学学报(当然科学版), 2011, 47(3): 1-8.

1010)王瑶,赵传燕*,田凤霞,等.黑河中游春小麦需水量空间踱步.生态学报, 2011, 31(9): 2374-2382.

1011)彭焕华,赵传燕*,冯兆东,等.垄断半球图像法提真金不怕火植被冠层结构特征参数.生态学报, 2011, 31(12): 3376-3383.

1012)许仲林,赵传燕*,冯兆东.祁连山青海云杉林物种踱步模子与变量相异指数.兰州大学学报(当然科学版), 2011, 47(7): 55-63.

1013)曾霞,王彦荣*,胡小文.垂穗披碱草种子的萌生合适温度及温度阈值.草业科学, 2011, 28(06): 988-992.

1014)陈天龙,王彦荣,王宇,张吉宇,刘志鹏*.蒺藜苜蓿EMS诱变突变体库的构建及突变体表型的分析.草业科学, 2015, 32(1):71-77.

1015)陈先江,王彦荣*,侯扶江.草地生态系统温室气体排放机理及影响因素.草业科学, 2011, 28(05): 722-728.

1016)狄红艳,骆凯,张吉宇*,段珍,霍雅馨,王彦荣.基于ITS和trnL-trnF序列的草木樨种群遗传种种性酌量.西北植物学报, 2014, 32(2): 0265-0269.

1017)董德珂,董瑞,刘志鹏,王彦荣*. 532份箭筈豌豆种质资源复叶表型种种性.草业科学, 2015, 32(06): 935-941.

1018)段珍,狄红艳,张吉宇*,霍雅馨,孔令芳.无芒隐子草CsLEA基因超抒发载体和反义抒发载体构建.草业科学, 2014, 31(8):1475-1480.

1019)段珍,张吉宇*,狄红艳,霍雅馨.无芒隐子草PEAMT基因克隆及抒发特质分析 ,西北植物学报, 2014, 34(12):2367-2373.

1020)范树高,王彦荣*,张妙青,刘文件,谢文刚.禾本科牧草种子的落粒性.草业科学, 2013, 30(09): 1420-1427.

1021)冯燕,王彦荣*,胡小文.水分恫吓对幼苗期霸王叶片生理特质的影响.草业科学, 2011, 28(04): 577-581.

1022)冯燕,王彦荣,胡小文*.水分恫吓对两种萧索灌木幼苗孕育与水分垄断效劳的影响.草业学报, 2011, 20(04): 293-298.

1023)管超,张吉宇*,王彦荣,聂斌.春箭筈豌豆野豌豆属四个品种(品系)染色体遗传种种性分析.草业科学,2012, 29(10):1540-1545.

1024)胡小文,王娟,王彦荣*.野豌豆属4训诲物种子萌生的积温模子分析.植物生态学报, 2012, 36(08): 841-848.

1025)黄晓辉,胡小文*,徐宗海,王彦荣.羊草种子就寝和萌生的激素调控酌量.草业学报, 2013, 22(05): 183-189.

1026)黄晓辉,李树成,李东华,王彦荣*.苦豆子和玉米秸秆的羼杂青贮.草业科学, 2013, 30(10): 1633-1639.

1027)霍雅馨,王娜,张吉宇*,张岩,孔令芳. 3种诱变因子对箭筈豌豆种子萌生的影响.草业科学2014, 31(3): 438-445.

1028)贾存智,王彦荣*,李欣勇.施氮对无芒隐子草种子产量的影响.草业科学, 2014, 31(09): 1746-1751.

1029)贾喜涛,刘文件,谢文刚,刘志鹏,刘志敏,王彦荣*.蒺藜苜蓿LBD转录因子基因家眷全基因组分析.西北植物学报, 2014, 34(11): 2176-2187.

1030)贾喜涛,刘文件,谢文刚,刘志鹏,刘志敏,王彦荣*.蒺藜苜蓿LBD转录因子基因家眷全基因组分析.西北植物学报, 2014, 34(11): 2176-2187.

1031)孔令芳,张吉宇*,刘志鹏,王彦荣.无芒隐子草SAMS1基因的克隆及干旱恫吓下的抒发分析.草业学报,2013, 22(1):268-275.

1032)李树成,黄晓辉,王静,李东华,王彦荣*.白花卉木樨与玉米秸秆羼杂青贮的发酵品性及有毒身分分析.草业科学, 2014, 31(02): 321-327.

1033)李欣勇,王彦荣*,贾存智.施尿素对无芒隐子草草坪孕育特质的影响.草业学报, 2014, 23(06): 136-141.

1034)刘鹏,马利超,王宇,刘志鹏*. 16种野豌豆属植物花粉形态的扫描电镜不雅察.草业学报, 2015, 24(1): 107-114.

1035)刘鹏,马利超,王宇,刘志鹏*.野豌豆属牧草种质花粉形态的扫描电镜不雅察.草业科学, 2013, 30(11): 1755-1761.

1036)刘鹏,王彦荣,刘志鹏*.野豌豆属43份牧草种质的染色体形态不雅察与分析.草业科学, 2015, 32(6): 908-926.

1037)刘婷娜,王彦荣*,胡小文.不同海拔垂穗披碱草种子产量相配组成因素.草业科学, 2014, 31(03): 468-473.

1038)刘文件,刘志鹏,谢文刚,王彦荣*.脂肪酸相配养殖物对植物窘境恫吓的反馈.草业科学, 2014, 31(8):1556-1565.

1039)刘勇,王彦荣*.温度和水分对箭筈豌豆幼苗孕育的影响.草业科学, 2014, 31(07): 1302-1309.

1040)刘志敏,刘文件*,贾喜涛,张正社,王彦荣.蒺藜苜蓿LEA基因家眷全基因组分析. 2015, 32(3):382-391.

1041)刘志鹏,张吉宇,王彦荣.紫花苜蓿配子体发育遗传调控的酌量进展.草业学报, 2011, 20(4): 270-278.

1042)罗栋,王彦荣,刘志鹏*.豆科植物裂荚生物学基础的酌量进展.草地学报, 2015, 23(5): 927-935.

1043)骆凯,狄红艳,张吉宇,王彦荣*,李治钱. 19份草木樨种质农艺学与品性性状初步评价.草业科学, 2014, 31(11): 2125-2134.

1044)马利超,王彦荣,刘志鹏*.蒺藜苜蓿花器官特异基因的抒发分析.遗传, 2012, 34(5): 621-634.

1045)闵丹丹,范燕,胡小文*,王彦荣. 35种牧草种子含水量测定方法的酌量.种子, 2015, 34(04): 95-98.

1046)彭岚清,李欣勇,都晓,岳彦红,范树高,李树成,王彦荣*.紫花苜蓿品种根部特质与执久性和生物量的干系.草业学报, 2014, 23(02): 147-153.

1047)邰建辉,王彦荣*,李晓霞,魏学,陈谷.不同掩饰物对无芒隐子草建植的影响.草业学报, 2011, 20(03): 287-291.

1048)陶晓丽,王彦荣,刘志鹏*.牧草叶绿体基因组酌量进展.草业科学, 2015, 32(6): 978-987.

1049)王娟,胡小文,何学青,王彦荣*.不同活力种子的萌生与出苗特质.草业科学, 2011, 28(06): 998-1003.

1050)王彦荣*,杨磊,胡小文.埋藏条目下3种干旱萧索植物的种子就寝开释和泥土种子库.植物生态学报, 2012, 36( 08): 774-780.

1051)王宇,刘文件,王彦荣,刘志鹏*.蒺藜苜蓿遗传转化体系酌量进展.草业科学, 2014, 31(3): 504-511.

1052)王玉青,余玲,张建全,曾彦军,王彦荣*.沙蓬种子的生存力测定和就寝打消方法.草业科学, 2012, 29(06): 955-959.

1053)夏曾润,杜凤凤,李偲,张吉宇*,刘勇,霍雅馨,孔令芳.紫花苜蓿EMS突变体库的构建和形态学性状飘扬.草业学报, 2014, 23(2): 215-222.

1054)谢文刚,刘文件,张建全,王彦荣*.牧草分子遗传连锁图谱相配应用酌量概述.草业科学,2014, 31(6):1147-1159.

1055)杨红善,王彦荣*,常根柱,周学辉,包文生.牧草的航天诱变酌量.中国草地学报, 2015, (01): 104-110.

1056)杨景宁,王彦荣*. NaCl恫吓对四种萧索植物种子萌生的影响.草业学报, 2012, 21(05): 32-38.

1057)杨景宁,王彦荣*. PEG模拟干旱恫吓对四种萧索植物种子萌生的影响.草业学报, 2012, 21(06): 23-29.

1058)岳彦红,都晓,王彦荣*,彭岚清,余玲. 35个10龄紫花苜蓿品种的执久性相比.草业学报, 2014, 23(01): 58-64.

1059)张建全,王彦荣*.胡卢巴生物生态学特质及种质资源酌量进展.兰州大学学报(当然科学版), 2012, 48(06): 94-101.

1060)张建全,谢文刚,王彦荣*.栽培密度对胡芦巴分娩性能和生物量分拨的影响.安徽农业科学, 2013,41(34): 13133-13135.

1061)张建全,张吉宇,王彦荣*,韩天文.高寒草甸退化草地引种顺应性.草业科学, 2014, 31(04): 744-753.

1062)张建全,张吉宇,王彦荣*,李竣成.黄土高原4种豆科牧草分娩性能及根系发育特征.草地学报, 2013, 21(05): 965-970.

1063)张磊,刘志鹏,王彦荣*.箭筈豌豆AGAMOUS同源基因相配运转子的克隆和分析.作物学报, 2011, 37(10): 1735-1742.

1064)张磊,刘志鹏,张吉宇,张妙青,王彦荣*.箭筈豌豆甘油醛-3-磷酸脱氢酶基因片断的克隆及序列分析.草业科学, 2011, 28(05): 753-757.

1065)张妙青,王彦荣*,张吉宇,刘志鹏,张磊,聂斌,周晶.垂穗披碱草种质资源滋生有关特质遗传种种性酌量.草业学报, 2011, 20(03): 182-191.

1066)张妙青,张吉宇,刘志鹏,王彦荣*,张磊.垂穗披碱草MADS-box基因WM8克隆及分析.草业学报, 2012, 21(04): 141-150.

1067)张瑞,李廷山,胡小文*,王彦荣.窄叶野碗豆种子的就寝与发芽特质.西北植物学报, 2014, 34(01): 135-142.

1068)赵旭红,姜旭,赵凯,赵希花,殷锦,谢文刚*.低垂粒老芒麦种质筛选及农艺性状概括评价.植物遗传与资源学报,2015 , 16(4): 691-699.

1069)周晶,王彦荣*.东说念主工老化处理对垂穗披碱草种子活力见识的影响.草业科学, 2011, 28(07): 1275-1279.

1070)周晶,王彦荣*.种子半透层酌量进展.西北植物学报, 2012, 32(09): 1928-1934.

1071)王萍,李金花*,寇淑娴,高荣庆.亚峻岭草甸弃耕地归附演替进程中泥土微生物种种性酌量.中国科技论文在线极品论文. 2011,4(5):395-402.


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8)李飞,唐德富,李冲,李发弟,乐祥鹏,李万宏,王维民,翁秀秀,汪晓娟,张小雪,董伟.畜牧学基础.兰州,甘肃科学手艺出书社, 2015.

9)沈禹颖主编,杨惠敏副主编,杨倩参编.旱区泥土水分和氮碳营养的酌量及测定.南京,江苏凤凰科学手艺出书社, 2015.

10)李彦忠,南志标.牧草病害会诊看望与赔本评定方法.南京,江苏凤凰科学手艺出书社, 2015.


12)熊友才,焦成瑾,邢更妹.山黧豆生物学.北京,科学出书社, 2013.

13)熊友才、李凤民.阵势变化下旱区农事手艺.兰州,兰州大学出书社, 2014.

14)李彦忠,南志标.牧草病害会诊看望与赔本评定方法.南京:江苏凤凰科学手艺出书社, 2015.

15)李彦忠,南志标,李春杰,段廷玉.第三十六章草地无益生物防治[M].见:草业科学概论.任继周(主编).北京,科学出书社. 2015, PP731-763.

16)赵振宇,李春杰,段廷玉,李彦忠.草类植物病害会诊手册[M].南京:江苏凤凰科技手艺出书社, 2015.

17)李彦忠.中国农作物病虫害第三版第22单位 牧草病虫害[M].见:中国农作物病虫害第三版.郭予元(主编).北京:中国农业出书社. 2015, PP1146-1180.

18)冯兆东,赵传燕.黄土高原西部的生态环境:夙昔、面前、翌日.兰州萝莉 幻塔,甘肃科学手艺出书社, 2014.
